Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1122: Durin fiber

In a message of Messiah, Durin re-embarked on the westbound train. The station was crowded with Guartes who came to see them off. Their trust in Durin was sincere, just as Durin treated their feelings. That's true.

There has never been love in the world for no reason. When some people start loving you, admiring you, or even willing to face death for you, it is not because they are stupid, but because you have brought them never seen them. Bright.

The pair of eyes filled with longing for the present and the future are firmly imprinted in Du Lin's heart.

He will not only change his own destiny, but also the destiny of the entire nation, the destiny of the entire country and the world.

接近 After nearly three days, the train finally stopped at the station in the capital of Abilúo. After receiving the phone call, the state government emptied the entire station before Du Lin returned.

This is not to say that someone is going to do something with Du Lin, it is just a simple protection measure.

The west is different from other places. According to the requirements of the charter, it is legal for citizens to hold guns in the west. The charter gives them the power to protect their personal and property safety from predators.

This has also led to the proliferation of guns in the west, and every family has weapons. The only difference is that some families have only one gun and some families have many weapons.

The flood of guns also made many people think that the west is not a safe place. Even the westerners themselves think that the west is not safe. So when Doolin returned, the state government decided to empty the station to protect Doolin's security, although they were only Think too much.

In fact, the security situation in the west is the best in all states of the empire. Even if it is not the first, it is also the top three.

The deterrence of guns and ammunition is clear even to the gangsters. The human body can never stop the attack of a bullet. There are guns and ammunition in every household. If you do n’t agree with each other, you will have to pull out the gun first. Doing bad things also requires huge courage.

Because many robbers may not have time to say the bad lines in those few movies, the people who are targeted by them will draw their guns and kill them. What ’s more pitiful is that what they carry will become the target. "The booty.

Badgers are dangerous in the west. Whether you are a farmer, a cowboy, or a robber, a robber, there are huge risks.

So everyone is very careful, very careful, try not to conflict.

But once a conflict is born, it will die to a great extent.

Except for unknown robbery and killings in the wilderness, there are very few particularly vicious cases within the city. The spirit of the cowboy is deeply imprinted in the minds of every westerner, if they encounter a crime Behavior, the most likely thing to do is find where your weapon is.

Last year, in the overall crime situation investigation in Ambiloo, only 17% of the undiscovered cases were found. Of the remaining cases, 69% of the suspects died on the counterattack while committing the crime. Only a small part escaped the crime scene, and was then shot or killed by an ardent western farmer with a gun.

As for other states ... 17% of cases are already passing the test.

下来 After getting off the train, Du Lin returned directly to the state government. At this stage, the work mainly focuses on maintaining and repairing the environment in Ambiloo, as well as coordinating shooting activities in various cities.

Du Lin knows that some leaders in some areas below are not interested in the green tourism economy that he advocates, and will say a little strange things, and he is not angry.

Because these short-sighted people are far inferior to him, when the tourism economy has promoted the development of the whole state of Abilúo, these idiots know who to call.

From the beginning, Doolin did not intend to develop any light and heavy industry in Abiluo, because there is no such background here, raw materials are difficult to come in, products are difficult to go out, coupled with pollution and the mood of these cowboy farmers in the west, this is definitely not correct. Development route.

If you have accumulated an industrial foundation over a few years and decades, it is better to change the direction early.

Alas, this is not a wrong direction.

With the opening of eight films at the same time, the number of tourists who have recently come to the state of Abilúo has started to increase significantly. Although many tourists only come to chase the stars, from the perspective of various reactions, in addition to the chase, they have also penetrated into some Try to explore and discover in the tourist attractions that have been created, and leave some banknotes for this.

All of this is a good performance, at least to prove that Du Lin's plan is no problem.

During such a relatively quiet period, Stan Ein called Dooling.

Science Island has now become a core sector in the Doolin industry. Every year a large number of inventions appear on this Science Island. Many of them may not be useful now, but they will certainly shine in the future.

For example, the "3D" technology that Du Lin had been registered for a long time, and the wired network information exchange technology, there may be some technologies that only exist in an abstract description, but they will eventually be realized one day.

