Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1148: Plug individual

At 9 o'clock the next morning, the hunting team left the palace. The terrain of Orix is ​​not as plain as that of the empire. Almost all the terrain here is mountainous, with rolling mountains forming a beautiful scenery.

It has not been polluted by industry, nor has it been artificially harvested. Maintaining a very intact natural environment is also very rare in the Empire. It is no wonder Ophelia thinks the scenery here is good.

After the royal palace is the hunting ground of the royal family. The entire range of a mountain belongs to the hunting ground range. The guards of the royal palace will strictly control the number of animals in the hunting ground, and supplement and kill in time to ensure that no animal is completely killed.

The bottom is extinct, and some animals are flooding into disasters.

Du Lin didn't want to come over, but Ophelia begged and had to wear a set of clothing for hunting.

The nobility of the nobles is strictly horrifying. Different occasions, different topics, different participants, different purposes, different positioning, and even different emotions require separate configurations.

Hunting in the plains is a set of equipment, hunting in the hilly areas is a set of equipment, hunting in the mountainous areas is another set of equipment, plus various colors, various accessories, the difference between the identity of the host and the guest, etc.

Ying Ying's clothing, that's why a housekeeper who served a nobleman can earn more than 20,000 a year.

Because people who do n’t have this knowledge have learned to learn, let alone copied like this, they can only make people laugh.

Uncle was a little uncomfortable with a hat that was brown-black in sheep's clothing, similar to a helmet, but with a trace of edges. He unbuttoned the buckle on his jaw and hung the hunter's hat on the saddle.

Yes, this is a hat that can only be worn by noble hunters. If it wasn't for Du Lin's strong rejection, they even planned to put some beautiful feathers on his braces to show the speciality of his status.

Others turned a blind eye to this apparently noble manner, Ophelia smiled for a while.

知道 She knew that Du Lin didn't like it and was not used to it, so she didn't persuade it reluctantly. Instead, she took off her hat and hung it on Du Lin's saddle.

The knights in charge of hunting around the have already delineated three hunting sites. The hunted prey ranged from small animals such as ordinary rabbits to harmless large animals such as deer or other things.

Presumably an aggressive wolf, including a piebald magpie.

As long as they enter the hunting place, the knights will drive the prey towards their place, so that they can calmly maintain their graceful and decent, and can kill the prey cleanly.

Du Lin was not interested in hunting and did not participate in it. He and Hazlet together rode on the horse and watched the queen and Ophelia killing various animals that came out with their spears. .

Hazlet always maintained his demeanor as a king. He tilted his head slightly, and whispered to Dulin, "I want to send my child to the Imperial Royal College. Is there any way for you?"

Olex lacks the foundation of higher education, so in this country, once children complete their high school education, they have to choose whether to go home as a farmer or go to other countries for higher-level studies.

In the past, the main place they chose was the federation next door. The federal government will reduce their tuition fees and give them a certain living allowance. If they are good enough, they will not only be able to study for free, but also have a monthly fee.

The small bonuses make life easier for them.

This caused a small number of middle school students in the Principality of Orix, talented and learning ability, after going to the Federation, they will not return to suffer, further weakening the academic research development of the Principality of Orex Update fastest computer side: /

The Duchy Principality had to maintain the current development mode with agriculture and animal husbandry as the economic pillar.

It is not a fault for a king to want his children to go to the best university in the world. Doolin can understand his deep fatherly love, and his relationship with those of the Royal College is OK.

He is now a noble, and he is also a member of a party who controls the land of a state. In addition to the good cooperative relationship between him and the Royal Academy in the past, it is not particularly troublesome to want to plug a prince into it.

No trouble, no trouble, but some things, even if not troublesome, make people feel that this is a very troublesome thing.

If you show that you can easily meet the needs of others, this will not only make you feel that you are owed a favor, but may even hate you after you work hard to help him. small

Anything, but just barely achieved the standard, did not do my best to do it for me!

He may not know how much effort you have put in, or even beyond his ability, but he thinks you are sorry for him, deliberately not giving him the best, and therefore hates you, and will publicize your actions with others for

Rampant and bad behavior.

Therefore, when someone asks you, you must reflect the difficulty of this matter, the expectations are low, and even small successes can make people surprise.

"Royal College?", Du Lin's tone rose slightly, then he shook his head. "Royal College is the best college in the empire, and has been a breeding ground for elites of nobility for so many years. noble,

It's hard to get in. "

"Even many capable people in the empire cannot enter, what can I do?"

Du Lin's statement is definitely not perfunctory, but merely exaggerates a fact.

In fact, the Royal College is the one that keeps up with the times. The number of various special classes has almost surpassed the ordinary classes. Recently, it has also produced short-term intensive classes of half a year and one year.

The fees charged are even more amazing, but even then, there are still people waving banknotes trying to squeeze in.

After Kubar took office, he cut the funding of the Royal College to other universities because the education minister in the "Ministry of Education and Medical Care" believed that the Royal College had departed from its original nature.

A large number of people have entered the school, so it is only natural that they should reduce their education funding, and let other universities have more abundant education funds to develop teachers, strengthen teaching standards, and comprehensively

Improve the level and quality of empire education.

After losing a large amount of financial appropriation, the Royal College can only "intensify" to recruit special longevity students to make up for the current financial loopholes.

If there is a foreign royal prince waving a banknote to join the Royal Academy, the principal will surely be happy to spit blood and glitter with the international advertising!

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