Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1140: The essential

In the evening, after work, Kubar came to Magus's manor again. During this time, he felt terrible. He needed to talk to Magus.

During his tenure as Prime Minister of the Empire, Kubar has been trying to figure out what happened after each of his decrees, and he is also observing the methods and ideas of his administration.

This is not to say that Kubar is a fool who can be a leader of the Old Party, especially when he is almost aristocratic groups proficient in civil fighting under his hands.

I just have never decided to do something about the fate of the whole empire as the supreme power exerciser of a country, so he needs to learn and keep learning.

In those years when he was not the Prime Minister, power was like a girl who tried everything to please Magus and let him do whatever he wanted.

He didn't carry any anger with every move, and easily pushed the empire from the state of rollover to the speed of the intercontinental highway.

But why did it become so troublesome and so difficult no matter what I did?

需要 He needs someone to help him. Obviously, Magus is the most suitable candidate.

No surprise about Kubar's visit to Magus, as long as this guy is free, he will come over.

为什么 Why did Kubar come over? In fact, he knows it well, but he did n’t tell it, and even if he did, it did n’t mean anything.

As a prime minister who almost changed the fate of the empire with his own strength, Magus's vision of the problem is still very unique, which is also what Kubar needs.

After Kubar came, the two went into the study. They didn't even eat dinner except for the housekeeper to send in some tea.

"I have had some newspapers and magazines closed, but the problem has not improved, but it gives me a more troublesome feeling than before." Kubbar lit a cigarette, looking a little sad.

The assassination case of Du Lin was originally a small matter in his eyes and could not rise to the level of the country, but the fact soon gave him a slap and hit him a bit.

Ifto, the three member states already identified have temporarily announced their withdrawal from the ifto meeting, and put forward the idea of ​​withdrawing from ifto, and some member states have stated that the meeting should be postponed.

The reason why they made such a decision was actually some news related to the assassination of Doulin in the empire and in other countries.

这些 In these news stories, the empire has been described as an evil and terrible country, and extreme racism and religious persecution have become two new labels of the Yaoxing Empire.

Although many people know that these news are fake and fictional, they can't let everyone know the truth clearly.

A large number of people are convinced of these reports, and some countries have also held demonstrations to this end, asking their leaders to withdraw from the evil organization ifto.

Kubal has no way to shut up foreign news and publishing companies, but for some domestic newspapers, he has sent people from the Security Council to seize them, and the principals have been arrested and brought to justice.

Xin Ke's new problem appeared again, because he arrested these people, seized these newspapers and media, and made more people start to wonder whether the empire had done those terrible things in the report.

Some people question that there will be a seller's market, all sorts of inexplicable and even ridiculous "truths" appearing in society, and there is still an increasingly flooded posture.

Various rumors spread throughout the empire. They have captured some active social activists, but they have not been able to stop the current situation.

The only comforting thing about is that they know that behind all this, someone planned it, not spontaneously.

Magus thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "This is not the most appropriate time. It would be more appropriate if it was earlier or later, but it is definitely not now!"

He was referring to the arrest of the rumors by Kubar, including the seizure of some newspapers and media and the arrest of the heads of these enterprises.

Either these things should be taken decisively at the beginning of the matter, to prevent the rumors from spreading, and to prevent the situation from further festering.

Or the thunder strikes when everything heats up in the end, sweeping away all the noises cleanly, and can also let people close their mouths because of shock and fear.

As a result, Kubar chose the worst time to move his hands, which not only does not make people feel afraid, but also does not prevent the spread of rumors and the fermentation of events.

In fact, Kubar ’s political ability and level would not make such a mistake. He just suddenly became the prime minister of the empire, and wanted to show it. In addition, he had to deal with a lot of things that have not been dealt with before. Combined with a variety of reasons, it was a bit of an assortment.

If he can calm down and deal with it calmly, this will not happen.

In the final analysis, it is because of the changes in mentality after becoming the Prime Minister of the Empire.

