Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1131: behind

"We have a big plan!" In a bright and luxurious room, a young man in his thirties looks in expensive clothes, and some people are doing their best to speak for themselves with the movements of their limbs. Apply chips.

It seems that every great conspiracy in history has always been born in a bright environment. The more disturbing and influential the conspiracy, the brighter the place where it was born.

For example, the conspiracy of the imperial family, they let the conspiracy swallow the continuous growth of human beings in the splendid palace, and eventually formed, destroying all the nobles who could affect the imperial power.

每 Every listener in this room has a very distinguished identity to build the nation.

Yes, these people are the true rulers of the Federation. Their ancestors established the federal government and have been controlling the country behind the scenes.

遭遇 After the financial tsunami not long ago, the founding nation once again stood up, shouldering the heavy task of restoring the country and rebuilding their homeland, and went back to the front again from behind the scenes, and achieved extremely dazzling success.

At this time, the federal society is much better than it was two years ago. Some major cities, such as Saint-Loss, have once again flourished.

More and more people firmly support the founding nation, and there is even a rumor in society that does not know when it will be circulated. The rumor has greatly denied the value and role of the federal government to the entire federation.

面临 When facing the financial tsunami, the federal government not only failed to come up with a practical and effective way to stop the financial tsunami. After the financial tsunami broke out, it couldn't come up with any substantial solution to the problem of social and economic reconstruction.

Especially about two months after the end of the financial tsunami, an investigation group formed by the founding nation found a large number of treasoners at the high level of the federal government.

人 These people and foreign capital forces are plundering the Federation economically. They seriously threaten the national security of the Federation, hurt the feelings of federal citizens, and undermine the development achievements of the Federation for more than a decade.

In the social media where truth and lies are intertwined, rumors claim that the only thing that can save the Federation is Mr. Theo, and only the nation nation.

The founding nation includes Mr. Sail to stand up to rumor, but the development of the situation has already deviated from the scope of power control, more and more truths have been dug out, the credibility and authority of the federal government has been on the verge of bankruptcy in several waves of public opinion .

The current federation is completely in the hands of the heads of these founding nations.

The homeowners are listening to this imperial man's speech at this time.

Looking at the serious look of these people around him, the empire smiled slightly. "We all know that the star empire and the image they have established internationally do not match at all, gentlemen!"

"Actually, the Ogden people are not much different from the past. They just hide their stupidity and arrogance, but in this society we can still feel their arrogance and stupidity!"

I nodded in agreement with the gentlemen in his speech room. The Yaoxing Empire Cabinet wanted to use their previous plan directly, and in order to avoid repeating the mistakes, they also brought a group of international brothers to operate this matter.

Mr. Sail heard some news from some channels, and the final result of the discussions in the Imperial Cabinet was not the same as what they publicized.

If Xingyuan cannot become the international settlement currency, then this ifto will start an "international currency" plan to create an international trade network centered on the Yaoxing Empire, and then use a new pan-concept joint currency as international trade. currency.

As long as a country wants to join ifto, it must accept the star dollar or the combined currency as daily currency and voluntarily include it in the ifto settlement area.

This was originally the Federation's original plan. It attempted to temporarily resolve the differences and conflicts between different classes in the country through the export of financial trade. Now they have failed, but they have not failed in this plan, but have been overshadowed by the Empire.

As soon as the Empire turned around, it also had this idea. It is clear that the Federation, which has already studied this international settlement currency plan, once the Yaoxing Empire has done this, then in the international financial field, they will never catch up. On the Yaoxing Empire.

So the best way is to take advantage of the preparatory meeting of ifto held by Yaoxing Empire to find a way to destroy the multi-party talks or drag the establishment date down.

In the first place, this can keep the empire from developing too fast, leaving the Federation completely behind and failing to catch up with it. Secondly, it can be considered a sigh of relief to slay the empire secretly.

Under the combination of multiple reasons, they found someone who was willing to do it for them.

Of course, any act will have a strong purpose. What the apostle who claims to be to spread the gospel needs is to establish a non-discriminatory religious organization in the Commonwealth to promote their teachings.

I have some doctrines and core ideas about this religion, which claims to be the seat of the Mother Earth Mother. These founding nations have also repeatedly reviewed and found that this is not a cult.

