Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1050: Rapid fermentation

"Come on ... to leave!"

The captain of the expedition left and directed all the members to leave the camp. He carried a travelling bag with two pieces of gold in the head of the child.

When the exploration team returned, they discovered a crack in the canvas on the cart used to transport the ore samples, and immediately realized that there was a big problem.

This exploration team does not belong to the official geological exploration team. They only cooperate with the Imperial Research Institute, some universities and some mining groups. Such exploration teams have at least a dozen camps outside the Yagul Mountains.

Since the discovery of the first huge vein in the Yagul Mountains, research institutes and academic institutions around the world have sent their own exploration teams.

There are not only rich mineral resources here, but also many special geological structures, which are of great significance for studying the development history of this planet.

But no one thought that surprises would appear in front of people so quickly. In the basin known as the Eye of Death, gold ore was actually discovered, which greatly inspired everyone in the exploration team.

After the West Mining Association is finished, the original rules of mineral exploration and mining have been followed. Whoever finds the report and buys the land from the state government and applies for a mining license, whoever is the owner of this mine, Have legal qualifications to dig.

According to the preliminary exploration by the exploration team, the content of this gold mine is enough to shake the whole world. What needs to be done now is to grab the ownership right and then consider how to mine.

This will never be an easy task. Even mining groups with private armed forces cannot go deep into the mining area, let alone an exploration team.

Only by gathering more capital forces will it be possible to mine this gold mine, but the most important thing now is to leave here.

If you don't leave, you will be too late!

They deeply understand how crazy those gold prospectors are. If it were not for the special nature of the exploration team, they would not grab ore with them. The exploration teams of various forces would have been buried in the wilderness.

Now the news of the gold ore may have leaked out, and it is really too late to leave.

The members of the exploration team immediately loaded two pieces of gold ore each and planned to flee the stronghold. However, as soon as the first person went out of the gate, the sound of dense gunfire rang out, and the denseness accompanied by the raindrops hitting the glass. Pop sound.

Everyone's face changed in an instant, too fast, the news spread too fast, and they were not given any time to deal with it.

A geology professor on the team expressed his opinion, "We should surrender, and resist can only stimulate these thugs and make them lose their mind ..."

The professor's words have been recognized by many people. After all, they are not a team under a large organizational force. They came here purely for scientific investigations. There is no difference in principle with these gold prospectors.

But the prospective team leader had some different opinions, or he disagreed.

In the academic world, the leader of a scientific expedition is never an academic researcher. This is important because the job of the leader is not to bring a large number of experts and professors to conduct scientific research, but to provide these scientific researchers with The necessary services and guarantees, they are more like a big housekeeper, or a nanny.

A scientific investigation and exploration team with multiple partners like this is backed by capitalists' funds. The team leader also represents the interests of the management to a certain extent.

After all, they spend so much money on scientific research that may be worthless and rewarding. If they do, they should be the first beneficiaries.

This phenomenon is very common in the scientific research field, and it can be said that scientists cannot do without these capitalists, because the people who really do research are always poor, and every collision of inspiration will consume the only savings in their pockets.

Just like the scientists on Science Island, if it wasn't for Du Lin's helping hand to provide an almost perfect research environment, most of them may need to rely on friends to support their lives.

The idea of ​​the captain is simple. This is an amazing wealth. It is more interesting to have this wealth after leaving here alive than to do research.

Silence, disagreement, and confrontation happened in just ten seconds, and before anyone else responded, the gold rushers outside rushed in to help them make a decision.

Several service providers, including the captain, have been killed. They often appear in the surrounding area. Gold prospectors may not have any better skills to cope with this world, but their natural sense of smell is not bad.

It's obviously the safest way to kill a few people who are most likely to have problems, and to leave those who only know how to do research.

The entire camp was turbulent. These changes were immediately noticed by the major forces, and the news spread quickly.

People here can't hide any news, but in fact those of the exploration team leader died in vain.

