Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1190: Doolin and Doulin Pie and ambition

After intense discussions in the afternoon meeting, all representatives of the member states finally reached an agreement on their opinions. They are willing to use the star yuan as the settlement currency, and in exchange, the empire will store some countries ’ Currency is used as foreign exchange reserve.

In fact, this is not too much a requirement, but if the Empire officially announces to increase the foreign exchange reserves of various countries, it will inevitably make a wave in the foreign exchange market.

The currencies that have been included in the Yaoxing Empire's foreign exchange reserve will definitely appreciate, but those currencies that have not been included in the Yaoxing Empire's foreign exchange reserve will naturally fall in varying degrees.

The first thing after the establishment of an international organization is definitely not to spread peace, but to create authority!

But overall, today ’s agenda is perfect, and it has n’t been delayed for too long, nor has it been delayed until tomorrow.

The issues to be discussed at tomorrow's meeting are of great concern to everyone, that is, the issue of arms sales. Each member country intends to order a large number of advanced weapons to equip its own army. The empire is also promoting the popularization of the empire system. This is also a good thing. thing.

However, Du Lin will not be required to participate in the meeting tomorrow. First of all, he is not an expert in this field. Secondly, for so many days, he has helped Cubal to stabilize the position of some small countries. He also gave a lot of good suggestions. It doesn't matter if he participates.

Therefore, he intends to accompany Ophelia tomorrow. After coming here, there is no time to pass. The little girl must already have an opinion, so accompany her.

In the morning the next morning, I came back for a morning breakfast, read a newspaper, and then packed up. As soon as I was ready to go out, the phone rang.

It was Ophelia who called. They planned to pick fruits in the countryside outside the capital today, and ate a meal together in the evening and rolled a sheet. By the way, Ophelia told him not to go where she lived. Go directly to the welfare home.

The dean just called her and said that there was a young man who donated a large sum of money. Because the amount was huge and the dean was a bit square, I hope that one of Ophelia or Du Lin is the best. She has already Rushed over.

Such a situation is rare. It does not mean that the amount of all charitable donations is not large, but that the amount of donations for non-charitable activities is not large.

As we all know, charitable activities are not only a beautiful scene of legal tax avoidance, but also a way to promote yourself.

To put it plainly, the existence of charity activities allows people to "perceive" that there are still good people and lucky people in this society. Even if they are eliminated by this society in the fierce competition, there is still the possibility and hope of life.

Charitable activities are essentially a placebo for the whole society. Officials also strongly support such activities. Such activities contribute to the stability and continuous self-paralysis of the bottom of society.

With official affirmations and various people or affairs in charity activities, the whole society will pay attention to these activities.

In celebrity circles, if anyone asks how to become famous as soon as possible, most of the opinions are to participate in various charitable activities and generous donations.

However, many people may not even throw a dollar into the donation box on the roadside on weekdays, but in charity activities, they will definitely sign a large denomination with generosity and donate without frowning Charity.

Du Lin had nothing to do with it. Considering the particularity of the Ophelia Angel Foundation, he also planned to check it out to avoid anyone using this foundation to do something not so good.

Similar to collusion between inside and outside, he did not encounter it once or twice.

Only when he arrived at the scene did he realize that the donator knew him.

Not only did I know, but also by phone yesterday.

"I didn't expect it to be you. You came quickly!" Du Lin smiled and reached out and shook the man. "You gave me a surprise!"

The donator of the charity was a little shy, but he was still decent enough. He carried his clothes in one hand, stretched out the other hand, and bent slightly, and shook Dulin. "I was uneasy. I came by steam locomotive all night. Got to sleep for a while, I'm very sorry. "

"No, I don't need to apologize. I'm honestly surprised. Someone told me that you are special. I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it, Mr. Schnold!", Du Lin invited him to sit down after he had spoken. .

That's right, the person who made the donation was Schneider. After talking to his wife, he talked again and asked for the anonymous account information.

Except for the token-pair access method, most of the Imperial Bank ’s anonymous accounts are accessed using passwords, as is the account they sent.

