Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1041: Always with me

Du Lin's footsteps alarmed Ophelia while she was studying. She turned to look at Du Lin in surprise and looked at the direction of the study. "Are you finished?"

The person whom everyone in the Timamont family respects and fears is Magus. Unlike those in common power, those people ca n’t wait for even a dog in their family to be given an official position. This way to inform everyone , Terrible power in his own hands.

Magus is different. There is only one official in the entire Timamont family. Others are operating the family's industry and have not set foot on the political stage.

This is also one of the reasons that some people think that Doolin will be pushed to the front by the Timamont family. He represents the political continuation of Magus.

In fact, this is also a very interesting thing. Magus has been trying to find ways to restrain the rapid expansion of capitalism, but his family, siblings and children have stood firmly in the capital camp.

Perhaps there is no perfect thing in all worlds, including people like Magus, and families like Timamont.

Du Lin nodded, shouted, and walked to Ophelia. The lady was very happy to suspend the cooking class and let the two children do what they wanted to do.

After leaving Imperial Villa One, Ophelia had some sorrow on her face. She opened her mouth a few times, and finally asked, "Uncle him ... are you in a good mood?"

Magus' retirement was facilitated by himself, but for the members of the entire Timamont family, it was difficult to accept and adapt.

In the past many years, they have enjoyed the convenience brought by too many families and Magus reputation. As long as they report the family name of the family named Marmont, they can easily obtain considerable profits.

In the past few months, some members of the family gathering had privately complained about Magus's decision, thinking that he was too selfish, too much pursuit of his "perfection" and thus ignored the needs of the family. Everyone is hurt.

You can be a holy person, but you cannot let everyone be tied up.

These words eventually flowed into Magus's ears, so Ophelia had this question. One was to ask Uncle Magus if he was balanced and stable after losing power, and the other was to criticize his family members. Any ideas?

Of course, the little girl will not have too much thought, and being able to take out a simple greeting to lend out two deeper thoughts is completely a subconscious interpretation of Du Lin's brain.

He quickly returned to God and smiled. "I think Uncle Magus should be very relaxed. Holding anything for more than 30 years is a burden for anyone. He is fine now."

Ophelia put her hand on her chest, exhaled, and the mist was quickly blown away by the wind in front of her. "Well, I'm really worried that my uncle will not adapt."

Such a topic was quickly and naturally suspended, and Ophelia pulled the topic back to the matter of getting married. Their wedding was only a few days later, and the time was a little rushed, but this was also no way out.

Dooling became the governor, and the departure of the protagonist, Magus, needs something to connect, then the wedding is obviously the most suitable way. This wedding is not just an ordinary wedding, but also represents a new generation of leaders of the Timamont family on the stage. The retirement of Magus is just another form to continue to show his political ideas and influence. .

This will leave those who have always supported him with a hint of fantasy and a glimmer of hope that he has not gone far, because Du Lin is still there!

This doomed wedding wasn't going to be too outrageous, and Magus refused to do it on the grounds that he had retired. He only invited some good friends to the Doolin wedding.

The scale of the wedding is not large, but the grade is not low. Among the names, there is the current Prime Minister of the Empire, Kubar.

Thanks to the liberation of religious restrictions by Magus before his retirement, the wedding of Doolin and Ophelia will be held at the Royal Cathedral. It is reported that the Sunset City will send a very luxurious team to host the wedding, of which Includes the current Archbishop, six Cardinals and 28 Bishops, and the Choir of the Sunset City.

People regarded the wedding as a ceremony with a very special meaning. The price of an invitation letter has been priced at 50,000 yuan, and no one has taken it.

The dark sky was still snowing, and the two stopped walking to the welfare home on the edge of the city. Because of the weather, the children were all in the room, and the laughter was lost, making the welfare home look aloof from the outside.

Ophelia suddenly stopped outside the courtyard. She looked at Du Lin, and Du Lin stopped and looked back at her. "What's wrong, what happened?"

She was indescribably cute with the little red face that was frozen in the cold air, bit her lip gently, and nodded hard, "I don't know how to speak ..."

Du Lin turned and asked with a smile, "Can't you even speak to someone who is about to become your husband?"

