Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1086: That year the spring breeze blew at you and I pointed at the distant laughter,

The imperial central bank's one-touch retreat has left many people unintelligible. It seems that the imperial central bank may be watching the chamber of commerce in a swamp to protect itself, but this is not the case.

下 After work in the evening, Kubar could not help but ran to Magus's manor again.

他 Since he became the first person in the empire, he has had more opportunities to meet with Magus than ever before.

He even reminded his close friends carefully that going to Magus too many times was actually not good.

But it doesn't work. This empire is far less manageable than people think.

I used to look at Magus as a prime minister who seemed to be able to handle everything, but when it was his turn to become prime minister, everything would be a headache.

It's so light that it won't work.

I have done it, and some people will complain.

Coupled with capitalists, new parties, old parties, and increasingly active royalists and three princes, Kubar sometimes feels that most of the time is difficult, except when it is cool to be known as "the Prime Minister."

He needs to exchange more experience with Prime Minister Magus. For more than 20 years, he has all the experience and skills needed by Kuba, plus they are already very close friends. He ignored it.

When I arrived at Magus's manor, I just stepped on the dinner. The Emperor finished the meal a little later than people in other places, and started to eat dinner at about eight o'clock.

Emperor Yundi was the center of empire politics, economy and culture, and elites from all levels of society gathered here, especially after a period of time after work became the peak of entertainment.

It ’s not just eating, drinking, and drinking. Most of the time, I'm looking for a quiet club. In a more private room, everyone wants a pot of coffee, tea, and the like to talk about personal matters.

This will cause a lot of people's meal time to be seriously delayed, so the dinner time of the Emperor is later than people in other places.

Nothing to care about, Prime Minister Cooper sat directly at the dining table. "Dear, are there extra cutlery?" He watched Vineka cheekily ask for a set of tableware, and Vineka smiled. Gave him a set.

薇 For Veneca at this moment, just like it was decades ago, the three young people are together every day, talking about the vision of the future and yearning for life.

Magus grinned, and the three began to dine.

"I think you should give me some meals. This month you have come four more days than last month. Except on Mondays and weekends, you almost always dine here with me.", Magus spread napkins Well, I joked and complained, "I'm retired. My retirement pay section can't support me to raise an extra mouth!"

Kubar was not ashamed, and embarrassed after being ridiculed and sarcastic as the Prime Minister. He indifferently put a piece of grilled chicken **** on his own plate, and said, "I will give someone a gift tomorrow A cow came ... "He chewed a few muscles and raised the fork in Yang's hand." Yes, there are twenty chickens! "

Magus looked at his wife and shrugged. "So I keep saying that he's an asshole!"

薇 For the irony and irony of each other, Veneca has long been accustomed to. This is an alternative friendship they have developed over decades. If you don't ridicule each other, you won't be able to sleep at night.

After the three of them talked about laughing and smiling, Veneca went back to watch TV, which is one of the reasons for her increasing love for Du Lin.

Dulin not only loves her pastries, but also makes such fun and convenient family entertainment activities, which makes her look forward to new TV shows every day. She has never felt as fulfilled as she is now.

Two men entered the study. The mansion of Magus was originally located on the outskirts of the capital. With the expansion of the capital, he was already on the edge of the city circle of the capital. To be honest, he was not sure whether it would be here after a few years. It becomes the center of the imperial capital.

时代 After all, the times are always developing. The area of ​​the imperial capital has expanded three times, each time making a group of people become super rich for a moment.

I asked the housekeeper to send a pot of scented tea without asking for pastry, and then closed the door.

Two satiety men sit on the sofa and relax especially.

"I really did not expect that a person's guts and ability could actually leverage the chamber of commerce and the central bank ..." After a short break, Coubar began to complain about his job, "You know how many people have passed various Channel contact me? "

His expression was very serious. "At least ten phone calls or more, those who are blocked outside may be more. I can hardly imagine where he has such great courage and ability. Does he know what he is doing? ? "

Said Kubal shook his head, "I found that when we were together, that was the young man, was he your illegitimate child? Why can I see the shadow of you in his youth?"

马 Magus was a very restless person when he was young, or all capable people would not be so restless when he was young.

