Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1069: rumor

Rani has always thought that Doolin is a good person, especially in this general election, to help him sit in his current position.

Today, the chief executives of other government departments at all levels are constantly changing, and he can still be so smart, mainly thanks to the tax inspection of the seven major casinos in Otis.

At that time, many people thought that Rani had fallen to the old party, otherwise he would not use the most important taxpayer in the Otis special administrative area of ​​the New Party when he was in power as the target.

Some even said that Rani had broken up with Magus, Dooling and others, and desperately made mad and wrong moves in order to show his position to the old party.

But what happened?

The new party has stepped down, the old party has stepped up, and his **** has never been moved. This also makes Rani think that he can enter the old party's eyes and still sit in this important position because he checked Otis The city's seven major casinos have a tax and unveiled a huge shady tax evasion.

In view of the shameful tax evasion, in the end of Magus's reign and in the two months after Kubar took office, the Imperial Taxation Administration submitted four bills to the Imperial Parliament, all of which were passed.

The main content of these bills is to clarify the obligation to pay taxes, as well as tax grading systems and standards, to increase penalties for tax evasion enterprises, and to give local taxation bureaus greater powers of law enforcement.

Originally, Raney did not think that the bill he had submitted would pass because everyone knew that the hardest hit area of ​​the Empire's tax resistance was on the site of the old party.

But who would have thought that the one who pushed the bill through the imperial parliament to pass the bill was actually the leader of the old party, His Excellency Kubar.

All four of Raney's proposals were passed to give many people unlimited reveries, especially the role of Kubar here is very important, so that people can not help but not connect some of the previous rumors with Raney, this guy is really down To the old party.

In short, he felt that thanks to Du Lin, he managed to escape by accident.

He always wanted to repay Du Lin, but he couldn't find any suitable opportunity. After all, Du Lin is not the former Du Lin. He is the governor of Ambiluo!

The title of imperial tax director sounds very powerful. The taxation of the entire empire is managed by Rani, but only Rani himself knows that his status in politics is similar to that of the mayor and state legislator.

Only within his own scope of authority, is it slightly useful, leaving the scope of taxation, he is really not as good as a big mayor.

Du Lin was able to call him. In fact, he was very happy. It is an uncomfortable thing to owe other people's favor on the political stage, because you do n’t know when you will be asked to repay this favor, and do something you do n’t want. Things to do.

"Is there anything I can do for you? His Excellency the Governor ?!", Rani speaks very well, and the officials working in the Imperial City speak very well. He did not directly call Doolin's name, which seems a bit too indifferent, but rather the Governor This shows Du Lin's different status and status in the past, and brings a touch of teasing closeness between friends, which is actually the most suitable.

Du Lin laughed and said softly, "Indeed, I may need some help from the Director General. You know that although the economy is not very developed in Abilúo, the state government's determination to pay taxes is the same as in other regions. of."

"Payment of taxes is the obligation of every citizen and every enterprise. We cannot pay taxes in accordance with the law because of problems in the economic construction of our region."

"I noticed that the taxation work in Ambiloo state is in a deadlock, so I hope that the Director General can strengthen the taxation system in Ambiloo state, and also recover some companies that have owed taxes in the past, and The current laws of the Empire impose reasonable and legitimate penalties. "

Du Lin did not mention "individual" in his words, and Rani quickly understood what he meant. This was definitely not a embarrassment for him, and even Du Lin was helping him.

The west has never been an empire's tax bag. The honest farmers and cowboys speak very well, but the weapons in their hands are a bit irritable, which causes too much trouble for tax officials.

Want to withdraw money from the hands of farmers and cowboys?

Unless he passes from their bodies!

This is not what Rani thinks about, but the farmers and cowboys holding guns to the tax officials.

In the rugged western world and the previous large social environment, the Imperial Taxation Administration gradually gave up the work of collecting taxes in the west and was willing to pay the taxes and mail the money to the taxation offices of other states.

If you do n’t want to pay, do n’t let it go. No one is in charge anyway.

Now Du Lin is willing to support him to reopen the situation in Abilúo. Once this is done, the credit will definitely fall on him.

It was him, His Excellency the Director General of the Imperial Taxation Bureau, who resolved some historical issues and made outstanding contributions to a healthy tax system. He was able to sit in this position for a longer period of time.

After a brief exchange of information about each other's work and the current political climate of the imperial capital, the two hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Du Lin stood on the windowsill and looked at the spring outside the window. After a while, he shook his head with a smile.

Coubar was not calm.

From his conversation, he learned that the most lively place of the imperial capital during this period was the Empire Parliament Building and Cabinet. In just three months after Kubar took office, the Empire Parliament passed a total of 17 bills.

Such a situation was impossible at all during the period of Magus's administration. Every bill was submitted and passed for at least another six months to a year's investigation period. During this period, many hearings have to be passed. Legislators need to inform the society. Why do people from all walks of life have such an idea, for whom does the bill submitted serve, what kind of changes will this society bring, and will there be any serious consequences?

But the 17 bills passed during this period obviously did not complete the process ~ ~ passed.

Kubar is too eager to prove himself during his administration. He may not be better than Magus, but at least not too bad.

His strong desire for expression and pursuit has made him lose his consideration. Of course, this is only the guess of Du Lin here. There is also a possibility that the old party has been suppressed by the new party for so many years. It will only appear once the outbreak wants to realize its wish An eruption period.

But anyway, at least Magus is still in the capital, and even if he is a little impatient, there will be no problems in the general direction.

A few days later, in some public places in the state of Abilúo, some gossip began to spread. The Chamber of Commerce shielded entrepreneurs who violated the law and tried to give the newly appointed Governor Doolin a little color!

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