The embarrassment on Kubar's face made Magus feel a lot happy. He and Kubar have been good friends since childhood, and the two have been interacting with each other from the time they met until the 20s and 30s. Compare and compete with each other.

Everyone wants to prove that they are the best. Love and killing accompanied their best years. It was not until the sudden rise of Magus that overthrew the old feudal dynasty and established a new era. He's still worse than Magus.

Some, only some.

Nothing can be more enjoyable than the failure of the old opponent. Magus laughed for a while and began to think about how to deal with the current situation. He was also very clear that if it was not for Coubal himself, there was no way to do it in a very short time Turning everything around may not be asking him.

关键词 The key word here is "in a very short period of time". In fact, he can solve these problems by giving Kubar ample time.

But the question now is whether the ifto conference will be held, how long it will be lost internationally, and some domestic issues.

If these problems cannot be solved in a short time, the international prestige of Yaoxing Empire may drop to a level.

From this series of things, Magus smelled the breath of an "old friend".

Breath from the Federation.

If you want to say who is most happy with the defeat of the Empire, it must be the Federation.

The federation, which has just been ransacked by the empire, is facing unprecedented huge troubles, the domestic livelihood is declining, the economy is regressing, and its international status has fallen sharply.

It is said that two armed forces appeared in the federal territory, operating in some remote areas under the slogan "Save the Federation from the hands of the dictator."

He intersects with many contradictions within the Federation, the national strength continues to decline, the empire's livelihood and economy are developing rapidly, and it has surpassed the Federation in the world, becoming a first-class power.

In the face of such a situation, even if the Federation can't take it, it will find a way to trouble the Empire.

For example, the problem of weapons smuggling, which has become more and more widespread in recent years, has seen a large number of standard weapons from the Federation appear in the underground world of the empire.

In the past, a gang with two or three pistols could gain dominance in an area. Last month, three automatic rifles and grenades appeared in three gangs in a small town in the south.

The passiveness of public opinion this time is most likely caused by those in the Federation, even if it is not, it is now.

He slowly breathed a sigh of relief, smiling slightly. "In fact, it is not troublesome to solve these things, but we lack a core character. With him, everything else is not a problem."

Kubal also breathed a sigh of relief and took two cigarettes to annihilate the cigarette **** in the ashtray. "I'm curious, who has such a great ability to solve problems that you can't solve."

Magus raised an eyebrow. "Dulin!"

Looking at Kubal's surprised expression, Magus smiled again in a happy mood. He didn't give Kubar any chance to speak, and directly solved the mystery.

"Do you remember Ilorati?"

"Someone is fighting for something that is good. People are always so weird and blind. In fact, they may know that what they are fighting for is worthless, but others are robbing, so they have to rob."

Illorati is the name of a noble lady. When she was young, the lady was very famous in the aristocracy circle. Every day, many young nobles were around her.

She was also very interesting to say. She was definitely not the most beautiful of the nobles at the time, nor was she the best, nor was she the biggest in background. Her everything was ordinary, but people were willing to pursue her.

By pursuing her to prove that she is the best of this generation!

In the eyes of those people, she is no longer a "person ~ ~" but a representative of success and status. Everyone is eager for success and status, so everyone is fighting.

With Magus's explanation, Kubar immediately responded. He was also one of them at that time, and he had understood what Magus meant.

The problem that really affects the empire is not all visible problems. It has nothing to do with what happened to Doulin, but whether the ifto conference can be held smoothly and whether enough countries are willing to participate in it.

As long as ifto is successfully held, some problems will naturally be solved, and even some people who want to leave ifto and are about to leave will return here again.

但是 "But what does this have to do with Doolin?" Kubar asked a little bit puzzled. "Can he do any magic to make those people break their heads for our plan?"

魔法 "Magic?", Maggs laughed, "No, of course he can't have any magic, but he is a man who can do wonders, you need to believe this!"

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