Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1127: Hazy night

The news that the female doctor was the killer was revealed to Du Lin and some people with the right to know by the investigation team. The result of the trial was not satisfactory. No matter what way, she could not let her speak.

At the same time, the Security Council has drawn from some past files some documents left over during the evacuation of the indigenous gods, and found a hint of them. They believe that this female doctor is only an insignificant one piece.

In the past ten years, the Tushenism has adopted a variety of methods to take a large number of children from the welfare homes and Xiacheng District through adoption.

They trained these children, brainwashed them, and made them terrible fanatics of the Divinity, and then put them back into society.

What I found today is only a female teacher, but there are still more secret believers of Tushin active in this society.

They may be ordinary factory workers, may be white-collar workers of a certain enterprise, or may be a teacher of a school, maybe the neighbors next door, or even the police in the police station.

Ghosts know how many children they have adopted, and how many brainwashed young people are sent back to society.

只有 Only a few people know this news. If it is spread, it will most likely cause unnecessary social unrest.

Alas, Henry's assassination was not an isolated incident. Before and after Henry's assassination, a total of six people were assassinated. In addition to two guys who survived by chance, the other four were dead at the scene of the assassination.

If it wasn't for Henry to make a message to Du Lin when he woke up, the content has attracted Du Lin's attention. It is likely that police stations and investigation bureaus around the country will only treat these assassinations as ordinary murders.

After all, this world is not safe. People's level of thinking has not risen to a sufficiently high level. Every day, people will die from gang vendettas, accidents, and deliberate murders.

But when Du Lin referred the matter to the Security Council for processing, they found common ground.

These assassinated people have participated in the rally of Tushenism.

Or to say that they have used the platform of Tushenism as an ascending step for some communication and transactions. They are not true believers, which means that after three years of silence, Tushenism has begun revenge.

This is also a matter of course. When the cult case of Tushenism was cracked, the value of the materials they had taken away was as much as millions, let alone the intangible assets that may be more important.

The loss of the actual value that has been determined when the Tushenism was seized may exceed 10 million. This is by no means a small number. The broken network of contacts and social resources are also added. The intangible value plus the actual value may break through. Hundreds of millions!

They will never recognize it by pinching their noses, so they need revenge. After three years of silence, when most people forget that there was such an organization, they wake up from hibernation, start searching for targets, and sell those that may be betrayed. Their people were returned to the arms of the Mother Earth.

The long-dissolved joint investigation team is set up again. This time, the cabinet ’s opinion is that no matter what the price is, it is necessary to figure out who is behind it, who is manipulating it, their organizational structure and member list, and Their real purpose.

Even Du Lin was on the list of the joint investigation team, but it was a protection list.

They are very clear that it is not Henry who truly exposes the inner religion of Tushenism, not those unlucky eggs who have been assassinated, but Du Lin!

If it wasn't for Dulin to talk about this, maybe the indigenous gods are still active in the west. They have completely eroded some of the security agencies in the west, and even other places, so that those who should have arrested them have changed. Became their umbrella.

The layout of these people is too large, and they use religion to deceive people. They are a typical cult organization. This time, the joint investigation team no longer treats Tushenism as the last time. It has specially dispatched elite soldiers for this purpose. Intensive meticulous investigation work.

Even if it is a trivial clue, they will not let it go.

In just a few days, more than fifty suspects who may be cult members have been arrested, but the investigation team has not relaxed because of this, but has been more careful.

A large number of real and false clues are bothering them, making them have to take the initiative to contact Du Lin, hoping to use the power of governments in the western regions.

In this regard, Du Lin also very much supported. He did not allow such organizations to exist in his own territory, in the west and even the entire empire.

On the one hand, he launched a local police station and investigation station to conduct a secret investigation. On the other hand, he also reached a small agreement with the investigation team.

When Catalina, who had been away for a long time, appeared in front of Doolin, Doolin was somewhat recognizable to her.

In the past, she was just indifferent, except for her very enthusiastic and positive attitude towards work, she didn't care about other things.

