Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1194: Ancient wisdom

In fact, there were still some problems that Magus didn't explain clearly. This involved the contradictions and differences in the interior of the royal house at the time.

A series of "failures" were eventually pressed on the royal family. The royal family encountered an unprecedented crisis of trust. The people in some areas expressed their demands for the emperor to step down and the royal family to withdraw from the core of the empire's rights.

In the context of a society that is fully opposed to the royal family, the royal family can be said to have been very in crisis.

His Majesty the Emperor does not intend to give up the power in his hands. He also holds the three elite corps of the empire and can completely maintain his power for a short time.

However, the great prince has found that the price of doing so is the nobility to split the place, and the heroes join together. The end of the royal family may be worse than it is now, so the high prince directly launched a rebellion that is limited to the palace. It can also be said to be himself Improper usurpation of the emperor, hanged the emperor's most loyal guard, opened the palace door, and welcomed the aristocratic group led by Magus.

Under such circumstances, the emperor's ceremonial sword, which he usually used to enclose the nobles, was placed on his neck, and his face turned pale and reluctantly. He has since become a mascot who can only have children.

The great prince joined the real circle and became the "smart" monarch in the eyes of a few people.

Unfortunately, the great prince thought he could become an emperor in the shadow and continue to control the empire, but the influence of the royal family dropped sharply after he withdrew from the core of power. In addition, as a member of the royal family, he could not participate in elections publicly. With no votes, people have less and less power in the end. .

Before he was still dreaming, he was quickly slaped by reality. Magus, who held heavy power, gradually gained more support and became the leader. Although he was a little bit upset, he was powerless.

He may have done something stupid, he caused the decline of the royal family as a prince, but for the empire he did a good thing.

Of course, in fact, there are many secrets outside of this matter that Magus did not say, and this life will not plan to say, such as his relationship with the queen.

In the face of what the old man said, Du Lin never thought that this old man would have such a legendary career. At the same time, he was also guessing, if this is true history, then what exactly is Magus playing? Roles?

With his ability and intelligence, has he long guessed that his influence and power can surpass the royal family, or even a possibility, all of which he planned, including the turmoil of the northern nobility.

In this way, he peacefully usurped power that was not owned by him and could never belong to him in a way that everyone recognized.

This is a real old silver coin-most of the currency in circulation before the empire was mainly copper and silver coins. Silver coins were originally white and shiny, but the more times they changed hands, they will gradually reveal a black in white, which is more wonderful. The thing is that people turn a blind eye to these blacks, and are still blinded by the reflection of silver coins in the sun, so people use old silver coins to describe some people or things that are black in the surface and smooth.

The above are all nonsense ... No, this is the ancient lexicon full of wisdom on the North Continent. It vividly summarizes more content through short short sentences and is widely spread.

Du Lin smiled, leaning his head, "What else should I do?"

"First you have a child!"

For Magus or Timamont or the entire aristocracy, although Doolin has become his own, his bloodline and his origins are still a problem.

However, he and Ophelia's children did not have such a problem. The blood of the Timamont family was flowing on his child, and he was a nobleman at birth, and he had the power to inherit the Tulin and Timamont families.

As long as the relationship between Doolin and the Timamont family is not broken, the child will eventually become a terrible monster-he or she will have all the power, power and wealth of both the Doolin and Timamont family. The essence of marriage.

Du Lin listened carefully and replied, "I will work hard for it as soon as possible."

Magus just smiled at the somewhat ridiculous joke that Du Lin said with a serious expression, "Let's talk about other things. Do you have a new idea this time?"

In fact, Du Lin's sudden visit made him guess that Magus would definitely not have come to eat rice if there was nothing, and he must have something to say to himself.

This is the benefit of communication between smart people, you don't need to be too confessional to understand each other's ideas.

Du Lin adjusted a sitting position and lit a cigarette. Recently, his smoking addiction is a little bit big.

Fortunately, cigarettes in this world do not produce any harmful substances, so that for some time, some people think that smoking is good for your health.

"After contacting Schnoed, I found him very interesting, cautious, sensitive, careful, full of desire and bold." He raised his hand. "Some seemingly contradictory words are concentrated on him. , But they can coexist, so I have an idea. "

"I want him to be governor of the state of Abilúo, and I jump into the New Party Committee, and I think the position of vice chairman is very suitable for my work for the next four years."

Magus considered for a moment, "What about the method?"

Just like Dulin considered before ~ ​​ ~ Any high-level position wants to be vacated, which means a lot of transactions and compromises. It is impossible for anyone to willingly give up their position to Dulin, There must be a series of transactions.

Coincidentally, Doolin was also ready. "Mr. Bowworth's body is not suitable for him to continue in this position, and he will resign after completing this role, perhaps earlier."

"I noticed that the Chairman of the New Party Committee has been in that position for more than ten years. His contribution and credit to the New Party do not need me to express one by one. You should have ample feelings. For such an old man, maybe we should let him rise one liter."

"Ms. Dory and the other vice-chairman, Le Geman, are not very familiar to me, and I have little contact with them. Perhaps some of them are willing to move their **** to change positions."

"This leaves a space for me!"

Magus had been watching Doolin. He didn't speak for a while, and then suddenly said, "You plan to run for Prime Minister!"

This sentence is very certain, as if he can ensure that his guess is completely correct.

Du Lin looked at him, he also looked at Du Lin, and after a short while Du Lin nodded, "If possible, I want to enter the role as soon as possible."

Some smiles appeared on the serious face of Magus, "You can give it a try, but I promise you will not succeed. If you are running for the next Prime Minister, I will fully support you, but this time, you can only Fight yourself. "

There was a knock at the door, and Ophelia had asked them to go to the restaurant. Du Lin stood up and took a look at Magus. His condescending gaze was a three-pointer, a three-pointer, and a three-pointer. With a touch of madness, he sorted his clothes. "Who knows if you don't try it?"

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