Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1133: Du Lin, pawn!

Du Lin was sitting in the utility room thinking about things. When he knew that the day Henry was assassinated, Mr. Jack called and told him on the phone that he should be careful in the near future. Someone was going to fight him.

Both the world and the world in Doolin's dream have some similarities.

For example, the three oldest occupations, selling cheap happiness, taking other people's lives for some purpose, and people playing with money.

According to Mr. Jack, this time someone spent a lot of money to call a non-existent killer to assassinate him, and this non-existent killer is one of the best killers in the world today.

Everyone who has seen him has been wiped out by him, and those who have not been killed by him have never seen what he looks like, in short, a legendary assassin.

Du Lin just smiled at this. There are many legends in the world. There is a deeper reason behind each legend. No matter what it is, these stories are for these purposes.

He included his own legendary story, not entirely for his own purposes, and some people needed it, so "Dulin" could become one of the empire legends in the new era.

In this impetuous society, every day, everyone faces huge and complicated conflicts, social class conflicts, consciousness conflicts, and some trivial differences in life, which are daunting.

Some people may be able to walk in a daze until they find the way they want to go, while others are in the mist.

In such a special period when both development and change coexist, whether it is a low-level society or a high-rise building, it is necessary to have a road sign, a road sign that can let people trust it, and find the driving force for hard work.

Bian Dulin is this beacon. His birth is in line with the principles and necessity of social development. Throughout the history of the entire world, whenever the society enters a brand new stage, there will be some children of destiny.

They can always succeed, be a role model for millions, and let countless people find what they need from their stories.

I may be moved, maybe the direction, and the motivation to continue working hard. There are always many things, but these things can be found in them.

For example, more than thirty years ago, the example was Magus. The empire was defeated, the morale of the people was low, social development was stagnant, class conflicts became increasingly fierce, and the entire empire was full of confusion about the future.

At this critical moment, he split the decaying feudal rule and created a new empire. He guided everyone in this country in the right direction like a lighthouse and found the light for them.

Thirty years later, the development of society is getting faster and faster, and more impetuous breath is born in the society. The timely appearance of Du Lin is in line with the overall needs of the country and society. At this stage, nothing is better than the weaving of an empire dream. People are more in line with the needs of social values.

Half is Du Lin's own efforts, half is the world needs such a person, so he succeeded.

So he believed more in the so-called legendary assassin, maybe it was just an ordinary legend.

However, this also fits Du Lin's needs very much. Mr. Jack and his simple chat revealed a message that the legendary assassin was not from Tushenism, but someone had spent a lot of money inviting him out of the mountain.

This means that there may be someone who is trying to touch the muddy waters in the "revenge event" of the native gods, and use the name of the native gods to kill themselves.

的 The enemy standing in the light is not terrible. Even if he is several times or dozens of times stronger than himself, Du Lin will not be afraid of such an enemy, and he has defeated such a powerful enemy more than once in his life.

He is an enemy who hides in the dark and waits like a viper. Even if this enemy is not powerful, he will be very dangerous.

Dulin does not like passive negative resistance again and again. He also hopes to know who wants to put himself to death through this incident.

Some routines have been rotten by people, but the more so, the more proven the practicability of these routines, he has to lead the snake out of the hole.

There was an almost broken sound of broken branches outside the window, and soon a shadow appeared outside the window.

人 The man was almost completely covered by shadows, except that his eyes reflected a faint luster in the darkness.

He looked at Du Lin, and Du Lin also looked at him. The two looked at each other for a few seconds across the window, others blinked slightly, and before they had time to act, Du Lin stood up.

He walked to the window, "If I were you, I would not make such a risky move."

说 He said this, and even opened the window, even the person outside the window was frightened by Du Lin's actions. He squinted his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, a mellow and thick voice came out, "You don't seem to understand the current situation, Mr. Du Lin."

"No ...", Du Lin shook his head. "It's you, Mr. Killer, who doesn't understand the situation." He took out a cigarette and lighted himself, handed the cigarette slightly, Mr. Killer shook his head, and then He added that he did not smoke.