Of course, the senior agent who came from the Military Intelligence Department should have such qualities, but this time, she has changed a lot from before.

She became gloomy, and her eyes were palpitating.

If Caterina was an iceberg in the past, now she is ready to attack anytime and anywhere, sending out a deadly poisonous snake.

During her captivity, she was once thrown into a water cell of the Earth Gods. The cell is not a comfortable place. Sometimes even seemingly harmless water can become something more terrible than sulfuric acid.

Unlike other highly toxic substances, it can cause people to die quickly after a short period of severe pain.

What it brings to people is a long journey of ending up to several weeks. Those who are trapped in the water cell will find that their body begins to edema after long soaking, and then some parts begin to rot. If they are accidentally scratched, the epidermis will It was torn apart along with the decayed muscle tissue, and eventually died slowly in despair, bit by bit.

Get closer to death every day!

Caterina was lucky to survive, but she also lost her ability to have children. Perhaps her change was because of that change.

"I am ordered to protect you, Mr. Du Lin. From now on, I require that you must be in my sight at all times, and if you are attacked, I also require that you obey my order!", She smiled unscrupulously. Holding Du Lin's villa, he added, "This is not a request, it is an order!"

She then pointed to the floor-to-ceiling glass window. "From now on, the curtains must be closed at any time, and you are not allowed to open them privately ..."

At this time, on a high-rise building about two hundred meters away from the Turin Villa, a bald head was holding a telescope to observe everything in the Turin Villa, and his lips continued to open as Catalina spoke. There was almost nothing wrong with repeating what Catalina said.

He watched everything calmly, she knew that the agent in military uniform was a very tricky guy and a security expert.

But this is also an interesting challenge. He has never been afraid of challenges. He is a ghost that does not exist in the legend!

The bald-headed killer wore a black and white shirt and jacket with a noticeable difference, and a black tie, and slowly put down his telescope.

平面 The graphic design of the entire villa has been firmly in his mind, and the next time is the performance time.

He checked the tools in his hand: three coins, a piece of soft alloy cable with a length of one meter, an unlocker, a jar made of ... expired tomato sauce in remote areas, and two tubes in line with the WHO Standard poisons don't kill people, but rat pills that cause vomiting.

And ... a wrench.

Yes, a wrench.

The wrench is just a very common tool in the eyes of many people. The workers in the factory may be better at using them correctly, but all of them are wrong.

This is a very typical killing tool. Not only can you unscrew some valves, make some sounds, damage some equipment, perform assassinations that look like accidents when necessary, it is more lethal than a dagger when necessary .

But even if they are found when carrying a wrench, they will not attract their attention, because it is just a wrench!

Ordinary people can never imagine that heavy wrenches and obtuse angles can easily smash the skull to protect the fragile brain. No one can live after a wrench, if there is, come again!

He calmly put on lambskin gloves and slap his fists, as usual, without any expression.

But only he knew that a voice sounded deep inside him.

The game ... begins.

In the villa not far from him, Karina has already arranged some facilities in the villa, and she also asked Doolin to put on bullet-proof vests 24 hours, as far as possible on public roads to avoid remote killing. .

I watched Caterina busy, Du Lin shrugged and sat on the sofa with Dove watching today's news.

In the news, the Minister of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire appeared in the same frame ~ ~ This was rare in the past.

When Kubar came to power, he was anxious to show that he was not weaker than Magus. He picked up the previous plan of the Federation and wanted to make the Imperial Star the international settlement currency.

For this reason, the Cabinet has also established a new department, the Ministry of Foreign Finance and Trade, to oversee the matter.

Very typical aristocratic style. Although the report did not explicitly disclose the terms of reference and power of the Ministry of Foreign Finance and Trade, Du Lin already knew about it.

At the same time as foreign ministers and finance ministers, there are also foreign ministers of 16 countries and official representatives. The Imperial Cabinet intends to set up an international financial and trading platform centered on the Yaoxing Empire to coordinate world transnational trade and balance the economies of other countries.

想法 This idea has received a positive response from many countries, and this report is actually just a cutscene.

They even thought about their names-IFTO.

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