Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1165: Land of gold

In anticipation, after a lapse of three days, Cable Channel 1 broadcast the second episode of the "Golden Kingdom" of the documentary "Into the Wilderness".

Compared to the previous episode of the primitive and brutal shocking social ecological environment of the entire western continent, the program in this episode is very exciting.

Because of the content of this episode, it is very suitable for the small topic of this episode, the country of gold.

About seven or eight years ago, the price of gold was about four yuan and one gram. Now, the price per gram of gold has risen to seventy and eighty. The price of gold in the non-ferrous metal market has also steadily increased, and it is almost not obvious. Down.

People can see that with the advancement of time and the development of society, the price of gold is likely to exceed ten dollars a gram, and there is nothing more valuable than gold.

There is still the possibility of currency depreciation stored in banks, but it seems difficult to devalue gold.

The hostess in the TV scene has changed her outfit more suitable for action in the tropical jungle, and there are more soldiers around her than the last time.

The last time was a long-distance observation, but this time, it went straight into the tropical jungle.

众多 Among the many indigenous people in the Eagle's Mouth area, there are tribes similar to Sahado, which have formed a micro-ethnic tribe, and there are "family organizations" who live in the jungle and wilderness according to their blood relationship.

In addition, the war in the Eagle's Mouth area has not meant to stop recently, and the crew has hired enough soldiers to protect their personal safety.

With a rickety picture, an ancient altar dissatisfied with historical traces and moss appears somewhere in the jungle.

The hostess started introducing to the audience in front of the TV screen.

"We found this deserted altar, according to some local indigenous people."

"In their culture, they believe in and fear a terrible demon king, who has fallen asleep for a certain period of time, and once he wakes up, he will destroy the world."

Speaking of this sentence, the hostess couldn't help but show a smile. As we all know, the world was created by God. Even if there is a demon, it is suppressed by God.

Many people in the audience in front of the TV set laughed at it and scoffed at this statement, especially those who believe in Tianzheng Lord.

"In the local culture, the indigenous people think that if the demon king does not eat for a long time, he will wake up briefly due to hunger, bringing plague and terrible disaster to the world, so they will be the second rainy day of the quarter, or the last day To perform sacrifices. "

"From what we have learned so far, they will use the blood of the beast to water an altar like this, and let the blood of the beast fill the groove at the bottom of the altar ..."

In the picture, the hostess squatted down in front of the camera and knocked some floating earth and moss with a branch, exposing parts of the altar under the soil, some of which were dark brown in color, compared with the dark green moss and so on. The color is darker.

The hostess walked towards a stone platform in the middle of the altar and continued, "They will sacrifice the beast's head and heart to the demon in exchange for a long sleep."

"In the past, people did not understand the reason for the birth of natural disasters, so they attributed the disasters they couldn't understand to something they couldn't understand, and in this way sought spiritual comfort."

"In the religious rituals here, the indigenous people are as devout as the gods they believe in, like most primitive native denominations, so they will use gold as a vessel to provide blood food as a sacrifice ..."

The female journalist dropped the tree branch and took a multi-purpose shovel from the entourage. She scraped the floating soil from the altar, exposing the main structure like a stone.

"It looks like this is just a huge stone, but in fact it is ... take it for me ...", the female reporter handed the microphone to the others, and then slashed it with a shovel in her hand and severed it on the altar. .

The crisp sound of the sound is not the sound of the stone, and the picture suddenly advances a lot, so that a gap in the altar is fully visible. People in front of the television unexpectedly find that in the humble gap, hidden A touch of extremely exciting light!

The tincture is a bit more blue and white than the color of gold, but it is not quite like ordinary metal.

Is it brass?

Or gold?

Many people's hearts suddenly started beating at this moment, and some of them discovered something keenly.

The female reporter would chop again and again to expose the altar with more golden light, and then retrieve the microphone again. "It is very common to use precious metals, especially silver and gold, as rituals in sacrificial offerings. Phenomenon, although many civilizations have such a convention so far, our scientists still ca n’t explain why in the closed social environment where there was no communication, why people would use gold uniformly without an agreement , Silver as a vessel. "

"But it doesn't matter. The top layer of the altar behind me is about ten centimeters thick and made of gold!"

