Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1067: I am a mediator

Maybe the governor's job in the developed area will be very busy, and the work in the state of Abilúo is relatively leisurely.

There are not too many disputes, and the residents living here are also very satisfied with their current lives. Naturally, no disputes can alarm the governor. This will make Du Lin's work not too busy and enough time. Answer the phone.

"Here is the governor's office of Ambiluo ...", Dove, who had just been promoted to governor's secretary, answered the phone not long before he knocked on the door and made a phone gesture.

Du Lin, who was reading the newspaper, picked up the phone and pressed the next channel, "I'm Du Lin ..."

The person on the other end of the phone didn't say anything immediately. The earphone could hear the rapid breathing sound over there. After about ten seconds, when Du Lin was about to hang up the phone, there was a voice inside. .

"I think ... you might want to come to the Imperial City because of this ... I can't believe it!", Natiya's voice was a little hoarse, and she could hear her emotions collapsed. Du Lin frowned and said After a good sound, I stroked a few words and hung up the phone.

The current situation in the entire state of Ambiloo is very good. Farmers and cowboys here want to catch a sum before spring plowing. Those unregistered gold diggers have been stabbed by chickens, and have almost disappeared from Ambiloo .

In the eyes of those who seek gold as free as the wind, Ambiluo has become a horrible hell, especially in the policy issued by Doolin, regardless of whether it is a life or a death. The gold digger chose to kill as soon as possible.

In the words of these farmers and cowboys, nothing is more pleasing than the dead prey.

In addition, other work is being carried out in an orderly manner, and Du Lin has time to go to the Imperial City.

After he asked Dove to book a ticket, he left that afternoon.

With the continuous development of Imperial technology, the improved steam locomotive power components and catalysts are sufficient to provide more powerful power. It takes less than ten hours from the westernmost part of the Empire to the center of the Empire. This is a huge leap forward. .

Today, the entire empire is preparing for the construction of new railways. The railway network in the past has been unable to meet the needs of current social mobility, which also made Doolin consider whether to establish an in-state railway network in Abiluo.

Perhaps Henry would be interested in the investment, and he thought so.

At about one o'clock in the evening, Du Lin had arrived at the Imperial Capital, and a hotel not far from his station had settled down. At this time, neither Nitya nor Melissa should have fallen asleep.

During the day he could hear Nateya's mood breaking down a bit, and disturbing her rest now was not a smart choice.

The next morning, he contacted Natia first, then drove to Oak Bay Villa. (Here are some descriptions of some of the bodyguards and bulletproof cars accompanied by Du Lin. Guoban 1573 Note)

As soon as the door of the villa was opened, Natia sat tiredly on the sofa, and Melissa sat on the other side. There was no communication between the mother and daughter, and she did not even want to look at each other.

The indifference between the two people could even be sensed by Du Lin, he went to the sofa and sat down, "What happened?"

Nateya looked uncomfortable. She shook her head and did not speak. Du Lin had to hand over the same question to Melissa, and Melissa kept silent, which made Du Lin feel more inexplicable.

He took a cigarette and always felt weird. Since everyone didn't want to talk, he just shut up.

About ten minutes later, Melissa suddenly poked Du Lin's calf with her toes, and asked hoarsely, "Last time, did you remember what you said to me?"

Du Lin tilted his head for a moment. For a person with more things, he could not remember every detail of his life. This point was captured by Melissa, she reminded.

"That means I can make mistakes and be allowed ..."

After such a reminder from her, Du Lin quickly remembered that. He did say that morning that sixteen or seventeen was the most beautiful age in a person's life. At this age, not only was his body young enough, but his mind was young.

Young minds represent fearlessness and will not surrender to society and the world. It is the nature of this age and their power to make mistakes.

If you ca n’t make some mistakes in your youth, it will be very scary for people, because they will regret when they are old, and regret why they did n’t even have the courage to hide their regrets in their hearts, It takes years to ferment, and there will still be a feeling of heartache until decades later.

But making mistakes will not make mistakes made when you are young, and you wo n’t become a terrible regret when you are old. Instead, you will be filled with intoxicating fragrance because of the conditioning of the years. It is not a heavy hate, but a kind of youthful youth Nostalgic memories, golden memories flashed a great pride, I also challenged fate, even if I lost to fate in the end, I was defeated.

He nodded, and Melissa had a smile on her face. "I'm pregnant. I've been very hesitant. Until a few days ago, I was very hesitant."

"I used to think of letting him leave this world, but when I felt his heart connected to my blood, and our heartbeats reflected each other, I made a decision, and I wanted to give him birth."

"Maybe I did something I shouldn't do for a short time, but God told us that every life is innocent. We can't kill an innocent life because of our preferences, and he is still my child!"

"I will give birth to him, even if I have to face other people's comments and even verbal abuse, this is my insistence as a prospective mother, and I will continue to do so."

These words were not actually spoken to Du Lin, but to Natia, and the little girl's stubborn performance was vivid.

Of course, seeing different things from different angles will have different results. The persistence of the girl is rebellious in Nadia ’s view. She does not understand the cruelty of the society, and she does not understand the life experience taught to her as a mother. Natia was even more angry ~ ~ She looked at Melissa, calm and terrible. "But you told me that you don't even know who the child's father is!"

"Do you know what these words mean?"

"I don't want my child to ... become ... a girl like that, do you understand?" Natya shouted hysterically, "You have saved the greatest sin, and God will not forgive you . "

Du Lin pouted his mouth and extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray. He looked at Natiya and said, "I'll talk to Melissa. The situation may change a bit." After he said that, he stood up, He took Melissa up to the second floor, and after closing the door, he looked very relaxed and wanted to make the girl a little easier. "Well, we do n’t talk about that, I swear I wo n’t tell Na Tiya, what did we talk about, so can you tell me who the father of the child is? "

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