Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1098: Turn-based

The methods of the Qiang Chamber of Commerce are not clever, and it can be said to be very ordinary.

Can't because ordinary things are very common and unusually rare, it means that ordinary things or plans are bad. The more ordinary and effective things, the better the effect sometimes.

It's like building a house. Sometimes just simply building a house is fast and effective, and it can't be criticized. Our goal is to build a house. When the house is set up, what is inside, what is outside, and the house itself. No function can be used as a criterion for completing the task. As long as the house is present, the task is completed.

But if the idea of ​​flying turns a house into a space fortress in the universe, then there are a lot of questions. Whether it can be done is the first question, and then there are more challenges to be faced, and it ends up costing countless Energy and financial resources, the result is failure.

I want to refuse the thief to enter the house to steal, the simplest way is to leave a person in the house forever, and then design the lock in the house, even if the scientist Stein Ein came to be a thief, he could n’t get in without finding the lock.

The solution of the Chamber of Commerce is very simple and effective. They just seem to make concessions.

The Chamber of Commerce can continue to exist, maybe for decades, maybe hundreds of years, or even longer, but Governor Doulin can only do it for eight years.

After eight years, he will relocate here, maybe in the capital, or in other developed states. It is impossible for him to be governor of the state of Ambilo in his life. As long as he leaves, the general chamber of commerce here will eventually return. To the chamber of commerce.

Because of the resources and benefits that the Chamber of Commerce cannot give to its successors, as long as the Chamber of Commerce still exists in name, there will be unlimited possibilities to continue to operate this matter in the future.

This is better than directly confronting Doolin, thus allowing him to completely wipe out the Chamber of Commerce in Abilúo.

At the same time, the Chamber of Commerce also gave Du Lin some trouble. As long as he recognized this condition, even just maintaining it would take some energy from him, which would make him gradually not pay attention to the development of the Chamber of Commerce, and maybe he could find enough of it. The opportunity once again infiltrated the chamber of commerce.

Du Lin also saw through some issues before he felt that the chamber of commerce played very beautifully, not only showing willingness to obey Du Lin's concessions, but also giving each other a step, unless Du Lin was a very unreasonable people.

But everyone knows that Du Lin is a reasoner, although sometimes he behaves very jerk, but most of the time he will follow a rule and be reasonable.

After thinking for a while, Du Lin nodded, "I can accept this request ..."

Although accepting the concession of the chamber of commerce will still have the shadow of the chamber of commerce in Abiluo and continue to spread the influence of the chamber of commerce, Du Lin is very confident that the chamber of commerce will gradually assimilate and even evolve into another organization, or the government department.

They have their plans, and Doolin has his own ideas.

罗 His nod and approval made La Roger very happy. At least this trip did not run in vain, and completed the task assigned to him by the speaker conference. As for what will happen in the future, it has nothing to do with him.

"Thank you very much for your forgiveness to the Chamber of Commerce. Your heart is as wide as the sea ...", La Roger offered his praise, anyway, he was kind and not money, and this once pure-blooded aristocrat also It became more and more like a pure capitalist.

He said with a smile, "In this case, the reconstruction of the Ambiluo State Chamber of Commerce is fully entrusted to you and the state government to handle it. When you feel that it is OK, please send a list of personnel to the Chamber of Commerce, and we will carry out for these personnel Register and pay their salaries on time. "

虽然 Although the Chamber of Commerce here is fully managed by Du Lin, the payer is still the General Chamber of Commerce. One sentence is very good. If you take the gold coins to feed the family from others, you need to pay for his labor and loyalty.

The people selected by Du Lin ate the salaries and benefits of the Chamber of Commerce. Even if these people were full of vigilance and alert to the Chamber of Commerce at first, they would gradually become neutral after a long time.

After trying to reveal some innocuous news, they will step by step into the trap designed by the chamber of commerce.

Even if they do n’t do that, it does n’t matter. As long as someone is in love and rich in money, these people may not be able to play a key role at some point.

The next time became very enjoyable. After the mission was completed, La Roger once again showed the essence of the nobility. He knew many interesting things, including the privacy secrets of some people, and it may also be a romantic affair of the royal families of other countries. .

Puppet aristocrats are very sensitive to these news, and they are also full of desire to explore. But the "poisonous melon" was transmitted by the aristocracy.

