Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1197: Struggling 1

For a few days, Du Lin did not care about the World Financial and Trade Organization. About the last few days of early October, the entire meeting ended.

At this point, the World Financial Trade Organization was formally established. After discussion, ifto headquarters will be established on an island in the Republic of Seleville. This is also the final decision made by everyone.

The Seleville Republic is located at the northernmost tip of the western continent, with a narrow topography, and some large, undeveloped islands in the sea.

This place is not far from the empire, and Xyleville is one of the few neutral nations. It has a unique advantage. After many elections in the conference, the place was finally settled on an island outside Xyleville.

Subsequently, various countries will prepare funds to develop and gradually improve the island, which is expected to be officially put into use in the first half of next year.

In addition to this, many decisions were made during this meeting that could affect the entire world.

The first is the offensive and defensive alliance. All member countries that have joined the World Financial Trade Organization form strategic alliances with other members from the perspective of international strategy.

The member states are not allowed to fight each other at will without the ruling of the ifto meeting, and if a member state is attacked by a non-alliance member state, other member states are also obliged to lend a helping hand to help calm the war.

There are many other provisions like this, the most important of which is the "St. Nurin Fantils Agreement" signed by all members, which requires member states to send different numbers of troops to gather in the Seleville area to form a group The special army for military rescue and pacification of war is called "ifto International Security Maintenance Special Forces".

The command of this force is owned by the Joint Parliament of the World Financial and Trade Organization. Its main use is to maintain peace at the international level, settle disputes, calm wars, and protect the interests of member states. It is a very special and very important military operation. Team.

In the second half of the agreement, there are some special requirements, including requirements for resource embargoes initiated by countries not cooperating with the Federation and not participating in the International Financial and Trade Organization, and a long list …….

In short, the representatives of most of the member states have shown appropriate happiness and enthusiasm for joining the organization. They believe that the Yaoxing Empire has assumed its due international responsibility and made outstanding contributions to promoting international integration.

After the meeting, Du Lin attended several small meetings and got on the train to return to Abilúo. His mission was over and it was time to perform his true duties.

At the same time, a large amount of gold ore was transported out of the mountains by the convoy in Ambilo. Ambilo's gold deposits are very rich and belong to rich ore groups. Each truckload of ore means amazing wealth.

Even under the circumstances that Doulin continued to fight illegal armed crimes, a riot broke out in a few days. A group of masked armed thugs robbed a mining cart that transported ore and disappeared in the mountains and forests of Abiluo. It made Abiluo Mining Company very dissatisfied.

In particular, the Imperial Bank of China, who believes their interests have been violated, is applying for a private armed license from the Ministry of Armed Services of Abilúo, intending to mobilize some armed security guards from other places to protect their property.

But this time the application is still the same as before. It was not so easy to pass from Schnoeder. Schnoeder rejected the approval on the basis that Du Lin was on his way back, and rejected the approval, and started to pack and prepare to leave. Makes everyone a little irritable.

Du Lin is not a very good speaker. This point has been reached a few years ago. He tried everything possible to wipe out the "illegal armed forces" in Abiluo. Now he wants to apply for it from him. Armed licenses are definitely more difficult.

Previously, they resorted to all means to force Schneider to sign the document. No matter how much compensation they gave, the relationship between the two parties had already broken. At this time, Schneider's avoidance of nature did not exceed their expectations.

But the next job may be more difficult, because the person who wants to open up the relationship is called Du Lin!

How **** Du Lin is, just look at the people who have dealt with him. It's not as easy to bite a piece of meat from him as it is to run for the Prime Minister of the Empire.

In the room, the vice president of the mining company was sucking the land, his expression was a bit distorted, and there was a little innocence in his comfort. He played soot. "I heard that some local companies have obtained armed licenses, so we will buy directly. Are these companies feasible? "

The so-called cooperation in the capital market means that there will be cooperation only when the "volume" of the two parties is almost the same. Most of the time, the business purpose is accomplished through annexation.

If you talk about cooperation, you may be subject to many constraints and restrictions. Instead, it is easier and more effective to eat these small businesses with armed licenses in one go. The two consortia plus the Imperial Bank of China have no shortage of money in their pockets. It's time.

The mining of the mineral resources in Mount Yagul this time is inherently problematic. This cannot be seen by the consortium and the Imperial Bank. A plan with many loopholes, why did they join in?

If at first they had unknowingly rushed in, then they found a way to make the impossible possible, and that was Ms. Dirkina.

Ms. Dilhina is the key person in this matter. As the cause of everything, if Dulin does not deal with her, then she will not be able to deal with other people.

This is a very simple and simple thing. You don't deal with the main criminals to deal with their victims, even the fool knows that this is wrong!

As long as Dilhina can be kept at the forefront, even if Doolin doesn't want them to continue mining, he has nothing good to do with them.

The only trouble now is the problem of armed personnel. The west has always been a very backward and brutal place in the eyes of developed cities in the south ~ ~ This armed hijacking of ore carts also shows this. This short board is likely to be used by Du Lin.

The biggest thing about Du Lin and other well-established elites is that others will find white gloves to do dirty work, and do it carefully, for fear that others will know that they are doing bad things.

But Du Lin is different. He never finds white gloves. He has always done it by himself, and people can see at a glance that he must have done it, but there is no evidence to accuse him.

If an effective measure mechanism cannot be established on the security issue, it will most likely be used by Du Lin to force them to deal with the predicament through tricks outside the market.

"He has two days to come back, we can try it first!", Another vice president agreed with the proposal, and looked at Ms. Dilhina, who had not spoken in the room. , Your influence here in Ambilo is better than ours! "

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