They also found some insiders and didn't inquire about any signs of confusion, so there was such a cooperation.

"So ...", Mr. Theo rolled his yellow and muddy eyes, "How are you going to spoil this multi-party talks?"

The man smiled humblely, "It's very simple, let them realize that even if the empire draws them, they will not be able to sit on an equal footing with the empire. They will become the nutrients for the development and growth of the empire, and will eventually be destroyed by the empire."

"There is a gentleman who is more suitable to do such a thing than me. Of course, it also requires a little effort from him. I believe he is willing because he will uncover the hypocritical mask of the imperial society and show the **** realities of red fruit. In front of people ... "

"The empire has never been a tolerant country. Those Ogdins, especially the nobles, have been hostile to other races. From the time they sent non-Augdins to the battlefield to die, they can feel their narrow extreme nations. Doctrine. "

如果 "If, during the multi-party talks, extreme racial incidents broke out inside the empire, and the death of a governor was involved, all we need to do is to mobilize international public opinion to condemn the racist empire of Yaoxing Empire and expose some lies."

"Gentlemen, do you think the multi-party talks will continue?"

"After all, they are not Ogdin!"

After listening to this, Mr. Sail thought carefully. The continuous expansion and expansion of the empire in the international community in recent years has given him a strong sense of crisis.

He knows that once these arrogant nobles develop, their greed will appear, which will eventually become a huge danger to the neighboring countries.

The last thing ... part of the financial tsunami has gone out of control. A considerable part of the agreement between the Magus Cabinet and him has not been observed and arbitrarily torn. When they should have retired, the emperor team not only did not retreat, but instead made a surprise attack. St. Lodo.

If it wasn't for the response from the Commonwealth that quickly blocked them back and preserved the integrity of the third city's defense line, it would be very likely that this group of day-to-day empires would fully invade.

At that time, they dared to invade the Federation in an abominable manner. It is hard to say that in the future, when there is a huge gap between the national strengths of the two countries, the Empire will not come up with the same idea.

Therefore, the first task of the Federation is not only to develop a comprehensive recovery itself, but also to find ways to slow down the development of the empire.

Then this young man and his organization became useful.

Mr. Sail nodded, "If I didn't guess wrong, the governor you said ... should be Mr. Durin?"

神 The **** from the earth gods stunned slightly, "Do you know him ?!"

Sail laughed and laughed a little, "Nearly, he became my granddaughter, only a little worse. The reason why I missed this opportunity was that I didn't take into account his greed and ambition, that was an excellent one. Young man, what a pity! "

The phrase "a pity" does not know if Du Lin did not become his granddaughter or whether Du Lin will soon die.

He blinked dry eyes and looked at the God's Angel, "What are you going to do?"

The gods of the indigenous gods make their expressions a little more serious. "We all know that there are some extreme racists in the Yaoxing Empire who have been active in society, and they will kill those eye-catching non-Augdins, such as Say Mr. Doolin. "

"At the same time, some other problems will soon be exposed in the empire, such as the brutal killing of non-Orthodox religious members. I believe that most members in the multi-party talks have different beliefs from the Orthodox Church. They also believers. Your own religion. "

"A variety of terrible problems broke out in a short period of time, enough to put the multi-party talks on hold for a while. Gentlemen, this is simple but effective."

The people in the room glanced at each other, and Mr. Sail stood up. "We need to discuss it in private."

God gave a slight nod, "I need to take a break, too."

After the servant took him away, Mr. Sail turned to look at other companions ~ ~ If no one disputes our plan again, we can raise our hands to vote! "

In the far west of the Empire, the agent responsible for guarding the windows of the utility room was shocked by the movement from the wall. He walked towards the shadows, and the guy who had been quietly lurking in the dark was ready to kill.

I was less than 300 meters away from them, and two sniper scopes took everything into view.

"This is a great guy, but he is stupid."

"Sometimes great doesn't mean you have to be smart, I'm great, but compared to the guy in the house, I don't think I'm so smart."

所以 "So, listen to me, brother!"

With a lollipop in his mouth, Yan Ji held a special three-eyed shotgun and looked at the guy who was doing small moves in the shadows through the sight while passing his own experience to his brother.

"Wait a moment when I say I'm going to shoot, we'll shoot together, understand?"

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