Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1065: Mental retardation

Du Lin's plan to use the film to promote the tourism industry in Ambiloo is not new to these mayors. The role of public opinion and publicity has long been clear, but the only problem now is the lack of a complete plan. , And money to implement the plan.

"I introduce a generous friend to let everyone know ...", Du Lin raised his hand and tapped on the conference table a few seconds later, and Henry, dressed neatly, pushed in.

This guy's mental appearance is very good. Since he divorced his original wife, the whole person seems to be alive, and there is no plan to get married recently. The little star has become a big star. She wants to marry Henry. But Henry seemed to have a fear of marriage.

The object of Henry's first marriage was John George's only daughter. This was a commercial marriage. Two men and women who had not seen each other several times became husbands and wives because of family needs.

Such a marriage has nothing to do with rotten love, so it is silent and terrible, and even the behavior of breeding offspring is more boring and passionless.

It must be that they must know each other very well and be very loving in front of people.

In such a marriage, Henry was already a bit afraid of marriage. In addition, he and Doolin are well-known good friends, and his status in the family has steadily improved. The power to marry or not to marry is entirely in his possession. In your own hands.

The only thing that makes people interesting is the star girl. When the relationship between them was the best, Henry once proposed to him under the impulse. I think this funny girl is the most hopeful partner in her future life.

But the girl refused. A clever girl knew how to maintain her own value, and refused to hold back, but not bluntly, but justified that she was not ready now, hoping to consider it later.

Henry was disappointed, but calmed down. It was not impossible to marry a female star, but he felt that he was still young and there was no need to lose his life because of a momentary impulse. Instead, the star girl was a little anxious.

The two had a quarrel before, and then Henry called Du Lin to talk to him, mainly the content of the complaint.

It happened that Du Lin seized the opportunity to let him go to Abiluo.

So Henry stumbled to Ovisto and stood here.

"I believe that even if I don't introduce it, everyone knows his name and identity ..." Du Lin smiled and asked Henry to sit beside him. "Henry, the second heir of the Knight family."

The mayors nodded one after another. The Knight family has a very stupid but very lucky child that has become a joke that is not a joke. Not everyone can get the friendship of Doolin. This is a miracle for many people. .

"My next idea is to create a 'Western World' series of films centered on the state of Ambilo. Each city will make a separate film. These films will be filmed by Mr. Henry. At the same time, the developer of the tourism resource, Henry He will also make a certain amount of investment. "Du Lin looked at Henry, and he knew very well what he should say.

What Du Lin told him last night, he had the secretary write it down and wrote a short speech and recited it. He swears in his mother's name that he has never been so serious.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for giving me such an opportunity, and I am also very willing to help Abiluoao to contribute his own power in publicity ..."

Du Lin looked at Henry. To be honest, this idiot has a good skin. He doesn't have the handsome and handsome style. He is more of a temperament, "I ’m not only rich but also stupid." Exuding bursts of golden light.

Coupled with his identity background and his social circle, he is the most authentic portrayal of the upper class in the Empire.

In the film and television industry, Henry has amazingly pioneered a "stupid person with more money and more speed" business model. In addition to the designated starring and director, a series of things including supporting actors, scripts, and so on are handed over to the six major companies to take charge, The most popular "packaging business" is born, and it is also the most suitable for the rich who have nowhere to spend.

The box office of the movie released in the second half of last year was good. In addition, this movie became the first movie ever released on the TV on-demand channel in addition to the theater line. The box office was very impressive and Henry made a lot of money.

This made him pay attention to the film and television industry, and he has become the hottest master in the film and television industry.

So even if Du Lin didn't have this plan, Henry would continue to try to invest in the film and television industry. Anyway, he always spends money, why not let him spend money on his own affairs?

It's a good idea, it's the same for Doolin, it's the same for Henry.

In Henry's narrative, he very intuitively described some of his ideal western world. It is no longer a simple western film, but a series of western world movies. Under the same world view, he interprets a legendary western story on the timeline.

In addition, eight cities have created eight "heroes" and a series of villain characters. Perhaps this will be the first series in the history of Empire film to explicitly put forward the concept of "heroes".

