Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1032: More than reincarnation

The establishment of a brand from scratch requires a lot of effort from three people, three months?

That is absolutely impossible. Any successful brand successfully establishes its own image in the hearts of the people. It will not necessarily be possible in three years, let alone the characteristics of these big brands in the empire-reputation.

Dulin used to give some tailors some suggestions that industrialization can make them more money. They did, but now they have left a pit for themselves.

Behind all the well-known or somewhat well-known clothing brands in the Empire, there is a well-known craftsman who serves either the aristocracy, the royal family, or the money. No matter who they serve, first of all they Very famous.

He is like a tailor who has served the royal family for generations. Today, his brand of ready-to-wear is mild luxury, and the slogan of royal family has doubled in value as soon as it is used.

Consumers believe in the deeper value behind these brands and brands, and they are willing to spend money on these well-known brands to show their wealth and ease.

But Du Lin is not the old tailor, and Dove is not the old tailor. Want to build a competitive clothing brand in the empire and the world in a few months?

Hehe, it's not impossible.

"As long as you can squeeze your own profits, use better materials at the same price, finer workmanship, and stylish design, and reduce the consumer group from the social middle class to the low and proletariat, this will definitely be welcome . "After studying with a few fashionistas for a while, Dove is not too unfamiliar with these things.

She couldn't describe her thoughts in more specific and professional words, but Du Lin understood.

The repositioning of the consumer audience and the small profits but quick turnover. Anyway, all he needs is to provide enough jobs for the state of Abilúo, and he doesn't think about how much money can be made by these garment factories, as long as he can keep the cost.

Before, he always felt that the main force of consumption in society was the middle class, which is indeed the case, so he wanted to create a medium-grade brand that catered to the middle class. The economy of the imperial society is getting better and better, the social dividends are getting more and more, and everyone has become richer than in the past.

For the low-income class and the middle-low-income class sandwiched between the two, they are bound to look to the middle class and use the middle class to promote the sales of this brand, increase the brand value, and become a "popular brand".

This idea actually has no problems from the starting point. It can be said to be a very good choice. It is not difficult to see from the social phenomenon that those willing to loan or become a skilled woman also have to buy a light luxury. Economic Prosperity brings many good things, but also some negative things, such as vanity.

The nature of these vanity appearances is not entirely to compare with each other. It is more to tell people around this way. I can live well. I deserve these brands. My income and social status are rapidly increasing. .

This is also a phenomenon that will inevitably occur in the rapid economic development. In the past two decades, during the period when the empire economy was severely damaged, people were able to eat enough, and having one or two new clothes every year was enough. They will more rationally distribute the actual use of the money in their hands and will not generate excessive consumption, because they cannot afford to waste it.

Nowadays, the wealth that can be freely distributed in the hands has become more and more, and people's strong desire for actual needs has changed into the desire to improve their social level. Then a vanity comparison came into being.

I don't just want to buy these flashy things, I just want to prove that I am doing well.

Under such an atmosphere, the middle class, as the main force of social consumption, will inevitably drive a series of market changes, but Du Lin oversimplifies these things.

Then Dove gave him some suggestions. If he really wants to build a brand that is similar to luxury, then he has to get in touch with fashion and participate in some fashion festivals, such as various types of press conferences in spring and autumn. , And then build a commercial brand in its own name, this is likely to succeed in a year or two.

Fashion circles ... forget it, Du Lin doesn't have that time, but some people do.


I thought that this sister relied on her reputation in the film and television industry to mingle like a fish, and then it was her turn to contribute a part of her power to the family. Will it cause her discomfort?

That is absolutely impossible, she will be very happy.

Du Lin dispelled the previous practice, and then adopted Dove's proposal. Starting from low-end products, this low-end brand will not be listed in his own business directory. This will damage the value of his industry. So he Someone will be arranged to do this.

Busy life can always make people full, it can also be said to be numb, because when night comes, people who are very busy every day will sigh before going to bed. This day is gone!

The next morning, Du Lin was still fighting the dragon in his dream, and the phone rang to wake him up.

