Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1117: The right way to educate

When he was in the countryside, Du Lin was not the most prominent one in the Kesma family. Compared with Mason's tenacity and Merlin's escape, he seemed more mediocre.

Although Mr. Kesma often inexplicably dragged Doolin into the beating when hitting Mason and Merlin when he was beaten, he definitely did not have much "lethal power".

But at this moment, when Mason looked at Du Lin's calm eyes without a wave of waves, his heart beat twice, and he shrugged and stood again.

He has a feeling that cannot be said, not only the difference in status, but also a majesty and a trace of heart-warming things.

Dulin thanked Mason for understanding, turned his head to look at Mr. Xiaoxima, and continued to ask, "You said you know, then tell me, what are you doing wrong?"

Mr. Xiaoxima took a goose, then said what he thought was wrong, "I shouldn't fight, I shouldn't hit the teacher ..."

刚 As soon as Alisha's smile appeared on his face, "My son is sensible, the world is beautiful", Du Lin shook his head, "No, you are not wrong, so you have not understood why I came over."

"You're wrong because you didn't figure out the contrast of strength and acted blindly!"

"You have a great advantage in your own mistake, but not only have you not used it, you have also been ignored!"

"You were wrong to forget to look for assistance the first time you failed, but to passively bear the final ruling of fate against you!"

"You are wrong because you are not smart enough, but you want to do more!"

Du Lin then turned to look at Alyssa, "As a father, I will not teach my child to become a lamb, it will only make him struggle in this cruel society, and eventually be drowned. I will only tell him how to become a lamb-eating predator, and how to be the judge of the fate of others. "

Alyssa didn't understand, "Why can't you live a peaceful life?"

Du Lin chuckled, "If I kneel on the ground and lower my head to enjoy a peaceful life, I would rather stand dead, even if it is extremely horrible."

"The Guarts have told me through personal experience in the past few decades that even if I kneel, I won't get a peaceful life!"

"The descent of the Kema family allows us to be plain, but it does not allow us to be ordinary." When he said this, Du Lin thought of Mr. Kema, who could think of the country that was a domineering alfalfa town, The nobles who once made the entire empire scare the wind and even dare not live in their own castle!

Who can think of it, just because they are dissatisfied with the oppression of those nobles, a farmer actually opened the era of great changes in the empire?

With countless blood and countless deaths, Mr. Kesma became a ghost floating above the empire. He roared angrily, shaking every noble in the corner.

But, he has returned to the ordinary life, is it because Mr. Kesma is just a farmer now, does anyone dare to say that he is ordinary?

Do not!

no way!

We can be bland, but we must not be ordinary. This is the roar of the Pentium in the blood, the roar of the angry soul!

Look at the members of the family now. Except for the two younger brothers who are willing to inherit the family business, which family member no longer expands their relationship in this society, everyone is looking for the direction and path to success. The deepest genes in the Kesma family.

We are not willing to be ordinary!

Because ... ordinary is a sin in itself!

Great sin!

Du Lin looked at Mr. Xiaoxima and began to tell him the most correct way to play.

"Your uncle Mason is the governor of Tener. You can tell the teacher the first time you have a problem. I know you may instinctively hate to achieve your goal through elders, but this is not shame."

相反 "On the contrary, the children of the noble class are more intelligent and adaptable to survive in this society. They know how to use their absolute advantages to shatter all challenges."

其 "Second, when you pulled up Tomikas, you forgot awe. As a father, I need to warn you with a sentence,‘ what you do n’t want to bear, do n’t impose it on others. ’”

"You were originally on the side of justice, but you can't restrain yourself. Restricting members makes you a representative of evil. More importantly, you don't have a clear grasp of the key to things-morality and public opinion."

"The self-protection of disadvantaged groups is always more worthy of sympathy and affirmation than the persecution of powerful groups. The wrong image will make people treat you as a bad thing, even if your intention is good."

"Retaliation to the teacher is just the stupidest choice. You have to remember that the reasonable use of public opinion will bring more considerable expected benefits. Those newspapers and magazines in the society may be very interested in class oppression and resistance on campus. Your Uncle even benefits from it. "

最后 "In the end, you should actively contact all who can help you, instead of choosing to accept it passively."

