Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1163: Report

In this magical land of the western continent, there are not only various tribes and magical kingdoms such as the Colt Empire, but also many gemstones and gold mines.

噜噜 When 噜噜 Hatuo proposed to exchange gold and gems for Doolin's assistance, and the unit was "pounds", Doulin realized that he should help 噜噜 Hatuo.

So when Du Lin raised the question about a nearby gold mine, 噜噜 Hado immediately asked Du Lin to take a look.

The open-air gold mine is hidden in a jungle. It is almost completely an open-pit mine. After many years of mining, a huge group of pits have been mined. However, no one is working in the gold mine at this time because of fighting. .

Their mining tools and processes are very rude and backward. The mining method using only hammers and pickaxes is not only time-consuming and laborious, but the output is very low.

The stove for the calcination was still smoking, and everything was extraordinarily primitive.

Later, Du Lin went to visit the gem mines within the territory of Sahado. It is better to say that a gem mine is a river. A lot of gems are deposited in the sediment at the bottom of the river, which is likely to follow from the upper reaches of the river. The scour along the river slowly moved to this neighborhood.

In other words, there may be a large number of gem mines in the entire river. Colonel Du Lin asked the map of the western continent, which marked the beginning of the river at the northernmost point of the western continent. An eagle's head.

According to the conclusions of geologists and historians in the Empire, that part is most likely the place where the meteorite fell in the sky movement theory.

Geologists believe that huge meteorites from the universe have brought extremely terrible power. A collision not only destroyed the civilization of the entire world, but also caused the western continental plate to move terribly.

At the same time, where the meteorite fell, it also produced extremely scary reserves and widely distributed mineral resources.

The results of these scholars and experts' exploration in the Yagul Mountains so far also seem to prove the accuracy of the theory of astronomy, so if there are also some rich mineral deposits in the parts of the western continent that were hit by meteorites, Something difficult to understand.

It's just ... these are money. Compared with other mineral resources, the value of gemstones is obviously higher!

An aboriginal man in a crotch came up from the middle of a wide river. He wiped the water on his face and decided to swim back under the muzzle of the black hole.

When he climbed ashore, he held up with his hands and presented a gem found from the bottom of the river in front of Du Lin.

的 The sapphire in his hand is about the size of the thumb, and the cold and mysterious luster shines in the sun, which immediately attracts Du Lin's eyes.

This gemstone is different from the horned and engraved gemstone of the Yaoxing Empire. It has been polished by nature in the course of hundreds of years of sand and gravel sanding at the bottom of the river, and The shape is more adapted to the impact of water flow.

The overall oval sapphire is like a drop of water. It has some unique beauty, especially when held in the hand, the touch is even more wonderful.

It is not completely translucent and smooth, and there is a trace of insignificant matte in the smoothness.

Du Lin glanced at Haddo, who somehow fought a chill. These barbaric indigenous people possessed the world's most terrible wealth, but because they did not develop scientific and social values ​​consistent with the progress of the times, they gradually became civilizations. Barbarians in society.

As the best young man in the empire and the inevitable leader of the empire in the future, Du Lin believes that he must lead these stupid, ignorant and uncivilized barbarians into the embrace of civilization.

He put the gems in his pocket. This little thing is like sand and gravel in the river. It is a gift of nature and belongs only to those who can appreciate them.

After returning to the tribe, Du Lin and the Colonel officers made the next battle plan. On the one hand, Kazhazan must continue to flee south to motivate more indigenous people to fight against them. On the other hand, they cannot give them too much. pressure.

If the pressure is too great and the gap is too large, they may give up resistance, which is not in line with Du Lin's original plan when planning this land, so they will lose a few games.

失败 Through failure, the indigenous people realized that when the number exceeded a certain number, even the most powerful soldiers from the empire could not stop them, when the war machine appeared.

While annihilating most unscrupulous, allowing the hawk-billed region to unify on the bright side, while supporting the opposition led by Khazhazan and providing the necessary international humanitarian assistance, I believe that the sleeping rebel leader and Sahado will finally be able to hit the dog here.

Kazhazan fled for a week or so, contacting the five tribes around 噜噜 Hador, gathered more than 3,000 indigenous warriors to prepare to fight outsiders and betrayed 信仰 Hador.