He looked at the unlit sky outside the window, then sat up and raised the phone. "Here is Doolin."

An extremely strange voice came from the earpiece. "This is the Oddo Regional Police Station. This is Sheriff Mike. Mr. Durin, do you know a gentleman named Graff?"

Du Lin frowned slightly, took a cigarette lightly from the cigarette case on the bedside table, and said something.

"Mr. Dulin, it is very unfortunate to inform you that your friend, Mr. Graff, was attacked not long ago. He was very injured and has been rescued at Theodore Central Hospital. He left a sentence before the coma, which was to let We tell you this. "

Actually, the local police station in Aldo is unwilling to do this. Who doesn't know who Doulin is?

Perhaps outsiders ’understanding of Doolin is still superficial and his self-promotion, but in addition to the city of Aldo, Kanles also has a city called Tener. They have a more real understanding of Du Lin also understood more.

为了 In order to solve the golden robbery, Mayor Peter also borrowed some elites from the Bureau of Investigation, including a young man named Anpu.

But if they did n’t notify Doolin, and the matter was later known to Doulin, this would make them regret it, so they thought about it and decided to make the call.

"Thank you very much, Sergeant Mike ..., I think I remember." After Dulin hung up the phone, he called the chairman of Aldo's fellow fellow, Peter, who was obviously sleeping, but He couldn't sleep because he was going to figure out what was going on.

About two hours later, Pete called back. "Graff was stabbed several times. It was a while after someone called the police. The hospital found it difficult to handle ..."

Dulin spit out a cigarette lightly, "What happened, who moved his hand?"

Last time Doolin and Graf met because Graf's younger brother, the young man named Seaman, did some wrong things and directed a show of kidnapping. He wanted to get more money from Graf for Your own splurge. Graf himself couldn't rescue Himan, and then found Doolin, who simply helped them solve these problems.

In the final warehouse, Graf awakened Himan's knowledge of the family with his fist of love, and the two brothers returned to their goodness ... a fart.

It turns out that using love can't affect those who have fallen into the abyss. In Pete's investigation, Doolin learned that Seaman germinated not long after he returned, and he argued with Graf many times for this.

According to Pete, the attack was most likely a Himan-led assault aimed at killing Graf and then inheriting his brother's property.

What led to all of this may have something to do with Graf's wife's pregnancy.

According to the current laws of the empire, the division of property is very detailed, which is also related to the outbreak of divorce among many rich people. In order to ensure that their interests are not harmed, these rich people have even promoted the passage of some bills.

One of them is that if someone dies unexpectedly and has no offspring, his pre-marital property will belong to his pre-marital family members, such as his father, mother, siblings, etc., and the property income after marriage will belong to his wife.

But if he has a descendant, all property is owned by that descendant.

Graff's wife is pregnant. This is definitely a huge blow to Seaman. Real life is not a knight novel. After doing so many bad things and being educated by the fist of love, it can make people rehabilitate.

If this can really be done ~ ~ what else does the prison do?

In short, in order to ensure that Graf is no longer an obstacle to her pursuit of freedom, and that the child in the woman's belly should not steal his own source of life, Seaman planned the attack.

I was in the alley next to the apartment where Graf lived. At seven o'clock in the evening, Graf, who went out to buy wine, was robbed while crossing this alley, and then the two young men stabbed him several times.

If it wasn't for a tramp stepping on him, he might have died quietly less than twenty meters away from home.

After Lin hung up the phone, Du Lin sighed, and he asked Pete to handle these things, no matter who it was, he controlled the person first.

Sometimes life is so impermanent. In order to rescue his mother and younger brother, Graf destroyed Doulin's plan and led to the death of many friends during the assassination of Wood. It is precisely because of this incident that Du Lin decided to kick Graf out of his team. A good brother who is not obedient and not smart enough to dare to disobey his orders at the critical moment can only bring disaster to him.

What's even more ridiculous is that Graf had two accidents and had a relationship with his brother. The brother who made him prefer to abandon all his companions, so that he could sit and watch his companions sacrifice and rescue them first!

Life is a reincarnation. No matter what you have done before, there will be a price one day!

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