Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1210: I have a plan but i don't say

Night, quietly.

Hey weird!

Nights in Laoshan are rarely quiet, especially in the special geographical location and topographical environment of Mount Yagul. The hot and humid air brought by the ocean currents will blow to the north along the gradually climbing terrain of the Yagul Mountains.

This guarantees rainfall in the Yagul Mountains and also brings high winds.

风 This kind of wind sound may not be particularly obvious during the day, and people will be distracted by too much information.

But at night, when the darkness is dark and there is a lack of sufficiently complex environmental information to interfere with people's brain processing capabilities, the wind sounds particularly loud.

This is like a resident living on the side of the road. During the daytime, the flow of people and traffic on the street never stops, but people do not feel that these sounds are unbearable, and sometimes they do n’t even feel open when they open the window. Noisy and noisy.

But at night, when you turn off the lights and prepare to rest, even if you close the window and there is a car passing by quietly downstairs, you will find it difficult to fall asleep because of the noise of the tires produced by the car.

The Ginna rack that has arrived at the predetermined location is ready. The three-eyed 铳 which has been re-modified has ears full of mountain wind and the sound of friction of leaves and branches.

不到 Less than 300 meters away from him, the lights were bright, and the electric lights hanging from the branches illuminated a small piece of open space like daylight.

A small van stopped in this open space, and some workers kept pushing the truck to load gold ore in the buckets of the last few cars.

Several drivers sat together to play cards, others watched with cigarettes, and sometimes bet with cigarettes.

三 Three hundred meters away I can't hear what those people are saying, but from their current situation, they will leave when the last few cars are full, which takes less than an hour or two.

At this point, Kena can still wait. The dark camouflage on him and other players makes them integrate with the entire forest, even if they are difficult to find at close range.

As the time slowly passed, and it was almost nine o'clock in the evening, the last car was already full. Workers locked the bucket, covered with a rain cloth, and after confirming all the procedures, one of them held a writing pad toward The drivers went.

A driver wrote something on the writing board, it looks like it should be his own name, then he slaps the slap to blast the drivers who are playing cards, and returns to their own car in twos and threes.

这个 At this moment, several headlights suddenly appeared outside the flat ground, and then another one lit in the distance.

Falconer frowned. It was more cars than they expected, and it looked like those cars that had never been lit weren't like trucks.

After about two minutes, a group of cars hidden in the woods left, followed by a truck full of ore, and finally another group of trucks followed the truck as if they were escorting the truck.

I saw this Keena remembered, and he remembers someone who said that these people have found some security, bought a security company, maybe this group of people.

But it doesn't matter who they are or who they are.

He pressed his jaw against the gun body behind the scope, adjusted the lens, and watched the distant convoy from far to near, aiming at the engine compartment of the first car.

三 The three-eyed 铳 he is using now is actually not the original one. With the continuous improvement of the catalyst, more and more new products have come out, and the old three-eye 铳 structure has not kept pace with the times.

He re-customized it, still using three compression kinetic energy tanks, supplemented by strong catalysts and a new structure design, enough to make this gun play a terrible destructive force.

What is even more frightening is that this gun uses a 17.5 mm bullet. This caliber has already caught up with the caliber of some small caliber machine guns. With steam as the power, the sound when firing is smaller and more concealed. , Is simply a remote killing weapon!

Don't say it's a human, even a car can blow up!

Squinting his eyes closer and closer, at a distance of about 120 meters, Gina pulled the trigger decisively.

The whole person shook violently. It was amazing that although people shook, it was very stable overall.

The immovable arm firmly fixed the gun, without readjusting the lens data, directly pushing the pull rod to push the bullet in the feeder into the gun barrel. He was skilled enough to aim as fast as countless times, and then pulled again. trigger!

Two dull throbbing sounds did not cause anyone else's idea in the mountain forest where the wind was hanging. The entire body of the first car in the convoy suddenly fell suddenly, and then somehow rolled over in the middle of the road.

No one behind him knew what was happening when a bullet shot into the cab of the first truck.

The windshield in the cab was instantly rigorous with blood paste of minced meat. No matter where the 17.5mm bullet hit the human body, the effect was the same, just like a small bomb directly exploding the limb into Xuemo!

车队 Fifth seconds after the second shot, the people in the convoy reacted, but the third bullet had arrived. The last minecart trembled after a loud noise and a lot of steam was emitted from the engine compartment.

The front and back of the three vehicles blocked the middle of the mine cart, and the mountain road was completely blocked.

It's not impossible to walk next to it, but it's all dense woods, people can walk, but cars can't, let alone a larger truck.

All of a sudden everyone got out of the car and hid. From the surrounding hillside, there was a less obvious smoke from time to time. Occasionally, a shuttle bullet banged on the car body and made a nice sound.

The bullets roared and fired at the convoy on the mountain road, and the entire convoy was beaten up for a while!

The captain of the security guard who was escorted directly sank, and UU read the book www.uukanshu. com They were psychologically prepared to be intercepted long before escorting the ores, and no matter who they came from, they had at least several plans.

But at this moment the opponent's firepower is so fierce and the plan is so clear that the plans they have worked out have no effect at all.

The deputy captain climbed from the back to the front following the cover of the car body, pressing his hat inlaid with steel plates, and panicked and asked, "What shall we do now? Should we fight back?"

As soon as Captain Chen was about to speak, a bullet penetrated the body and tore the deputy captain into pieces. He looked at the deputy captain with only the lower body and upper and upper body left on the ground.

谈 Talk about counterattack under this fire?

The other party is afraid not to bring the anti-armor platform, right? !!

He narrowed his neck, glanced at the black hole in the woods, and had a wonderful idea in his heart, but he would not tell anyone, he would only say after leaving the place first.

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