There are gold owners willing to invest, including the subsequent development of tourism resources. It is not a problem, which makes the eight mayors smile to varying degrees.

For mature politicians, spending money on others' faces is probably their best thing.

In such a friendly atmosphere, under the witness of Doolin, the eight cities and Henry signed a series of contracts to lay a key foundation for the take-off of tourism in Ambiloo.

After the meeting, Du Lin and Henry came to Du Lin's governor's office. Henry was silent here, pinched there, and very interested in the antlers and bear head specimens hanging on the wall of Du Lin's office.

"How much is this stuff? Get me a few, too, so big." After he sat down, he made a small request, so Du Lin always felt that the equation that Henry is equal to mental retardation is not a nonsense. .

A capitalist in front of a governor told him to make two specimens of the same size as those on the wall in the governor's office. Such a person can live to this day only to say that the empire's society is tolerant.

"You're happy ...", Du Lin shook his head. "After you go back, you can contact Nasha. This time the TV station will also fund cooperation. There are a few good young actors on her side, which is very suitable for this shooting plan. . "

Nasha had already talked with Du Lin about this matter, of course, the way of talking was not about Du Lin's plan this time, but whether the TV station was able to make movies on its own.

The theater line of Nasha and the on-demand channels of TV stations occupy almost all the channels directly facing the audience. If the TV stations can make their own films for release and release, the profits will be much more than the co-production.

In addition, there are many outstanding students in the Academy of Performing Arts these years. It is impossible to let them shoot TV dramas for the middle and high-class class on TV. They should also be given the opportunity to shoot movies and face the whole society.

It just so happened that taking this opportunity to push out a few young people was a breeze.

"No problem, I'm only responsible for paying for the money, and other things are left to you." Henry agreed very easily, which is why Du Lin is willing to be friends with him.

After a short pause, Henry asked hesitantly, "I don't know if I have an idea, maybe you can give me some advice."

Du Lin nodded slightly and motioned him to continue, and then he continued to say, "I want to hold a worldwide film selection committee ..."

At present, the various awards of the Empire are actually small and trivial. The biggest one is the "Empire Starlight Award". This award is known as the most authoritative filmmaker award of the Empire. In fact, the organizers are the six major companies, the Imperial Academy of Arts. It is a co-organizer, so it gives a very formal and authoritative concept.

In fact, the Imperial Academy of Art does not participate in the selection at all. Each time the six major companies hold this selection event, they will donate 600,000 yuan to the maintenance and maintenance of artworks.

This time Henry quarreled with his girlfriend because of this award. It was no surprise that his girlfriend lost to Kinsale in four awards. She thinks that the main reason for this result was that Henry did not Make efforts in this regard.

He could use his connections to influence the outcome of the selection, and say hello to his good friend Du Lin, leaving her a consolation prize more or less.

As a result, she worked hard for a year, and continuously attended various social activities. The last hair was missing. She escorted her all the way, which made her mentality a little cracked.

Any man who is said to be useless by a woman is bound to get angry, but he can't get angry with Du Lin, and he doesn't dare.

He did not dare to get angry with Kinsale. The guy was Sister Du Lin, and Du Lin would kill him.

So he just started a new stove and set up a selection campaign by himself. Whenever he wants to win, he will win for anyone.

"It's ok ~ ~ Dulin gave Henry an answer with almost no thinking," Not only can you try to operate it, but you can spend more time and money to do it, which will affect you and yours. Your father and brother are all good, and the benefits after success will exceed your imagination. "

If the Federation wanted to turn the Federal Shield into a currency in circulation in the world was an economic aggression against the whole world, then think about it the other way and exporting the culture of the empire to the world is also an aggression and cultural aggression. And aggression of values.

This method of aggression will not bring about any actual serious military collision, it is very peaceful and very effective.

The identification of culture and the identification of values ​​is actually a terrible thing, but most people don't understand it now.

Dulin, who is determined to be the Prime Minister of the Empire, will certainly encourage Henry to do this. This is good for the Empire, and no harm for him!

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