Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1052: confusion

Mr. Du Lin, who did not make headlines on the news for a week, really made many loyal readers of the newspaper miss him. He always appeared handsomely on the front page and said some amazing words.

Some time ago, people were still arguing about whether free education should be introduced into the entire empire from Abilúo, and even written into the Basic Law and Charter. I did not expect that a week has passed, but Mr. Doolin has not made a headline yet.

what happened?

No one knows what happened, and most people's attention soon turned to the westernmost part of the west with a report. The 61% of the imperialists in Abiluo were not aware that the empire had this state. State.

It's a bit of a mouthful, but it's a fact. Sixty-one percent of the empires don't know that there is a state called Ambilo. Maybe everyone in Ambilo should join together to give Turin a certificate of merit. It is known that the empire also had a state called Ambiluo.

Since the discovery of the gold mine, the overall security situation in Abilúo has risen by eighteen points. This has never been the case in the past. Some towns have started walking in the middle of the night. In the past this was simply impossible.

A large number of criminals and gangs have begun to flock to the Yagul Mountains. More and more people are willing to become gold prospectors. Joining this wealth feast, which belongs to gold prospectors only, makes many places want to find a roaming street. Gang members have become very difficult.

Where people can't see, Mr. Du Lin has been very busy. He keeps refusing anyone and any force to apply for the purchase of the Eye of Death Basin, citing the absence of officials responsible for land sales and mining licenses. All their permits for gold mining were rejected.

What a joke, the sudden emergence of gold mines has provided Du Lin with convenience that cannot be described in words. Many of the planning guidelines that need further planning appear the best solution in an instant, not to mention that it is impossible for anyone now. Ways of various licenses.

Even in the future, Doolin does not intend to give anyone a way to mine, that thing is the territory of the state of Abilúo, and of course it should be led by the state government.

Du Lin's resolute attitude made people realize that it is absolutely impossible to mine these gold mines on a large scale in a short period of time. Therefore, major mining groups, including some investment banks and non-mineral industry consortia, have targeted their goals. Here.

Isn't it approved?

Very good, then we dig crazy.

The ideals are full, but the reality is very skinny. Gold prospectors are even more extreme in large-scale mining. As long as large machinery enters the mountains, they are immediately destroyed. Which company brand is not used.

In just a week, the gunfire in the Yagul Mountains has not stopped, and every minute and second can hear a clear gunfire from somewhere.

This place has become a paradise for gold prospectors. Everyone who has survived has huge gains. As long as they are not afraid of death, they can still survive when they drill into the Eye of Death basin.

In order to protect the interests of this large group of gold prospectors, almost all the gold prospectors silently abide by this hidden rule. Want to mine?

Buy from a gold digger, or trade for it.

How could those giant companies be desperately fighting with some mud-dog dogs and can only buy gold mines in their camps, which has also fueled the momentum of gold prospectors.

In the evening, the shutter door was knocked open again. Old John limped in from the outside with a strong breath of death. He raised his hand and arranged a few banknotes on the table, and then silently stepped on it. floor.

It took him four days to come out alive from the Death Eye Basin. He killed many people and was chased down by many people along the way, but he returned fortunately alive.

A pocket of gold ore has been exchanged for more than 700 pieces. If there is not a bag left in the middle of the road to survive and be thrown away, his income will be higher.

The bartender glanced at the money on the bar, silently put his hand into the cash drawer, and then pulled the rope.

The bell on the second floor rang, and the two heavily armed cowboys stepped aside. "There is a window near the door. You can see the girl inside. If anyone needs to wait, believe me, soon."

The two laughed while posting books. These girls were transferred from other places by their bosses. Each of them has extremely high skills. Not to mention ordinary people, even a little capable person can't fight them. ten minutes.

A minute a minute or even a few dollars a minute, this money is so profitable!

Old John glanced at each of the small windows, and then chose room number three. The girl inside was very enthusiastic to help him put on his combat suit, and then slaughtered.

I have to say that these girls have very good fighting skills. They can always anticipate the enemy and use their excellent fighting experience to quickly defeat every warrior who comes to challenge. This also makes their fame continue to grow and attract More experts come to ask for advice.

It was shameful that Old John was crawled to the ground in only five minutes. Sitting on the edge of the platform, he still had no idea what to do, ten dollars ... even if it was gone?

He smiled and changed back to ordinary clothes, pushed the door and limped back to the first floor. He asked for a glass of good wine and drank it in a long breath.

There are not many guests in the bar, only three or two, more deserted than ever.

The bartender asked, "What's going on inside?"

The old John froze slightly, and then smiled a bit bitterly, "all killed crazy, especially a few open-pit mines, where the gold is red."

He took the wine glass and drank it again, and slammed it on the bar. The empty glass on the bar jumped with great force. "I don't think they went in to mine. They just went in to kill people. It ’s more dangerous than before, let alone when it comes out. "

"A lot of people don't go deep into the basin and wait on the way back to the city ~ ~ As long as someone brings the ore, they will start."

"I came across six waves when I came back from the path. I killed nine and fled back. They were all crazy!"

The bartender was silent for a while, and he did not expect that the situation inside would be so bad, and then asked with a little concern, "Your legs?"

Old John patted the faltering leg and shrugged indifferently. "I'm lucky, the doctor said that if the muzzle was raised by 20 cm, I would be dead."

"I lost only one leg, but many people have lost their lives. Compared to those people, I can make money!"

The bartender pours wine for the old John for the third time. "Are you planning to go in anytime soon?"

Old John shook his head. "No, this situation is very wrong, and wait, it will definitely change."

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