In fact, sometimes Du Lin also felt that these savages would have a more cute side. For example, before the war, they sent messengers to tell Sahado how many people they had in total and where they planned to go to Sahado. war.

This simple, cute and straightforward image added a little bit to them. Of course, Doolin would not fully believe it. If he truly believed in these indigenous people without reservation, that would be the true indigenous people.

At the same time, after the news at 7.45pm on September 1st, Channel 1 of the TV Group broadcast an inserted program called "Into the Wilderness."

"From what I learned from a local indigenous tribe willing to contact us, some of the tribes in the Eagle's Mouth region still retain cannibalism ..."

The petite and lovely female hostess in the TV picture died with a mournful expression on the face of the family, and was embarrassed to walk through the jungle under the leadership of several indigenous people wearing crotch cloth.

还有 There are several emperors with guns beside her, but the audience can still read how frustrated she is at this time from the frightened expression on her face.

She was walking through the jungle wetland with one foot deep and one shallow, while continuing to report to the audience at the time, "Now, we will observe an indigenous tribe up close. I believe that the primitive social form here will make all living in People in the civilized world are shocked. "

As soon as the picture flashed, the camera's lens aimed at the increasingly bright environment in the distance, and they were about to step out of the jungle.

之外 Any complaint from the hostess came from the picture. Damn it. If they do n’t raise me for a raise after I go back, I wo n’t do it. Those people ca n’t imagine what we have encountered these days!

的 The audience watching the program couldn't help laughing, maybe they thought it was just an ordinary program, but the following pictures greatly affected them.

When the picture of the camera lens broke through the blockade of the jungle, there was a tribe on the edge of a cliff slightly higher, and under the cliff not far away.

At this time, it was 4 or 5 in the afternoon. When the indigenous people ate, except for a small amount of cooked food, their main food was actually raw.

Of course, it is not human. They are skinned bison, which is one head higher than the largest cattle breed in the empire. This is also a common herbivorous migratory animal in the western continent.

This tribe is not large, only about four to five hundred people. Except for women, children, old and weak, sitting on the side eating nasty things mixed with cow blood and batter, adults in the tribe are gathered in the bison around.

Some people use a knife or dagger to cut off raw beef and swallow them, but most of them directly pounce on the bison and bite them. The savage people with wet spots on their faces make the audience in front of the TV feel it. Heart palpitations.

Ru Mao drinking blood is definitely the most unwilling to remember and the most disgusting existence in the civilized world. Although the birth and origin of civilization has also experienced this stage, the civilized society has let people know how to camouflage themselves and embellish the past.

Along with the tribal meal, the audience also fell into silence. The show was edited in the post. During this period, it was played in multiples. In five minutes without any language, three huge bison were smashed into bones. .

Watching those native magpies pull out the minced meat in the bone gap with their fingers on the skeleton and swallow it ~ ~ Some viewers with low mental capacity can not understand Chengdu's nausea and nausea.

The picture quickly returned to the recording studio. The interior host looked at the camera with a heavy eye and did not speak, just like watching the audience in front of all TV sets, so that everyone felt she was watching. It's yourself.

About ten seconds later, she slowly said, "I never imagined that there is such a pretty social existence in this civilized world. This is a retrogression of human history and a stain of civilized society. "

"These valuable images come from the Eagle's Mouth region of the western continent. After the Sahabadian government in exile applied for international humanitarian assistance to the empire, we also learned some facts about these tribes."

"At present, Mr. Durin, the governor of the state of Abilúo who has just recovered from the injury, is helping the Captain of Sahado to regain his legal rights in the eagle mouth area. We are also fortunate to have produced three episodes with more detailed pictures. Unknown world. "

"Until now, under the leadership of Mr. Durin, the Imperial Humanitarian Relief Team has helped the Chief of Hajdo to return to his tribe, and he is actively conducting friendly negotiations with other tribes in an attempt to return to the Eagle Mouth area as soon as possible. Peace and peace. "

不过 "But what we learned is that the situation is not optimistic. Next, we will continue to report to you about the peace process in the Eagle's Mouth region ..."

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