Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1095: I'm so angry.

In fact, what the administrative consultant said made La Roger more powerful. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and the person in charge of the trip. He said these words more heavily and with more sincerity.

But there are always some things in this world with some disgusting rules. Some words can be said, some words can be expressed, but they cannot pass through his mouth.

In the future, if someone wants to attack him in the chamber of commerce, this trip may be a weakness. If these unspoken words are spoken by him, people will say that he sold the chamber's interests for some benefits. Even with the signatures of the rotating speaker and parliamentarians, confirming that everything he did was in line with the rules, which would quickly put him at a disadvantage.

Therefore, these unprincipled words are most suitable for this administrative consultant. At that time, the report can be written as an administrative consultant who has lost a part of the principles to solve the problem, and the main person in charge, La Roger, is silent about this choice.

Whether silence is the default or silent opposition depends on the intensity of internal struggles and how many strong supporters La Roger can find. Ambiguous decisions will always leave a way out, although sometimes it will play a role reaction.

Du Lin shook his head and pointed out where they had no sincerity. "If you think this can solve the harm that the Chamber of Commerce has brought to Abiluo, then I hope you can catch the train tonight."

What the administrative consultant wanted to add, Du Lin raised his palm to stop his sophistry, "The Chamber of Commerce should have been a neutral and transparent institution, but the protection you have provided for these businessmen has become a tool to hide their criminal convenience. .I believe that in the 20-30 years of operation of the Chamber of Commerce, you senior executives must have noticed this situation. "

"But you haven't listened to it, you have tolerated the criminals' abuse of the powers granted to you by the people, and even blocked the investigation of law enforcement agencies to provide asylum for the crimes of these illegal businessmen. You are using the people And the power your country gives you to protect those criminals. "

"Now you tell me through what I just said, this matter is well resolved, is this sincerity?"

The faces of the three were somewhat unsightly. The fact that Du Lin said did not have any distortions.

Since the enactment of the "Confidentiality Law", the Chamber of Commerce and the Imperial Bank have become the biggest winners. The Chamber of Commerce has done everything in its power to help the members of the association to conceal financial reports and help them to avoid tax evasion.

The imperial central bank is even more unscrupulous. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Justice have repeatedly asked the imperial central bank to cancel the anonymous account system so that everyone who registered a bank account fills in sufficient account opening information, but the imperial central bank has always refused to cooperate.

On the grounds of protecting the privacy of individuals and groups, they are still providing anonymous account services to a large number of criminals, capitalists, and gray industry professionals to ensure that these illegal gains can be safely placed in bank vaults for their enjoyment.

It is because of the indulgence of these two organizations that many of the simple problems have become complicated.

Now the imperial official's infiltration into the central bank is much better than before. Magus's two decades in office not only increased his personal power, but also allowed him to use his power more freely to do something that may be legal and illegal. Between reasonable and unreasonable.

Compared with the central bank, the chamber of commerce is the hardest hit area. It is absolutely impossible for non-internal staff to check the financial report of a company and the composition of a company.

Every year, a large number of suspected criminal capitalists use such convenient means as the chamber of commerce and the imperial bank's protection policy for anonymous accounts, calmly make a sum of money, and then leave the empire generously.

When law enforcement agencies figure out these relationships a few weeks or even months later, those people have already absconded to a small country and hidden. This not only prevents law enforcement from catching these criminals, but also It is difficult to recover the losses in such economic cases.

The simplest example is that a member company of a chamber of commerce is suspected of fraud. The law enforcement department could not find the flow of funds, the company's registration information could not be found, and there were no clues. Just relying on a few real or fake names and possible existence. Photo, how can you quickly locate criminals and catch them?

Not to mention those criminals hiding behind the scenes, it is even less likely to be caught.

Whether it is a chamber of commerce or an imperial bank, it is actually a product of a distortion of the times. Their existence has seriously hindered the healthy development of society and the justice of justice!

However, the capitalists in the capital society are maintaining these two organizations, because these capitalists are also vested interests, and they will of course consolidate the two organizations in the society and the empire in order to protect their vital interests.

In the past, Magus was incapable of eradicating these organizations, which was also a necessary choice of that era. This is not Magus' fault.

If the economic construction of the empire had not been chosen, it would not have been restored so quickly, and the empire would not have risen so quickly. He did what he should do, and he was able to struggle from the environment at that time. .

So the next thing is left to the young people to deal with, such as Du Lin.

At least Doulin thought so.

"If you don't mind, I have something to say." The lawyer sitting to the left of La Roger had a small request, and Du Lin met him generously.

He first smiled, and then said, "Since the" Secrecy Law "came out, there have been basically no cases where companies or individuals have suffered huge losses due to leaks. Facts have proved that the adoption and implementation of the Secrecy Law has effectively curbed some economies. The occurrence of a financial case. I have no objection to some of the issues you just mentioned, His Excellency Du Lin. "

"There is no legal provision in the world that can meet everyone's needs. This is why there are local laws. Times are changing, society is changing, and the structure of justice is constantly changing."

"I do n’t deny your views on the law of confidentiality. We do have many responsibilities, but there are also some problems with law enforcement agencies, such as abuse of power. It is precisely because of their rough behavior that has led to the adoption of the law of confidentiality. And implementation. "

"The Chamber of Commerce has long taken measures to address this issue. We have an internal disciplinary team and investigative organization ~ ~ law enforcement departments can fully invite our internal departments to participate in the investigation of criminal behaviors by means of invitations to inform Forensics and crackdown. "

"I believe that the problems in Ambiluo this time are not all bad things. It can more effectively promote the cooperation between the investigative department and the law enforcement department within the Chamber of Commerce, which is what we plan to do as soon as possible next."

Du Lin looked at him and smiled, "I regret making you speak ..."

The other three people in the parlor's living room all showed a smile, but these smiles quickly fixed on their faces, because Du Lin's next sentence was not so funny.

"Now you can get out."

"I don't like talking to people who are talking about it!"

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