Smoking can make him smell of smoke. For ordinary killers, it doesn't matter, but for a legendary assassin like a bald killer, anything that may expose himself is dangerous.

Even if it is a legendary assassin, he is just an ordinary human, first of all, it is just a mastery of skills that other people ca n’t master. After all, he can kill others with one shot, and others can send him back to God with a bullet. embrace.

Du Lin took a sip and slowly spit out, "Are you interested in telling me who your employer is?" He said with a slight chuckle, "Don't worry that this will lose your reputation, I promise no one will know about this one. thing."

Mr. Killer didn't speak, and kept watching Du Lin. When Du Lin took a third cigarette, his shoulder moved slightly.

"This is not a friendly move, Mr. Killer. Maybe you are more willing to get rid of your previous employer, or organize to serve me?", Dooling didn't have the slightest fear, but seemed very confident and calm, "I am a very Good boss, everyone says that. "

Watching Mr. Killer raise his pistol unmoved, the moment he turned his muzzle above the windowsill, he suddenly turned and ran, and it seemed that something terrible had happened.

Two seconds later, two loud sounds like "tong" came from the distance. The window sill was smashed by a bullet, and another bullet lifted a large piece of dirt less than half a meter behind Mr. Killer.

Du Lin sighed, grinded a pistol from a bag of fertilizer, and fired a shot at his lower collarbone.

The puppet pierced the body directly, and he put the pistol back into the fertilizer bag, then found a slightly clean place, and adjusted to lie down in a comfortable position.

From the first shot, agents throughout the villa area saw the figure who had already turned over the villa courtyard. Katrina cursed, letting most people protect Du Lin, she took The two men immediately led someone up after him.

On the roof of a building in the distance, Gina refilled a bullet and scolded him in the same way.

The most stable shot didn't hit anyone, which made him somewhat unconvinced. This was the first time he had missed after leaving the town of alfalfa, and he slapped the younger brother around. It made my bullets miss, so I will shoot first next time. "

Brother :: (*  ̄ (エ)  ̄)

After taking a slap, Kena was much more comfortable. He immediately adjusted the lens on the three-eye shotgun, and found the fast-moving shadow in the dark, and then found the drop of the bullet according to his almost instinctual talent. Point, pulled the trigger.

After a loud noise of "tong", the target in his scope actually jumped a bit, and just happened to dodge a shot.

The bullet passed through the gap between his legs and blasted the concrete floor out of a pit. Mr. Bald looked back while running, with a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth, and a fish leap rushed into the alley.

的 The weapons that can cause this kind of power can no longer be described by "guns", that is simply machine guns!

As soon as he thought of the pre-plan for assassination under the observation of a terrible sniper all night, Mr. Bald felt that this was not a simple task, and with everything he had encountered recently, it seemed that someone did not want to survive.

He covered his torn mouth with the blown cement sheet on his waist, and almost rushed out from the other side of the alley as if he could not feel the pain.

If he doesn't leave ~ ~ soon those agents will block this area, and under the influence of Du Lin, he will not run away at all.

虽然 Although it is dangerous now, there is still a chance.

Gina yelled again and slapped his brother, "Why didn't you just shoot?", Before his brother answered him, he ran towards the other side while changing bullets. When he was near the edge of the roof, he Leap forward and over the edge of the roof of another building.

半 Squat down for a second or so to aim at the moment of landing and pull the trigger again!

Tongtongtong's heavy weapon firing sound and the sound of the bullet's falling point provided Katerina with the necessary help. She scolded Du Lin in her heart for daring to use heavy weapons in the downtown area, while scolding the sniper pistol for the strange difference. .

I missed so many shots in one shot, that is, a half bucket of water.

At this moment, there is a bit of pain in the immutable expression on Mr. Bald Killer's face. He has an innate talent to sense everything around him and respond quickly.

Even if this was the case, he escaped a round of life-threatening bullets, and he couldn't escape the fragments that flew around after being crushed.

The sniper seemed to have changed his strategy, instead of aiming at his body, but at the wall or ground where he must pass.

The smashing pieces of crickets made him suffer, and many wounds were already on his body.

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