"I always feel a bit ashamed ...", Ophelia closed her eyes tightly, and then bent her head slightly, then lowered her head. "One thing has been bothering me, please Mr. Du Lin, you must help help me!"

This made Du Lin feel very interesting, and Ophelia rarely used such a formal name-Mr Du Lin to call him, which meant that things in her mouth had exceeded her abilities and were more personal. .

"So, my highness, please tell me what bothers you so much?"

Ophelia glanced durin secretly, her face was a little more rosy, I don't know if it was the cold wind, or some other reason, "I ... I want to borrow a money ..."

The hardest thing to say is just to say the first word, and the next thing is easy to say, not because of courage, but because people will feel that my skin is not as thin as I thought.

In Ophelia's narrative, Doolin understood her distress.

Although it is said to be the periphery of Saint Nurinfantiers, that is, the periphery of the capital, but with the rapid economic growth of the empire and rapid growth in various aspects, the current scale of the capital is no longer sufficient to meet daily needs.

With the permission of the Ministry of Social Services and the Cabinet, the Royal Metropolitan Social Services Bureau decided to expand the entire Royal Metropolis again, expanding the city circle to three kilometers away from the existing urban circle, and the Royal Metropolitan area will more than double.

This means that the place now located on the fringe of the Imperial Capital will soon become the Imperial Capital Central Ring Road, so the land where this welfare institution is located will appreciate rapidly.

The land used by social welfare homes is almost owned by the Ministry of Social Services. Anyone who wants to operate an institution such as a welfare home can get a worthless piece of land from the local social service bureau according to the investment scale. Construction of welfare homes.

But now the land has begun to appreciate in value. As the owner of the land, the Social Service Bureau has issued a notice of relocation to the welfare home, allowing them to move to other places within the time limit, and then redistribute it after the city expansion is completed. Give them a piece of land.

In the process, it can be said that the children of the orphanage will lose their homes and live a life of abundance and displacement. Until the expansion of the city is completed a few years later, there may be new land for them to use.

And during this period, the expenses for welfare home operators will skyrocket. People who are willing to run welfare homes may not have much savings. Except for government subsidies and social donations, in fact, it is not possible for them to obtain any kind of profit from the welfare homes. They only fill in them.

This is a kind of dedication and a spirit that drives the operators of welfare institutions in various places to do this.

Some time ago, the dean and Ophelia talked about this matter. She didn't have enough savings to find a place large enough to arrange all the people elsewhere, and she lacked the funds to transfer the children to the new school.

So she planned to pack all the people living here to other welfare homes, and maybe leave the imperial capital.

This is also a very common thing, because poor management eventually goes bankrupt, and when the welfare home is not taken over, the Social Service Bureau will divert the people in the welfare home that need help to other welfare homes.

After knowing this, Ophelia is very troubled. She likes all the children here and does not want these children who treat each other as a family to be separated. Maybe it will never be possible to meet again.

She wanted to ask Du Lin to borrow a sum of money and then buy the property, at least so that they would not leave here because of changes in the city.

"So ... please." Ophelia looked at Du Lin with a little fear and anticipation, and looked forward to the trial of fate.

Du Lin looked back at the welfare home like a small manor and sighed.

Ophelia's face was full of disappointment and sorrow, and she slowly lowered her head, "No ... is there no way? It's okay, it's okay, maybe ..."

The tears in my eyes were brewing for a while, and Du Lin's warm hands covered her hair. "Making the Royal Highness sad is the sin of every prince ~ ~ I once swear, I must let you To be the happiest person, this is a good opportunity to prove my vow! "

"Ah ..., that's it, I promise you." He rubbed Ophelia's head with a smile, and the silky hair was very good to the touch, making people want to rub it again.

Ophelia suddenly looked up at Du Lin, the tears in her eyes were thrown out by the fierce movement, her excited face turned red, and she seriously discriminated whether Du Lin was joking with her, "Really? Really? I asked if it would cost at least one million to buy the land here. Is it really okay to take out so much money for my waywardness? "

Du Lin took a step forward and hugged the girl with a smile. "Don't forget, you are my princess, and even an angel descending on this world. Do you forget the foundation?"

"I've prepared twenty million for your waywardness!"

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