"Maybe you can't understand what I said today, but I ask you to keep these words in your heart firmly, one day you will use it and then become a successful person."

In fact, these things Du Lin said can be said to be the miniature history of the fellowship, even his personal development line, always standing on the side of sympathy and justice to accumulate strength, only after having enough power, will show his minions.

No one will criticize the past of successful people, they will only beautify everything that needs to beautify, so that the success of successful people looks more in line with the mainstream values ​​of society.

But so far, no one cares whether Durin has done illegal things in the past or hurt some people because of certain interests. They only care about what the devil in human skin will do next, not before What have you done.

This is the most realistic society. As long as you are strong enough, someone will decorate everything you don't want the people to know.

Regardless of whether or not Mr. Xiaoxima understood, Du Lin stood up and walked towards the door, "Come on, kid, let me give you a lesson. The adult society may be some distance from you, but You need to start trying to understand it, to learn it, because the blood of the Kisma family is flowing in your body! "

I walked to the door and Du Lin glanced at Mason. "If you don't mind, I think we should go together."


Twenty minutes later, Du Lin appeared outside the gate of the Wisteria Garden Private Elementary School. He looked up at the solemn school gate, apparently spent a lot of money, and invited a good designer.

He walked straight in. The two guards just came out and wanted to stop Du Lin. When Mr. Xiaoxima was about to explain, both Buddha slightly tilted their heads. The two young men rushed forward with excitement and gave one. A punch, then politely invited them back to the sentry box.

"Be respectful and polite to people who share the same position, and let them sing praises and praise you for your qualities, but if you are respectful and polite to people who have different positions, they will only treat you as a stupid lamb."

Du Lin took advantage of this opportunity to educate his child again. He cannot always watch the growth of Mr. Xiaoxima here. He still has a lot of things to do and needs to change, so he tries to change as much as possible. The truth was instilled in this child.

As for what kind of person he will become in the future, it is not in Du Lin's consideration.

The whole society is like a huge multi-layered sieve. Each particle has its own layer. If you can't let yourself stay on the top layer, it is only his own problem.

Du Lin can't save one person, but he can save a nation, a country!

I walked on a quiet campus, and Mr. Xiaoxima inexplicably cultivated a sense of security and pride that I had never experienced before.

He held Du Lin's hand a little harder, and now he is not panicking at all.

Under the guidance of Mr. Xiaoxima, Du Lin found the principal's office. He didn't knock on the door. Someone opened the door for him.

The principal is working and has some doubts about the guests who suddenly visited, but he smells some unusual smells from these people, and the mayor of this city also appears in front of him, he will not feel offended, or even He also stood up and smiled to greet them.

Although there was something strange about the young man named Holy Card and another young man who was familiar with it, he didn't ask anything blindly.

At this time, Du Lin looked at Mr. Xiao Kesma, and Mr. Xiao Kesma also looked up, "See? This is power. If you open the door without the principal's consent, he will Rebuke you and let you get out of www ~ ~ and even ask parents to come here. But we have done the same thing now, and he may think it is his honor in his heart. "

"Power is everything that determines this society!"

The expression on Principal 's face was a bit out of shape, and Du Lin was right in saying nothing, but he said it in front of a child, and his face was somewhat unsustainable.

Without waiting for him to say anything to alleviate the embarrassing atmosphere at this time, Dufo directly pulled out a chair and gently touched the bend of Du Lin's legs. He sat down directly, then slightly raised his head and looked at the principal, "I I heard that you are going to deport my son and refuse to issue any transfer letters, so I am here. "

"I want to see who has the courage to treat my Du Lin children like this!"

Du Lin touched Xiao Ximaxian's head, and said with a smile, "In Tener, no one has dared to challenge me to live safely, no ...", he suddenly thought something, A glance at Mason, "Sorry, I'm not saying you."

He didn't mean Mason, of course he was talking about Peter.

It happens that the principal and Peter have a very good relationship, and his face turns pale.

Dulin ...

Dulin Kersma! !!

At this moment, the only thought in the headmaster's mind was-lying down, being pitted! !!

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