Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1137: number games

After Magus retired, the New Party Committee initiated a reform. The seemingly unconnected things are actually related.

时期 During his reign, his personal influence was enough to cover some of the views and objections within the New Party. It can be said that as long as it is something he decides, it cannot be rejected on the committee.

The whole New Party Committee structure is for Magus, to ensure that when Magus makes a major decision, no one will interfere with his decision.

After he retired, the empire entered the post-magus era, and the New Party Committee began to readjust the organizational structure to ensure that within the New Party, the Inner Party Committee is the largest and most authoritative stratum, and even the New Party leaders must stand aside!

This is also the reason why Bowers is most dissatisfied. He seems to be the next Magus, but it is not, he is only locked in a cage.

At present, the structure of the New Party Committee consists of New Party leaders, a New Party Committee chairman, two vice chairmen as the highest stratum, important party position holders, and state governors as the second stratum, and then divided according to the intra-party level, and finally divided into five Levels.

Generally, when certain issues are resolved, they will vote from the bottom up, but they have come up with a "point system".

To put it simply, the lowest-level members vote by one point for the subject they vote for, then two points, three points, five points, and ten points.

The final voting results are compared according to the accumulated scores. In their words, this is to increase high-level leadership, **** and authority, while also taking into account fairness.

In order to ensure that Bowers will not cause some trouble during the restructuring process, they told Bowers that during the implementation process, the chairman of the committee will not, in principle, conduct any voting.

This sentence touched Bowers. At first, there was only another vice chairman who stood firmly in the aristocracy. Vice President Dolly belonged to the Magus, and it could be said that she was neutral. She could fight for it.

In addition, the chairman does not vote in principle. He has already tied with the aristocracy in high-end power. Next, in the class of governors and important party important positions, the governor is mostly aristocratic members, and civilian members Only to work in the party, he has obvious advantages.

Because the governor and the mayors of some developed cities do not stay with the imperial capital all day and do nothing, absentee voting is also a rule of voting, which is counted as an automatic abstention.

Conversely, members who hold positions in the party will basically stay behind and work in the capital, and they will become the biggest supporters of Bowers.

Digging down, the strength is relatively balanced, but overall, the difference is not particularly huge.

In the past year and a half, the New Party has launched five important voting items. Among them, Bowers won twice and lost three times.

Those three failures were also the result of Boworth's belief that there was no need to compete. He did not lobby. He initially believed that the new mechanism was very reasonable. The only thing that made him dissatisfied was that after the restructuring of the New Party group, the biggest authority was no longer The leader, but the New Party leader plus three chairmen and vice chairmen of the New Party committee.

He lost the "only" authority, and it was also through this that he became increasingly dissatisfied with some practices before Magus retired, but he never showed it.

People are always talking about the post-magus era, but in this post-magus era, the influence of Magus has not decreased much, his impact on the empire is too terrible, and it has also affected for too long, even if he has already When he retires, people still think of him involuntarily when facing important choices.

之后 After the conference, the huge circular multi-level conference hall is not crowded or full, and some members with important work have not rushed back. With the support of Dolly, it is not a big problem.

Immediately after that, the chairman of the committee announced the content of the meeting, as well as some items that needed to be voted, among which was a vote on the acting governor of the state of Ambilo.

多数 Most of the members who came back from outside the country to participate in this meeting also returned for this vote.

After all, if you want to go further on the political stage, you must have some friends, party feathers. This is a must and a basic requirement. The number of participants in this meeting is already the largest among the major non-party meetings.

After the two vice-chairmen read out some intra-party decisions and some less important voting agendas, after more than three hours, the final agenda has begun on the nomination of the acting governor.

"Based on our comprehensive consideration and assessment results, the Committee considers that the members of the organizations mentioned below have entered the voting list. They are ..." After glancing at Dory's back, Bowers is very looking forward to the results of this vote .

He glanced at Schnoed, who was sitting in the meeting seat, and the latter was whispering with the people around him, that is, his small group can add more than twenty points to the voting result.

多 After Dory read out, the first round of voting began. The result of the vote was a bit surprising. Schneider had not gained an advantage, even when Vice President Dolly also voted for Schneider.

There will be three rounds of voting. If the results of the three rounds are consistent, then this is the final voting result.

If the results of the three rounds of voting are inconsistent, two rounds of supplementary voting will be conducted, with the winner of the three rounds of voting as the final voting opinion. If there is no winner of the three rounds of voting, the two rounds of voting will continue.

After seven rounds of voting, there is still no winner. This voting will be postponed to the next meeting, and more members of the New Party will be recalled for a second voting.

This is not a joke, and there is no joke in politics. Any decision is related to the future development of a party. It must not be sloppy or blindly voted to cater to the preferences of a few people.

鲍 After the results of the first round of voting came out, Bowers couldn't sit still. He took the initiative to leave the podium and head towards Schneider. This was a means to explicitly tell others that he supported Schneider, which was also within the scope of permission.

After he and Schneider said a few words, Schneider and the people around him began to go to those members who had not voted for him before, and began to lobby, which is also in accordance with the constitution of the meeting.

As long as they can convince others to vote for them and let these people stand by their side, the result of the vote is also valid.

主席 During this period, the chairman of the committee went to the bathroom and made a phone call to Magus before returning to explain the situation here.

After he returned to the meeting site for a ten-minute break ~ ~ the second round of voting began.

The result of this vote was completely different from the first time. Schnold became the winner of this round of voting with a very big advantage. Immediately after the break, everyone began to wander around to lobby and consolidate. The current situation.

In short, after more than two hours of the fourth round of voting, Schneider won the final resolution with three wins. He will become the acting governor of the state of Abilúo and preside over the daily work of the state of Abilúo during the Doolin coma.

Bawworth breathed a sigh of relief. He watched the calm-looking chairman leave the seat, pouting and smiling, and strode toward Schnold.

"Congratulations, Schnold, you won!", Almost no concealment, made some members of the aristocracy frequently look around, which also made the members of the civilians feel an exciting excitement, they are all around Schnold Congratulations to him.

Schnord didn't become arrogant because of this. He bent down and saluted slightly, and then stretched out his hands to clasp Bows's palm tightly. "Thanks for your nomination."

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