Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1158: Still young

While Doolin continued to fortify Diplomatic Barriers for Kubar and, by the way, lay seeds for himself, films shot in the West began to enter the screening stage.

There are no colorful film special effects in this era. Post-production is limited to limited editing, which shortens the process of a movie from project establishment to shooting to release to the extreme.

Not to mention that the six major producers suddenly found that the huge losses in the financial report began to be a headache. The world asked where Du Lin is now. The film about the independent story of eight heroes in the western world was obtained when the film was released. Great success.

人们 When people don't consider whether the special effects are cool enough or the setting is singular, the movie is relatively original, it just uses pictures to tell the audience a more vivid story.

Whether the story is interesting is the key to the success of the film.

Of course, those videos in the adult channel are not counted. After all, viewers who spend money watching those videos do not want too much time in the movie to tell the story. They care more about the performance of the actors and whether the action design is intense enough.

Most magazines and related newspaper reviews use great success and ingenuity to summarize the film's achievements, and others believe that this will be a milestone in film history.

This is the first series of films that put forward the concept of "world". The protagonists in these eight films have occasional guest appearances and performances in separate stories from each other, giving people a sense of expectation and hope that these justices will be achieved. Personal heroes can unite against evil.

Even the "Avengers Alliance" that was cut off has been picked up again. Perhaps Mr. Du Lin is willing to be the leader of the state of Abilúo to lead everyone to the light and wipe out evil.

The rigorous Vader who sat in the cinema and wrapped herself in her face was a bit red, and the praises around her made her feel a little bit floating, as if stepping on a cloud.

When I was in the country, no one had praised her as much as the audience around her, and even some of her shortcomings have become a symbol of personality.

人们 "People like you ...", Kinsale, who also did concealment work, rubbed Vinda's arm with his elbow. "I was not as successful as you when I just started working!"

There is some memory in her remarks, and there is also some sorrow.

When she first started filming, she was not like Vinda now. When she debuted, she created a script based on her core. Kinsel's first performance was not even a heroine, nor was it a particularly good story.

People look at Du Lin's face, and the investor he took out is willing to give him a face, allowing Kinsale to play a role that is second only to the heroine.

But looking at Vinda, without any foundation, he shot a movie around her. Du Lin's **** is really not a thing. This is definitely a different treatment.

Weida grinned a little embarrassedly, then closed her mouth tightly.

Any young man will have the dream of becoming a big star. Such a dream will accompany them through a relatively naive period, and then end up as a childish nostalgia for the past. I also stupidly thought that I could be a star.

But this dream was realized in Vinda.

Watching the happy Vinda Kinsale swallow the words that she wanted to say, Vinda's success was not because of how much talent and luck she had. It was just that she had the same surname as Doolin, and she and The same blood flowed in Du Lin's body.

之后 After the movie ended, everyone started applauding and exiting in an orderly way. It was absolutely impossible. With the discussion of the prodigal people mixed with various swear words, people started to go outside.

"I like that chick, if she is my girlfriend ..." This is a kind-looking statement.

"Her performance is like a lame goat dancing on the roof!" This is some bitterness.

It is normal for any actor to be liked by everyone. In addition to a new actor, he has become a lead actor without any performance experience and has achieved success. There are always many noises in the society. .

Fans of conspiracy theories are almost always victims of paranoia, and even things that have nothing to do with them can be linked by their jumping thinking.

As soon as the sisters left the theater, a boy walked towards them. Kinsale watched the big boy approaching with caution. The security guard, which was omitted before hiding around, also appeared behind the boy. Ready to throw him.

Vida let go of Kinsale's hand, stood next to the boy, and started to introduce the boy to Kinsale, "You've seen it, my hero."

The pun meant that Kinsale immediately knew the identity of the big boy. In the movie, he was the lover of the role played by Vinda, and it was precisely because he was killed by evil forces that inspired Vinda's heroic talent. , And also those next stories.