An account code and an access password only need these two things, and any imperial central bank can directly operate this account.

After checking the 500,000 they had sent for their signatures, Schneider immediately booked a direct train to Emperor Capital overnight and arrived at Emperor Capital at more than seven in the morning.

The first thing he did after he came here was to cash the deposit in the anonymous account into a cashier's check from the bank, and then to the "flagship store" officially operated by the Ophelia Angel Foundation to make a donation.

A lot of points, 500,000 donated all, and the terrible effort immediately shocked the Dean and the Foundation, even Ophelia was shocked, and eventually Du Lin was also shocked.

The staff whispered something in Doering's ear while serving them coffee drinks and fruit plates.

Du Lin then let everyone leave, leaving only the two of them in the room. Schnold lowered his head slightly. Du Lin didn't know what he was thinking.

This silence lasted for more than ten minutes, before Du Lin blinked and turned back, he picked up an apple from the table, and put it back a bit disgustingly.

He folded his hands and pressed them on his lap, looking at Schneider. "I was thinking about how to deal with you, but I didn't make a clear decision after thinking about it a lot, but I finally figured it out."

Schnoed nodded, but his movement made him feel his head lower.

Du Lin pursed his lips. "You have had some work experience in the state of Abilúo. This is unmatched by others. I also appreciate your principle. I have an idea. Let us refer to each other ..."

Schnoed nodded and said, Du Lin continued, "Have you ever thought about coming to work in Abilúo?" He said with a few laughs, "Of course not now, when I go further up, maybe You can come to work so I can be more at ease. "

"Otis and Donald made me realize that even if you draw a beautiful painting during your administration, your successor may turn this painting into shit. Only the right people and people with the same idea can It is possible to derive more content without changing the style of this painting. "

Schnold suddenly looked up at Du Lin, his eyes were about to shine.

If there were no logical problems with his mastery of the common language, what did Du Lin just mean ... let him take over the job of governor of the state of Abilúo?

Schneider, who was able to calmly deal with even when his family was threatened, at this time his heart beating fiercely, he took up the coffee and bowed his head to take a sip to cover up his abnormal state of shock.

Du Lin chuckled again and again, "You don't need to hide your desire for power. We are all such people, hoping to live better and get more things."

"I am actually very simple and easy to deal with. I am very dissatisfied with the current situation within the New Party. People are used to dividing a whole into multiple individuals, which is not good."

"Whether it is civilians or aristocrats, we are all the same. We are members of the New Party and share the same political ideas and positions."

"There is no gap between us. There are only some artificial obstacles. Breaking these things is my idea and plan ~ ~ Come work for me, Schneider, after all, a new era Time, we represent hope, and the future! "

At present, the future development plan of the State of Abilúo has been completed. His original idea was to hold a nest in the state of Abiluó for eight years, and then give birth to a golden egg called the Prime Minister.

But for these eight years, he was totally wasted in Abilúo. He didn't want to waste his limited time in a place without meaning.

No one who has the ability to take over has appeared before, so he can only follow the procedures step by step.

But Schnord's appearance, and his performance during this time, made Dulin see another way.

That was to jump out of Ambilo, and three years later he would nominate Schnoeder to take over his job as governor of Ambilo.

And himself, he will find a way to be nominated by the Vice-Chairman of the New Party Committee. After seven years, he will participate in the election as the Vice-Chairman of the New Party. At the same time, he will establish the "Dulin" as soon as possible in these four years .

He didn't intend to leave Schroder at first, but Magus's opinion was to keep this person, so he had to do as Magus said.

Although the old man has retired, his influence in the New Party is ubiquitous. Even the new party chairman, Bobos, has been impotent by his play. It can be seen that if there is no faction within the New Party that can fight against Magus, eventually He will still be controlled by Magus.

Magus said every day that he was retired and was about to die. The ghost knew how long the old man could live. If he couldn't get rid of these problems as soon as possible, Doolin would be obedient for at least ten years.

Obedient days and months he can do it, obedient for more than ten years?

Thanks, bye!

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