She seemed to be able to detect the enthusiasm and excitement of the audience during the episode. After a short pause, she continued, "But they are not pure gold. Under the premise of lacking equipment and more advanced smelting technology, It's hard for them to turn gold ore into such a gold plate. "

"According to the testing of our accompanying staff, its purity is about 40% to 60%. In addition, it also contains some other associated metal elements, but I believe that if it is refined again, it must be A lot of high-purity gold can be obtained. "

"In the primitive ecological society near the mouth of the hawk, similar altars are almost everywhere, and some altars have been abandoned due to the demise or migration of the tribe, and some are still in use."

"As far as we know, the altar they used to worship in the southernmost and largest tribe of the Eagle's Mouth area is completely made of gold!"

"In the Eagle's Mouth area, there are very many and abundant open-pit gold deposits. Low-risk open-pit mining has given indigenous people a large amount of gold products. For them, gold is more like a hard currency that can be seen everywhere ..."

The main purpose of this program is to introduce the civilization and history of the Eagle's Mouth area. Just mention the gold, and soon the content of the TV began to change. Among them, an indigenous teenager who looked 16 to 78 years old appeared in the picture.

"This is the youngest son of the Chieftain of Sahado. We all know that the chief of Sahado is very awed and eager for civilization, and is also the first chief to go out of the Hawksbill area."

"When he knew we were going to record a show related to local culture and history, he asked his little son who can speak common language to help us answer some questions."

Then the two talked about a lot of culture and traditions about the Eagle's Mouth area, and finally the host asked a question that was beyond the scope of the script.

"I noticed that almost every tribe of you will have its own altar, sacrificing the sleeping demon god, so what is the name of this devil god, or is there any legend about him?"

Sahado's youngest son, Agohari, explained in a somewhat jerky common language, "In the legend we have passed down, this great demon brought destruction and new life. He is the origin of all things Is the end of all things. "

"A wake-up and a deep sleep is the end of a period of time ... In the past, our ancestors called him the" Eternal Dragon King "..."

The female journalist nodded and said with a smile, "Undead Dragon Emperor? This is a very ...", her expression made the audience laugh, hiding a hint of irony, "a very powerful title!"

的 The audience in front of the TV will also smile, this is probably the civilized mocking of barbarism!

The ratings of this episode of the program are very high, and even in the display cabinets of some shopping malls that sell TVs, they are repeatedly replayed continuously.

The imperial residents who have eaten and satiated are no longer satisfied with the simple spirit of enjoyment and pursuit, supplemented by the turns of the media, and people have become more and more concerned about and interested in some international news.

On the second day of the broadcast, the whole society appeared curious about the brutality and culture of the eagle mouth area ~ ~ The Imperial Cabinet suddenly announced that the IFTO meeting would be held normally as planned.

At the same time, there are also some gossips. It is said that the International Finance and Trade Organization will issue a brand new international currency. All member states will use the star and the international currency named "Union Currency" for international trade settlement.

稳定 In order to stabilize the exchange rate of the alliance currency and not cause additional issuance due to some uncontrollable artificial reasons, and accelerate inflation, for this reason, the Empire ’s Ministry of Foreign Trade, Defense, Foreign Affairs and the Cabinet believe that the newly issued alliance currency will be linked to gold.

IFTO will set up an internal disciplinary department to conduct strict inspections and audits of the Union currency issuance work and gold reserves of member countries twice a year.

Although this news has not been confirmed by any official institutions, it has caused a huge sensation in the non-ferrous metal market.

The price of gold in the non-ferrous metals sector of the three major banks surged 6% after the market opened, and there is a further upward trend.

People may not quite understand what is happening behind all this, but they know very well that gold is getting more and more expensive.

Alas, on the other side of the strait, there is a barbaric, primitive, war-torn region of gold everywhere!

At the same time many, many people have bred the impulse to go to the Eagle's Mouth area and put it into action.

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