Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1199: Acquisition

Tower Shield Security Company currently has two hundred licenses, which can arm two hundred company employees who have been filed with the company and the state government, and can be equipped with live ammunition, and can fire bullets when necessary, but under a small threat, it cannot Shoot at the enemy's key, unless the opponent also has firearms and fires first.

The Luzhou government has strict control over private armed forces, and the number of armed licenses issued by the entire state of Abiluo is no more than 20,000.

Some people think that these permits are worthless and meaningless, because it is common knowledge that every family in the west has a gun. The local farmers and cowboys have never stopped fighting robbers or gold prospectors until Du Lin ruled the state. .

The gold digger has perished, but the local residents still have weapons in their hands, or they can pull the trigger when necessary, then the certificate appears to be of little value.

Actually, this is a wrong concept. Residents can hold guns legally, but they cannot gather together to form a group using violence as a means.

When a group of farmer cowboys stood together with guns, if they could not tell why they would gather and carry weapons, the local police and investigation bureaus including those of Doolin would let them understand what is called "illegal private armed" and The gravity of what they did.

But holding an armed certificate is different. Even if these people who bring guns and documents with them are gathered together, as long as they have not violated the law, they will not only not violate the law, but will also be protected by the law because they have been registered. Special groups with legal rights.

The purpose of the Abiluo Mining Company is to acquire Tower Shield, directly take the two hundred armed licenses in the company, and then mix these people with the security of the bank to form a convoy to protect the transportation of gold ore .

The idea is good, but it is not so easy to talk about.

Once any enterprise starts to enter a benign operation, the most disgusting thing is that someone wants to pick peaches and propose an acquisition intention.

It does not mean that being acquired is not good. In fact, the purpose of many company founders to create companies is to attract the idea of ​​capital and then be acquired, which also extends to a richer variety of enterprises.

事务所 There are many firms in Xie Lisi Street that engage in this kind of business. They will evaluate well-run companies, and then leverage the bank's relationship to buy more companies and then split the company's content.

The most profitable part is taken out separately and sold to those large group companies that need to expand in the industrial form, or a small company is set up to promote listing or fundraising after repackaging, and finally throw it away in one breath.

As for the bad content, it will be packaged and sent to the bank or applied for bankruptcy.

如此 After such a seemingly simple operation, a company with a market value of one million can easily sell for two million or even three million.

The company is not such a company to obtain more profits through capital means. At the beginning of the establishment of this company, the purpose of several shareholders was to build a nest for their peers and "similar".

So the whole company is almost all gold prospectors and mine guards, this is their last heaven, this is their last den.

The negotiations were not smooth from the beginning. When Dilhina stated that she would buy wholly-owned Tower Shield, the CEO and members of the board of directors gave resolute opposition.

Even if the price of Dilshina is far higher than the market value of Tower Shield Security Company, the shareholders are very firm in maintaining their position and resolutely disagree with the sale of the company.

"It's not a question of money, Ms. Dilhina!" Although the CEO's face was still smiling, he looked a little reluctant than before. He looked around at his colleagues before turning to look at Dilch. Na, "This company has our ideals, our persistence, and our ultimate dignity."

"It has nothing to do with how much money you give us. Although I am just a poor man to you, but I am very clear. Some things I can give up, but some things, even if the price you charge is even higher, I I won't give it to you. "

"This is definitely not my offense to you, but my insistence. Ideals are priceless and dignity is priceless!"

Other shareholders also nodded in agreement with the CEO's statement that ideals are priceless and dignity is priceless. See how good this is. It is indeed the only one of these people who has gone to high school. What they say is different!

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Dilhina's mouth. She gave a few glances to the people around her, and then said with a smile. , Net income is less than 70,000 yuan ... "

I said a few moments as she laughed, "Sorry, gentlemen, I didn't mean to express any emotions intentionally, but I was really funny."

"I'm very sorry, my language may be a little ugly in the future. A company with a half-year net profit of only 70,000 yuan. If this is your ideal and your dignity, then can I think that your ideals and dignity increase. Together, there are only these 70,000 yuan? "

如果 "If they are so cheap, then I'll pay another price, 700,000 to buy all the equity from you, and then buy this company for 1.3 million."

"Two million, cash, as long as you sign the money, it's all yours, gentlemen. Such opportunities are rare." Dilhina picked up the sunglasses on the table. This small gesture gave This puts pressure on board members and the CEO.

