Cosma Empire

: 1090 Tooth

The decisive survival of the Chamber of Commerce of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce was chilling. The capitalists said that they gave up and gave up, and then turned around to bite back, providing the investigating team with many important evidences that they had tax evasion.

The bank also had some very positive feedback from the bank. The owner of the leather goods factory has been approved and arrested by the state court of Ambilo.

Other entrepreneurs registered in the Chamber of Commerce of Ambiloo also paid all taxes in full and paid a large amount of fines. It seems that the reconstruction of Ambiloo's taxation has achieved unprecedented success.

杜 But Du Lin was not satisfied because the chamber of commerce directly abandoned these capitalists and the over-allocation of banks disrupted the original plan.

These things should not end so quickly in Doolin's plan. At least the leather factory business owners and other entrepreneurs should be restless during the investigation, and they will have the feelings of gain, loss, and fear, and then use these emotions and his methods. , Countering several entrepreneurs.

Let them allege that the Chamber of Commerce helped them conceal their true income, so as to reach Doolin's bill of "Untrustworthy Chamber of Commerce" in the state of Ambilo and to the Imperial Parliament, and then further eliminate the chamber of commerce in the state of Ambilo.

Everything happened so fast that, before these people had the idea of ​​saving themselves, they made a confession decision under the coercion of the Chamber of Commerce.

If you can drag it a bit further, let the public opinion ferment, and let the public opinion begin to boil, the result will obviously be another look.

These businessmen have become accustomed to uniting against the empire's managers, including their confession, which is only a process of confrontation. It has not yet evolved into a phenomenon of public opinion sensation and has not taken them out of the "confrontation." Let them bear guilt.

This was also unexpected for Du Lin. He thought that the chamber of commerce and the bank would find a way to find other ways to minimize the possible responsibilities.

After all, the Chamber of Commerce and the Central Bank have extremely rich resources in their hands. Even Boworth called to intercede for them. This is also one of the main reasons that mislead Du Lin. He thought that after Bovos failed, these people still Will try to contact some people again, or use other ways to pressure.

Cutting off the stump in such a clean manner, to protect the entire chamber of commerce without problems, can be regarded as a common practice in all walks of life, but it should not appear in the chamber of commerce.

It seems like this has come to an end, and the taxes and fines paid by the capitalists of the Chamber of Commerce in Abilúo have been credited to the tax office's account, and everything seems to have calmed down.

I just look like this.

In Du Lin's office, Gray lowered his head and stood by the door. He felt that Du Lin's sharp eyes continued to glance at him, causing his skin to have a slight tingling sensation from time to time.

In fact, this kind of psychological reaction, Du Lin did not look at him at all, he was just scaring himself.

In fact, he was not scared. This is a fact. He did not do the task Du Lin explained to him, and Du Lin would not better protect him.

At the same time, he also offended the Chamber of Commerce and a large number of capitalists in the state. These people will also see him as a wooden thorn stuck in his skin, anxious to kill him to drink his blood and eat his meat.

Because his apostasy caused these people to lose a total of about six or seven million fortunes, this money is easy to lose, and it is very difficult to earn back, especially the tax construction in Abilúo has been successful. Not paying taxes as before is simply impossible.

He is very worried about his future, this loss is enough to find a killer to kill him repeatedly dozens of times.

After reviewing the report submitted by the businessman on the Otis side about the establishment of the Ambilo business group, after signing his own name, Doolin placed the documents in the upper left corner of the table. Dove knew how to deal with these documents.

At this time he inserted the pen into the cap and looked up at Gray. "Mr. Gray, I thought you would have a great effect, but I overestimated your value. You think dragging the central bank into the water is a solution. I did as you asked, but what happened?

"What do you think I should do with you?"

Grey got up the courage to look up at Du Lin, and then quickly lowered his head. He had actually seen several governors before, but no one could give him such great pressure.

I don't know if his eyes are blurry or if he hasn't slept well recently. Looking at Du Lin just now, there seems to be a terrible, visible imperative steaming around Du Lin.

Confused Gray didn't know how to speak at all. Things got to this point. Continued forced investigation of the Chamber of Commerce would only be counterproductive.

This is some kind of potential rule of this society. The two sides fight, and one of them has paid the price and confessed to lose. As the winner, you must keep the decent of the winner. Keep it a little bit.