"The new material you want us to develop is almost near the end. When do you come and see?" Stein Ein said very directly, and this is also true of most scientists, especially the group of scientists on the island of science without EQ.

Du Lin froze for a moment, but did not respond for a while, "What new material?"

的 Stan Ein, who was on the other end of the phone, also paused. "It was the last time you and I said that you want a brand new polymer material to replace traditional textile materials. Have you forgotten?"

"Are you there?", Du Lin fell into deep thinking. After thinking about about ten minutes, he suddenly realized that he really did!

"I almost forgot about it, Stan, I think it should be necessary to equip Science Island with a project reviewer."

As soon as Du Lin said this sentence, Stan Ein became nervous, and even spoke a little bit uneasily, "Sorry, I know we may do something ... you know that sometimes the inspiration does not come so smoothly, and the R & D work sometimes It will also be stuck in a pause. "

"Is this why you registered more than 200 patents in three years, but dragged on the project I needed three years before it was successfully developed?"

Dulin's words made Stan Ein do not know how to answer, of course, it is true.

On a science island without a project supervision and review mechanism, each researcher conducts scientific exploration and invention in accordance with his own interests and hobbies. They often do not have a clear purpose and are purely to satisfy their desire to explore in the scientific field.

For example, because of their dissatisfaction with Science Island restaurants-many times when they need to dine, they find that the food prepared by the restaurants on Science Island is cold, so they complained to the restaurant and developed two models at any time. Something that heats up food everywhere.

The first research and development project at the beginning was due to someone's stupidity, thinking that his research and development had failed, and then more scientists were assembled to develop the second project to use electromagnetic technology to heat food in the cooking cavity, and it was a success .

Later, when they discussed the previous product, they found that in fact, they repeatedly developed a successful project. The first project failed because the project sponsor always forgot the time.

Every time he heats up, he will use "a little" free time to continue his work, and when he remembers it, the food is cold again.

Another scientist who likes cold drinks is dissatisfied with the current way of making cold drinks. He believes that adding ice to the beverage will dilute the original taste of the drink, so he set up a four-person research and development team and came up with a formula that can be frozen without adding ice Small freezer for quick cooling of beverages in the warehouse.

有 There are many such inventions. Only last month, when Stan Ein checked his book used to record inspiration, he discovered in horror that he had forgotten the research and development work that Du Lin explained three years ago.

I then organized the scientists of the entire Science Island to tackle this project. Today, a month later, the project was completed.

They named this new polymer fiber material "Dulin fiber" in an attempt to escape Dulin's accountability in this way.

I have to say that this approach is stupid ... they succeeded.

If it had been before, Doolin would never have dumbfounded a material after his own name, but after returning home this time, his thinking has changed a bit.

Life is very short. For the entire universe, for the planet underfoot, people's lives in their timeline may be just a blink of an eye, and then human life passes.

So Du Lin also intends to leave something behind. When he becomes dusty everywhere, people will still discuss him ~ ~ whatever it is, at least prove that he exists.

Du Lin, who had come back to God for a while, thought about it and decided to set up a company for Science Island to manage small things invented by those stupid scientists.

He didn't do it before, and didn't focus on it, but then let the new team devote to developing the economic value of these inventions.

The development of society will inevitably depend more on economic construction. This is also the main reason why Magus has not been able to restrain the power of capital for so many years, because all aspects of this social development are inseparable from money.

If you have money, many things will become very simple.

If you do n’t have money, it ’s difficult to fill your stomach.

"This is the last time, Stan. You have to understand the main R & D project and the minor R & D project. If there is another time, I will not only send a project reviewer to the past, but also reduce the annual R & D funding." Du Lin knew How to make these scientists nervous, immediately choking their lifeline.

The reason why they are willing to do scientific research in the research center of Du Lin even without pay is because Du Lin's unconditional support for their project and strong financial assistance.

Every tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of R & D funds are used to research and develop something that is currently meaningless to society, not even the research laboratories of large group companies.

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