Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1112: Vinda

It was not an accident that Harry's defeat was defeated. He now lacks sufficient political power in his hands.

He also did not have the help from the family, nor would the big capitalists invest heavily in him. He was almost finished, as he himself said, he was almost finished.

The reason why he uses "almost" is because although he is finished, he still has his child, and someone who has had successful experience on the political stage like Harry helps the child, at least not in the future. Too big an error.

Coupled with network connections and family support, it is difficult to say whether there will be a little Harry back on the shiny political stage in the future.

Things about Bowers Durin did not take it seriously, and his own strength is enough to withstand attacks from any direction. A guy like Bowers wants to destroy everything he has, and everything he is proud of is very simple, just now not the right time yet.

Magus's game is too big. The final stage will last a long time. The old party has struggled to win the new party once for thirty years. This is the time for their carnival.

Tatar, once satisfied with a wish, he will soon become arrogant when he is caught in an emotional imbalance, so arrogant that he will think that there is nothing in this world that can stop his footsteps and resist his attack.

So what the new party needs most at this time is to temporarily keep a low profile for a while and not give these old parties the opportunity to chase after victory.

And even this kind of things cannot be changed by Kubar, let alone prevent the old party members from "hunting down" the new party members.

They were rubbed on the ground by the New Party for thirty years, and finally one day turned over to take the lead, can they not be let down?

It is obviously impossible. Thirty years of grievances are by no means a victory in a general election. As long as they have a chance, they dare to completely and completely destroy the New Party.

Bauworth also escaped, and after everything stabilized, Dulin would start to clean up him.

As the weather warms, the footprint of spring has spread throughout the empire, and this world has become full of vitality.

在 In such a moving season, a large group of film crews came to the state of Ambilo and started preparing for the shooting.

找 According to Du Lin's request, eight cities, eight symbols, eight heroes, in the movie they may have a plot plot, strengthen interaction between each other, and shape a complete western world view.

Of course, more is the story of each hero, all of which is the foundation of the western world.

Kinsale hasn't seen Doolin for a year. She has been busy making movies everywhere and recently released a record. Thanks to her three consecutive titles after the film, the sales of the record are pretty good. Fans Also very buying.

At this time, in the early stage of the film's release, there was no new movie released in April. The six major producers and some small studios targeted the summer vacation.

A large number of young, consumer-capable groups will completely detonate all theaters this summer. In order to fight the worst, all filmmakers are actively preparing.

连 Even a lot of publicity advertisements and movie posters have been printed on and off the steam trains that traverse the whole west.

"Is this ... Vinda?", Du Lin looked at the young girl standing behind Kinsale in suspicion, she was hiding shyly behind Kinsale, only revealing half her head and curiously holding Du forest.

Kinsale nodded with a smile, Du Lin immediately opened his arms and walked towards the two of them. "Quick, let me hug, why I don't think the time is that long, but you have grown up. Big girl? "

The girl durin called Vinda pouted and laughed secretly, hesitating, still walking towards durin, and suddenly speeding up and jumping when approaching durin, the whole person spread directly on durin Du Lin took several steps backwards.

With Du Lin's brisk laughter, he turned around twice before putting down Vinda in his arms, raising his hand to pick up the girl's scattered hair on his forehead, turning to look at Kinsale in surprise, "My God , I really didn't expect she would come with you! "

Thinking that Doolin had some doubts again, he looked back at Vinda and said, "Tell me, you don't want to work with Kinsale."

Kinsel stepped forward and pushed Du Lin away, clutching the girl's shoulder, "This is of course, and she will be one of our protagonists!"

Du Lin couldn't help raising his hands and rubbing his face, "My sister became a film actor, and then took my sister, and now my sister is going to the **** circle to develop, this is all your fault, Kinsale. "

Yes, the girl named Vinda is the youngest sister of Dulin. She is eight years younger than Dulin and is only nineteen years old this year.

Du Lin, who hasn't been back for a long time, has only the impression of these younger brothers and sisters to the children of his own waist. I did not expect that in a blink of an eye it would have become so big, and they had grown into big girls.