Even if they do nothing and actively cooperate with the gold prospectors, these messages will spread quickly. The only difference is that such diffusion will not get a little benefit.

Greed can make people lose their reason, and it can also make people face death.

Du Lin was called by Dove in the middle of the night and looked at the night out of the window blankly. Things came too fast like a tornado. He originally planned to use other methods to make these gold prospectors inward, and then use force to suppress these gold prospectors and develop New rules.

Unexpectedly, God helped him.

He immediately washed his face and called the person in charge of the Land Resources Management Office.

Elsewhere, the main function of this department is to sell land for sale, and to restrict land use restrictions and a series of related issues.

But in the west, the role of this department is to sell land and issue mining resource mining licenses. This is a department with great power and capacity, at least in the west.

The chief of the office is 36 years old and is a member of the New Party. He has an interesting last name, Hill.

He is the sweetness that Du Lin gave to the Hill family. After all, in the past three years, the Hill family has more or less contributed to Du Lin, especially if they are willing and able to bend down and carry Du Lin up. This alone is enough for Du Lin to give them back.

The "young man" who was almost ten years older than Doolin was still a bit restrained when he saw Doolin. He did not complain about how irritable and dissatisfied at the moment when he was called in the middle of the night. You must reconcile your bad temper, which is a well-known criterion.

Du Lin gave him a cigarette, and then said things briefly, the young man took a moment, then reminded Du Lin with some hesitation, "Governor, only two-thirds of the Eye of Death Basin is in Abilu. One third of the state of Austria is not ours. "

This sentence made Du Lin also hesitate for a moment. He pondered for a moment and pointed to the young man. "From this moment on, the entire basin is ours, and I will fix it."

"In addition, you tomorrow ... no, leave later, do n’t go home, go back to the emperor directly, no matter who called you, put pressure on them, push them to me, let them come to me. You have to stay in the emperor I wo n’t be back until at least one month, understand? "

Young people do n’t understand. In his opinion, this is a very good opportunity. If Doolin develops gold resources in the Eye of Death Basin in the name of the state government of Abilúo, let alone provide free educational resources, it is all Public resources are also free of charge. Why does Du Lin not think of this?

He didn't know if he should remind Du Lin, and he didn't know if Du Lin had other ideas. After all, those things were so tempting. Even the first time he heard the news, he couldn't restrain the breeding. Some terrible ideas.

After arranging what the young man needs to do next, Doolin let him go.

At this time Du Lin was sitting alone in the study, Dove made a pot of coffee for him, and then stood quietly aside.

Du Lin drank coffee while drinking coffee, and bitterness accompanied him back to refresh his spirits.

This is an unprecedented good opportunity. It is very likely that the entire group of gold prospectors will collapse and become a past tense.

These gold prospectors who can lose everything for money do not have any position in themselves, but the gold mine discovered this time has made each of them stand on a unique standpoint--selfishness and self-interest.

Why the two state governments before Doolin had no way to take gold prospectors, because they had no position at all.

Anyone who wants to occupy more resources and create unfairness will be wiped out.

It is ridiculous to say that there are no gang forces in the camp where more than 300,000 people live outside Mount Yagul!

Some gang forces have migrated in the past, and even some gold prospectors have spontaneously formed organizations, but these gang organizations have been killed because they want to make rules and take away the interests of others ~ ~ So they're all done.

The gold diggers got a unified position in the next moment, and then this position disappeared.

But now, the emergence of gold mines has given them a constant position, meeting the prerequisites for them to self-destruct.

Du Lin will not approve anyone to buy the Death Eye Basin, nor will it give anyone an official mining certificate. He just wants to make it mess up there, let all the gold diggers fight each other there, and create hatred!

But just letting them ferment themselves is not enough. He also needs to push one to make the conflict break out faster.

"Call me Savi and let him come over immediately ..." Du Lin extinguished the cigarette **** in his hand and ordered it from behind the dark desk.

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