After He arranged for La Roger and his two assistants to go around, Du Lin approached the principal of the business group.

The Ambilo business group is mainly divided into three levels. The first level is the council. Nine directors are responsible for the daily work. The second level is members. All members except the directors are in this class. .

The third class is the preparatory member, and those who apply later will wait for one year in the preparatory member class before entering the full member class.

In fact, there is another class that is above all others. This class is only Du Lin.

Almost everyone knows this, it is not written in any charter rules of the business group, but everyone knows that they will abide by this rule and obey Du Lin's guidance.

There are two directors from the business association. Others are busy with work. The Abilillo business association has just been established. Many things are in the outbreak. They can only send two directors to obey Du Lin's request.

"People from the Chamber of Commerce have come to see me. They have put forward some interesting conditions for the Chamber of Commerce to remain proud in Ambilo ..." he said while lighting a cigarette. The two directors' faces were slightly subtle. Variety.

The "war" between the business group and the chamber of commerce has never been lost, because Du Lin is on the side of the business group. With policy support, no one can be an opponent of the business group.

Suddenly, they heard that the Chamber of Commerce and Du Lin had reached some agreement, and they had no idea. In view of the trust they had placed in Du Lin in the past, they said nothing and waited quietly for Du Lin to finish talking.

Du Lin was very satisfied with their attitude and smiled slightly. "Although the Chamber of Commerce will remain in Abiluo, from today, there is only one General Chamber of Commerce in the state, and the staffing of the General Chamber of Commerce will be responsible by the state government."

He did not say that he was responsible. He needed to release a signal. The object of the Chamber of Commerce's bow was not entirely his own, but also the state government.

The most fearful thing between people and people is comparison. When the chamber of commerce softens to Du Lin and the state government, what will the mayors of other regions think, and what will the governor think?

They will feel that they have been despised by the people of the Chamber of Commerce, and you are only afraid of Du Lin, because he dares to take off his clothes and fight with you. Do you think that we are all civilized people and we will not play hooligan?

Nobles are the experts among them compared to hooliganism.

Some people may not care about this, but others will want to challenge the chamber of commerce to prove that I can make the chamber of commerce bow their heads.

Even if I can't make the chamber of commerce bow, but the power I represent can also make the chamber of commerce bow.

Moreover, the Chamber of Commerce still holds a lot of power, which is full of double temptation and double happiness for all the governors.

The two looked up at Du Lin a little, and their eyes were full of doubts. What kind of confrontation caused the Chamber of Commerce to lower their heads and took the initiative to give up power to Du Lin. At the same time, they did not know why Du Lin To say so.

Facing two doubtful eyes, Du Lin expressed his thoughts, "I plan to find someone from you to take over the post of the Chamber of Commerce Chamber of the Abilluo State Chamber of Commerce and reorganize the shelf of the Chamber of Commerce."

"Go back and have a meeting and see who wants to do things at the Chamber of Commerce ..."

The Chamber of Commerce obtained a "transaction right" from Du Lin with his head bowed down. The freighter detained by the Navy was released after a brief inspection, which also made the senior executives of the Chamber of Commerce more certain. Ghost ~ ~ Although this transaction made them very distressed, it also created the first time in history that the power of the chamber of commerce was placed under the supervision of the state government. Fortunately, their losses were limited to Therefore, it can be said that it has saved a lot more than the worst case. This is not a bad ending.

If Durin is really allowed to expel the chamber of commerce from Abilúo, and the Abilúo business group can maintain the social status and profit of the merchants in the state, and is supported by the government ’s strong policy, it is likely that local governments will start to move. Thoughts on the business group.

Now this situation may be reduced a lot, at least on the surface, the chamber of commerce has not been expelled, and will soon start to operate again.

On this point, there is no need to worry about the fact that Du Lin will put the Chamber of Commerce in there and do nothing or prepare. With Du Lin's ability and means, he will never give up the Chamber of Commerce, but will only use it more reasonably.

As for how to use it, it doesn't matter.

The development of the Chamber of Commerce is good, it is the credit of the Chamber of Commerce, and the development of the Chamber of Commerce is bad, because Du Lin and the state government are behind it.

Anyway, this is not the worst ending.

It's just that the fight can never end in one round. There will always be you coming and going. The plan of the chamber of commerce makes them not so ugly. Du Lin then punched them in the face again.

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