If he had settled down, there would not have been a secret society that had aimed at overthrowing royal rule.

Coubar's words made Magus laugh, "I really want to have such a child, but unfortunately he is not." He paused and said, "His ambition is very large, many people just think what he is doing now What I did, or your instructions, was not what he intended. "

"But do you believe that when he does all this, he must think of himself as the prime minister of the empire, and then implement it."

"He is trying for his future administration. When he can still fail, he will try to find and open up a new way to solve these problems."

"He is scary, but this is exactly what we need. After more than a decade and two decades, the re-developed federal and more complicated international situation requires a prime minister who is quite capable and cruel enough to preside over the empire. He is the most suitable candidate for his job. "

Kubal smiled and shook his head, "I'm not here to hear you praise him, I just want to talk about his recent practices."

"Recent news?", Magus dismissed it. "It's all clowns who are making noise. Durin is much smarter than you think, but now it is a test."

The imperial central bank's retreat is actually a retreat-oriented attack. The imperial central bank ensures that it will not be dragged down by Doulin and can continue to gain a foothold. When necessary, it can also pull a chamber of commerce from the outside to ensure that The Chamber of Commerce will not fall too badly if it falls behind.

But if the imperial central bank has also fought, they will lose such aloof status. Once caught in the mire, they will most likely face huge losses.

You have to know that this dumb durian has not been able to deal with the Imperial Bank of China. In the past, he also pulled the Imperial Bank of Justice into the court and played a long tug of lawsuit. His wealth and status are enough for him to occupy a reasonable situation. , And confronted the Imperial Bank directly.

Moreover, Du Lin also released enough "goodwill". He used a well-known method to convey his appeal to the head office of the Empire Central Bank. It was precisely because of such goodwill and the acceptance of the senior officials of the central bank headquarters. With these good intentions, this is the time to retreat.

At the same time, it can lengthen the matter a little more, giving the Chamber of Commerce more time to operate.

People who think Du Lin is stupid and have to fight against the two most terrible institutions of the Empire, and those who think that the Imperial Bank is afraid of Du Lin, actually do not see through the essence of this matter.

There is a tacit understanding between Du Lin, the Imperial Bank of China and even the Chamber of Commerce. Where people cannot see, they play games and talk silently.

"I really hope that the bank can end up with a two-for-one alliance with the Chamber of Commerce, so that we have a chance." Kubbar's words were a bit regrettable, and the imperial central bank's timely retreat cut off his subsequent plans.

If the central bank comes to an end, he will be able to initiate a centralization bill through some means, and then start a tough investigation and cleanup of the two major groups in the Empire, which is also his planned plan before taking office-at least kill one in the chamber of commerce and the bank.

Magus kept his own opinion on this, "It will not happen overnight to defeat the Chamber of Commerce or the Imperial Bank of China. It takes a long time to deploy. It requires not only strength but also great luck."

"This opportunity did not appear, then wait quietly, after all, one day, the opportunity will appear in front of you." He sighed with emotion ~ ~ I waited for more than twenty years, You have only been in office for a few months, don't worry! "

With a sigh, don't worry, it broke the regrets during Magus's administration.

At the time he had no choice but to release the capital from his cage, he thought that he could finally pack up these things again, but he did not expect it to be out of control.

The rapid expansion of puppet capital has reached a point where even the regime cannot easily prevent it, which is also unexpected for Magus.

Speaking of this, Kubar suddenly remembered something and said with a smile, "I heard that Bowers and Dulin have a bad relationship, don't they?"

Magus nodded and said that this is known to everyone. Among the bad relations between Bowers and Doolin, part of it is the result of the operation of the Magus black box, and part of it happened naturally.

Especially after Doolin became Magus's niece, Bowers's dissatisfaction with Doolin has reached its peak, which means that by way of marriage, Magus has designated Doolin to be the leader of the New Party in the future. This left him unbalanced.

He worked hard for a lifetime when he was about to retire and took a party leader who was not the ruling party to sit down. What did Du Lin pay for this?

This is the mentality of the weak, to quibble their incompetence into the injustice of destiny, and then to hate those who are more capable than fate is more favored by fate-anyway, nothing has to do with ability.

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