Kinsale, who is an absolute sister in the entire crew, knows that the script was not like this at first. Later, under the strong request of Du Lin, the screenwriter had to modify the emotional drama about Vinda. There should be more drama boys as background settings.

My boy is Magellan, 22 years old, a rookie in the movie industry, and a signing actor from the six major production companies.

In the past few years, when the six major production companies and the actor's union were in conflict, the six major production companies began a new layout of the entire industry. They have established a complete actor training institution and agent system, and do not need to rely on actors anymore. The actor of the union can gather a group of excellent actors.

But their purpose is definitely not to completely upset with the actors in the actors' union. Now the relationship between the two parties has been restored as before, but if it comes to the opportunity, it is definitely easier for the six major production companies to make their own actors.

Magellan has made five movies, two male actors and three are the second supporting actors, that is, the first supporting actors, commonly known as supporting actors, have the title of emerging actors in the circle.

This is one of the reasons why he was able to join this series of filming, but unfortunately he encountered a very reasonable Du Lin. After all, Vinda was only 19 years old and under 20 years old. It was not suitable for shooting some people with physical contact. Drama.

This can only make him show his face and end in a hurry, but it is also because he encountered unexpected treatment such as modifying the script, and had a good personal relationship with Vinda.

Vida always felt that because of her own reasons, Magellan could not show more content in the movie. Under the guilt and want to compensate and the girl's naive thoughts, she and the young man fell in love quickly.

Kinsel sighed silently, but did not show it. She shook hands with Magellan, and as soon as she was about to leave Vinda with herself, Vinda rushed in front of her and said the night's schedule.

"Magellan is going to invite me to dinner to celebrate the success of my first movie. Later in the day we will go to the midnight show again, and then he will take me home, I promise ...", the girl breathed To say everything, just don't want to give Kinsale an opportunity to interrupt her, "I promise to be home before one o'clock."

The two of them now live in Kinsale's villa, and before Vinda is an adult, and she does not have the ability to live independently, Kinsale does not intend to let her leave.

Magellan also stood up, with a hint of pleading in her smile, "Ms. Kinsale, I promise, I will send Vinda back before one o'clock."

He has a good appearance himself. He joined the six major production companies as a child star, and his looks and temperament can be said to be in line with the mainstream values ​​of the society. At this time, his poor appearance is indeed shaken.

In the eyes of Vinda's pleading, Kinsale could only reluctantly agreed, "I don't want to say extra words, if you do something that shouldn't be done, I will tell Doolin." She said here to pause He paused. "Also, you must bring two bodyguards together."

The omitted bodyguards recharged a wave of presence at this time, and some of the steel essence hidden in the darkness quietly receded.

The name Doo Lin did cool down the two youngsters a bit, and their expressions were not as cheerful as they were just now, and they were somewhat worried.

The reasoning Du Lin has already impressed them very much ~ ~ Including Vinda, she never thought that the first Du Lin who violated Mr. Kesma was actually the most People like Mr. Kesma are full of parents' old-fashioned ideas!

Looking at the smiles on the faces of the two of them gradually solidifying, Kinsale was relieved, just deterrent.

She couldn't help but think of the sense of oppression that Du Lin gave her when she first came to the city, and suddenly had an urge to laugh.

Bearing to laugh, she said to Magellan, "I have something to tell you, come here ...", then glanced at Vinda with a warning look, and walked slightly to the alley next to the theater with the big boy.

At this time, there are not so many people at the gate after the movie has ended, and new audiences have entered the screening hall. Only a few people waiting for the next round of the show to advance ahead are still hanging around.

"This is not a great idea!" Kinsale lit a lady's cigarette. "Our family is obviously a little different from yours."

Magellan could hear what Kinsale was saying. He looked up and looked at Kinsale fearlessly. "I and Vinda love each other sincerely, and God can testify for me!"

"Dulin's guy doesn't believe in your God. This sentence has no meaning to us. I just give you a goodwill reminder. If you have any ghost ideas, it is best to quit now, or you will be hurt."

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