Seeing that Gray had no words to speak for a long time, Du Lin's fingers gently hit the table, which made Gray's heartbeat start to accelerate continuously. He realized that when this rhythmic voice ended, it was the final judgment of his fate. that moment.

At this moment, he thought a lot, thinking that others were playing when he was young, he was studying hard, others were drinking, and he was running business everywhere.

He can flatter those who have only attended high school, or even high school, just to get the appreciation of his boss, he can even lose his dignity.

The sweat that has been paid for so many years was finally rewarded in the end. He hated it and was not reconciled. He wanted to gain strength, but that was just a luxury.

The rhythmic percussion stopped abruptly, Gray's heart beat one beat less in this second, and the feeling of palpitations made him a little sick, nauseated, and he held back.

"Mr. Gray, I heard a story ...", Dooling lit a cigarette and sat Gray on the sofa. He began to tell the story slowly.

"A hunting dog chased a rabbit into a dead end at the direction of the owner. The timid rabbit just wanted to escape along the way. He never considered to fight back. He didn't think he was the opponent of the hunting dogs and hunters. "

但是 "But at this moment, when he was blocked in an alley with no exit, he was completely desperate. All he faced was the sharp teeth of the hunting dog and the weapon in the hands of the hunter."

"At this moment, the rabbit suddenly realized that he didn't sit still, but in the fear of death, he summoned the courage and rushed to the hound, took a bite of the hound, and rushed to the hunter."

Du Lin smiled slightly. "Guess what happened to the rabbit?"

Gray pondered for a moment, he felt that the rabbit in this story that Du Lin said was himself, with the chamber of commerce in front and behind ... he glanced up at Du Lin.

He has been forced into a dead end, and if he does not resist, there is no chance.

With this recognition, Gray thinks that the rabbit should have a good end, at least this way can make himself a little bit more secure.

He tried to answer, "Rabbit ran out?"

Du Lin shook his head. "My dinner last night was a roast rabbit ..." He laughed and said his thoughts. "In fact, this story tells us a very simple truth. People often ignore themselves. Power, especially when they face powerful enemies. "

"No matter how strong the rabbit is, it is not a good hunter's opponent, but he can hurt the dog. For him, this may be his value. Although it does not change anything for the rabbit, he embodies his role. "

"Mr. Gray, I heard that the president of the Chamber of Commerce in Ambiloo often does not work in this state. You used to do all the big and small things here, didn't you?"

Gray nodded, "Yes, Your Excellency. The President intends to transfer to a developed area in the next rotation, and also wants to compete for a parliamentary seat, so he has been active in the south, where the most important site of the Chamber of Commerce. "

Du Lin nodded, and he scratched his head. "So you have come into contact with many insiders of the Chamber of Commerce, right?" Before Gray answered, Du Lin continued to say, "Now everyone knows you betrayed the Chamber of Commerce, This caused heavy losses to the local chambers of commerce and capitalists, which shows how much they hate you. "

"At the same time, you did not fulfill my expectations of you, so naturally I plan to give up on you ...", when Du Lin said here, Gray's heart seemed to be slammed by an invisible hand, let him Out of breath.

Du Lin saw the expression on his face, and continued with a smile, "Then you became that rabbit, the chamber of commerce, and the capitalists were going to pay for the losses you caused them ~ ~ Simply put They intend to take revenge on you. "

"Then the easiest way to avenge someone like you? You have no money and no social status. The interpersonal network is completely destroyed by you because of your apostasy. It seems only your life has the value of revenge! "

Du Lin held out a finger and raised his eyebrows slightly. "Look, they are going to buy murderers, but you are very cunning and escaped, so you intend to make all the insider information you know public, and testify to them . "

"At this moment, not only will the prison not hurt you, it will also be your protection measure, so you say what you should not say and what you should say."

"A shocking case shocked the entire empire, whether it was a rabbit, a hunter, or that hunting dog, they could not escape legal sanctions, are you right?"

Grey was breathing very quickly, and the muscles on his face were beating abnormally. It took a while before he asked, "So can I survive, my family?"

"The laws of this state are always committed to protecting the lives and property of innocent people. As long as a criminal is tried by the law and he is willing to repent after serving his sentence, and recognizing that he should be a good person, we will give him such an opportunity to reintegrate into society! "

"People who know me know that I am very generous and kind!" Du Lin extinguished his cigarette **** in the ashtray. "Mr. Gray!"

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