If it wasn't for Vinda's eyebrows that still looked like a child, Du Lin wouldn't even recognize it!

He even made him feel angry that after a few years, the youngest sister had to follow the path of Kinsale, which was the most disappointing.

As the empire's foreign trade continues to increase, more and more people are beginning to become rich. There are some relatively "traditional" fields that have stopped the upstarts, but there are also some unforbidden emerging industries that are swallowing a lot of wealth. .

Among them, there is the film and television industry.

When people don't care about buying a movie ticket for more than one dollar to enjoy an hour or two of happiness, more and more people who have no experience in investing in financial management have smashed funds into this industry with the help of financial consultants because of this The industry is beautiful enough.

Not only are more and more young, more and more beautiful actresses, more beautiful results are everywhere.

In the past year, there were a total of eleven films with more than six million box offices. There was also a science fiction movie "Woman from the Sun" starring Kinsale, which grabbed 10 million box office. .

Although some media later believed that the film had a problem at the box office, that was not important, because investors would not consider the "truth" given by unprofessional institutions, they only saw one movie with a box office explosion, and Considerable profits, and those investors and producers who are rising in status.

The rapid influx of hot money has laid the unprecedented development of the Empire's film and television circle. Irian has started to build the ninth and tenth districts. According to the city plan of the newly appointed New Party Mayor, Irian will become the most authoritative in the world in the future. Global film and television base.

And has made the future prospects from District 11 to District 18.

Under such circumstances, many stars have become imperial idols overnight, and the actor's youth has been unable to stop. Many actresses who had a very high status before this time have started to retire because of the dislike of investors. they.

It can be seen that this will be a real circle of fame and fortune, a more absurd communication circle than politics, and many ridiculous and sad things will happen every day, just to win a little chance.

I changed my youth for the future, which became the most popular sentence in this circle. Of course, this is indeed the truth.

I have a brother like Du Lin who sits in the town. He doesn't think that someone will want to hit his family members, but the circle is too dirty after all, as long as he jumps in, it is impossible to not touch those dirty things.

Although Du Lin has rarely returned home for so many years, he has never been back in recent years, but this does not mean that he does not love his family.

When Kinsale wanted to set foot in the circle at that time, Du Lin disagreed very much. Now that Vinda has to enter the circle, what can Du Lin do?

"You have made a bad example, Kinsale!", Doolin criticized her seriously, "You should reject her."

Kinsale pushed Du Lin aside again. This is her power as an elder sister. There is no dissatisfaction on her face and no shame. "You are discriminating against our women, Du Lin. I heard you are a feminist movement. People whom the organization respects, they also gave you a title, it seems all this is false! "

Du Lin's eyes widened in disbelief and looked at Kinsale before asking, "Don't tell me that you joined the feminist organization ~ ~ Wait for Kinsale to answer, Do Lin He turned around and pushed his hair back and forth, "Hell, I need to calm down. Do you feel dirty anywhere, where do you want to go?" "

Feminist organizations are not so clean, or some problems within feminist organizations have not been detonated. Some people in the society have been very strange. Why do men support feminist movements and devote themselves to this movement? Helping women * themselves.

In fact, it is very simple. Any behavior is purposeful. Those men help them to carry out feminist movements for nothing more than selfishness, such as ... God *.

This is a very interesting topic. It is said that even some celebrities have joined the feminist movement organization to help the female nature there.

Vinda has some small fears about Du Lin ’s performance. These fears come from not meeting and communicating with Du Lin for a long time, and Du Lin is now your governor. The strangeness and gap in social status make her a little afraid of Du. forest.

"Or ... forget it ?!"

"Forget it?", Kinsale looked at his youngest sister with a smile. "You have already signed a contract with the company. If you fail to fulfill it, you may have to pay two million. Are you sure you want to forget it?"

At this time Du Lin couldn't help but interjected, "Does anyone dare to count my sister?"

Kinsel stretched her chest, "I!"

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