From this action, they can very clearly see that Dilhina seems to be leaving. Sometimes ideals and dignity are indeed very important, but in reality they seem to be as easily broken as glass.

When you are a good person, everyone rushes ahead, but when you are a bad person ... I do n’t know who kicked the CEO from the back, and he immediately responded, "Ms. Dilhina, we have felt your sincerity, But we also need to discuss, you see ... "

Dier Hina nodded slightly, "Please, but don't take too long, I have other things."

"Soon ... soon!"

Two million is not a small sum of money. Everyone in the entire board of directors can share tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of them. Is this a lot of money?

In fact, at a glance, it is not a lot. Now it is better to buy a car for 70 to 80 million fast, and even better, it is more expensive. It seems that the money is enough to buy a car. Buying a few houses does not leave anything.

I really want to say less, and it doesn't seem to be rare.

According to this year's minimum monthly salary of between 68 and 72 yuan, the median value. If a shareholder distributes 100,000 yuan, it means that the money represents more than 1,000 months of labor. Income, if converted to years, is about 120 years.

多 Is there a lot of income in 120 years? Of course, there is certainly a lot. This is already equal to the income of a family that is disease-free, disaster-free, food-free for 60 years!

Dier Hina's price just happens to be in such a high place, they will certainly not agree with a little less, and of course a better one.

In the next room, these shareholders were arguing in a friendly and loving way to decide whether to sell the company to Ms. Dilshina.

In fact, since the establishment of this company, the market value has not exceeded one million, and its performance has been rising slowly, but these people on the board of directors may not be able to share much money.

预计 The estimated income for this year is about 150,000, and then each shareholder is divided into several thousand pieces or more than 10,000 even if this year passes.

收入 This income is definitely more than they earn as a gold digger or work for others, and it is also easy, but to say that it is rich, that is to lie to themselves.

As soon as Dilhina speaks, it is equivalent to let them share the profits of the next ten years. With this money, they can completely build a tower shield.

Gold diggers, members of the protection team, this kind of people flooded in the west. As long as they have money, they can immediately hire a large number of people. The really difficult thing is to get armed licenses. This thing is very difficult to apply for.

The Luzhou Government Armed Forces has been deliberately controlling the issuance of armed licenses. So far in the entire state, there are only more than 20,000. They can occupy one percent of them because of coincidence.

A large number of gold diggers and members of the mine protection team were scattered all over the place. In order to avoid the deterioration of local public security, Du Lin issued some licenses to stabilize the hearts of the people, and promised to issue more every year in the future, so that some people waited for the opportunity quietly .

Now in the more private channels of the state of Abilúo, the price of an armed license with a certificate for reintroduction is about 6,000 yuan, and sometimes it can rise to 7,000 or 8,000 yuan, but the highest price is this price.

Moreover, there is another saying that the price of armed licenses will decrease year by year. After all, more and more issues will be issued in the future, resources will become more abundant, and prices will naturally go down.

These people discussed the totals, and finally thought that Dilhina's money was still small. If they could add another 511 million, they would sell it.

Ideal, dignity, these things are quite cheap in a society where wealth is truth!

The CEO then appeared opposite Dilhina. "Ma'am, we discussed and thought that your price was lower than our psychological price, so this transaction could not be completed."

Dier Xina smiled, "What's your psychological price?"

When the CEO just opened his mouth to say three million, a certain twist in his brain suddenly twisted, he put it in the right place, and blurted out a higher price, "3.8 million, ma'am."

Dier Hina looked at the young man ~ ~ eyes widened, "Are you crazy? Where is this broken company worth 3.8 million?"

The people behind the CEO are sweating in their hands, and some people are even going to come to his back, but he quickly said, "You should understand that the price of armed licenses in some channels is now Ten thousand yuan. In other words, we can put these licenses on the market and sell them, and the income we get is not lower than that of packages sold to you. "

He falsely reported the current market value of several thousand yuan to 10,000 yuan, and also bet that Dilhina had no knowledge of the situation inside.

After thinking about it for a while, Dilhina said directly, "Then I can purchase those licenses directly through other channels, so it seems that the transaction between us is now over." She said she was about to stand up But a word from the CEO made her sit back.

"Without a few months, you can't put together two hundred licenses, ma'am."

所以 "So I think our price is reasonable. Packing plus saving your time is not an overflow acquisition. Very reasonable price!"

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