Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1216: Flash of justice

"This is a bureau. You planned it out and made me do everything foolishly for you. From the beginning you planned to use me. Now you plan to lock me up to prove your sense of justice?" Suddenly, there was some enlightened Dilhina guessing the truth in her anger, but she only guessed it, and it didn't serve any purpose.

Magus neither acknowledged nor denied, and directly pointed to the core of the original, "If you didn't want to deceive the eastern consortium to get some money from them at the beginning, there would be no future."

"That's not cheating, it's a legitimate business method, I just want to join their internal circulation system ...", Dilhina strongly defended herself, "But you used me and hurt me, hell, I am your family! "

Magus's counterattack was equally quick and effective, "So you fictionally created a plan that didn't exist at all, and talked about the eastern financial consortium that had some financial difficulties to join in your plan, and then what were you going to do? do?"

"Sell a few of the waste mines you secretly bought as gold mines? Or do you intend to use your identity background to forcibly occupy the shares of the Eastern Consortium?"

"West Asia, you said that I rarely pay attention to your affairs. In fact, I have always paid attention to it. In the past two years, you have become more and more indulgent in your own ideas. The empire is not for anyone. You are not qualified to destroy the law and let the society do it for you. Lost pay. "

"What you should do now is to reflect on your own mistakes, instead of shirk your responsibilities to others. I believe you will understand something you do n’t understand during your sentence. When you come out, I will pick you up. . "

Dier Hina slammed the receiver on the landline, and slammed the door of the interrogation room, "I want to see Du Lin, I am his wife's mother, I want to see him!"

A muffled answer came from outside the door, "His Excellency the Governor does not want to see you, ma'am."

Dilhina slammed the door angrily, but she fell to the ground because of her instability. She covered her wrists with pain, stood up again, took off Gauguin shoes, and calmed down a little. "Then you Just tell him that I am willing to cooperate with his next plan, but I must meet him! "

About half an hour later, the door of the interrogation room was opened. Du Lin walked in with a smile. He seemed to be in a good mood. He greeted Dilhina actively, "Hello, West Asia, I heard that you want to understood?"

He walked to the table, lifted the chair that fell to the ground and sat down, took out a pack of cigarettes and lighted one, "I'm here, you can talk about your thoughts."

Dier Hina looked at Du Lin fiercely, "I want to go out, I will cooperate with you, I know your goal is not me, so why not let me go?"

"Let you go?" Du Lin couldn't help but repeat it and laughed, "If you didn't do anything wrong, why are you here? You might think this is a very common thing. At six yesterday evening, Before it was clicked it was pretty ordinary. "

但是 "But after six o'clock, this is not normal." He played the soot and pointed at the opposite chair. "You can sit down, I'm not used to looking up and talking to other people."

Dier Hina glanced at him, and sat down.

"By ten o'clock this morning, a total of 894 people have lost their lives for all the projects derived from your original" Plan ", understand?"

"My confidant died of 894 people, including 77 of them. Even if you were willing to listen to me one day and go to the police station, the next thing will not happen, and no one will because of this. Lose my life. "

"I lost a lot of people because of your waywardness. It's yours. You don't have the courage to assume your responsibility, so I have to help you."

Dier Hina looked at Du Lin in shock, "How could it be, why would anyone die?"

Dulin shrugged his shoulders. "After I gave an executive order, the Abiluo Mining Company continued to steal mineral resources that do not belong to you, knowing that it needs to suspend all mining activities."

"Under the circumstance that they already knew that they violated the rules and regulations, they also clashed with the law enforcement team who was going to stop the digging, which eventually turned into an armed conflict, killing many people, many."

Dier Xina calmed down, so many people died, things must be a big deal, and even more troublesome is that she is now the president of the Abiluo Mining Company and the largest equity owner.

She opened her mouth, wanted to say something, and ended up saying nothing, "It doesn't matter to me, I don't know anything."

Du Lin nodded his head, "Yes, I believe, but in any case you have to bear your responsibility. None of us will be more noble than others. We are all equal before the law and before the axiom. No Life is extraordinary. "

"Whether it's me, you, or Uncle Magus, we are all the same. As long as we do something wrong, we will accept punishment."

After a brief silence, Dilhina seems to have realized the seriousness of the problem.

Although she is sometimes stupid in the eyes of some people, after all, she is a member of the Timamont family, and no matter how poorly she knows politics, she is more sensitive than ordinary people.

一 A thousand people died almost overnight in peacetime. This is definitely not a trivial matter, enough to cause a sensation throughout the empire!

This is not something that can be suppressed by anyone who has power. You must know that these dead people have their own families, their wives, children, parents, and siblings, and these people have their own families.

This will be a huge number, and they will set off a terrible wave of public opinion. No matter what Du Lin said is true or false, as long as these people really die, then she must be unlucky, no matter what she played in this incident. What role.

Dilhina, the registrar of the Minoan mining company in Bambiu, can't run away with this information!

"I ... what to do ~ ~ she looked at Du Lin, and did not continue to stare at anyone.

Du Lin threw the cigarette on the ground, raised his feet and crushed it, then stood up and stood up, "Wait for someone to cooperate with you to understand the truth of the matter and restore the truth. After the trial, you just need to tell everyone the truth , I believe the jury and the special agents coming from the Imperial City will distinguish who has more responsibility. "

"And you don't have to worry about it. In any case, I can ensure that you will serve a sentence in Abiluo State State Prison. That is a good place. You can calm down and feel some different life."

As soon as Du Lin left the gate of the Bureau of Investigation, Ellis ran from the outside. He whispered in Du Lin's ear, "We checked the roster, one less."

After the battle, Ellis brought someone to retrieve the roster. During the process of checking the list, it was found that the captain responsible for the convoy of the convoy was not found that night. He immediately reported the news.

Du Lin raised his eyebrows and sorted out his clothes. "It doesn't matter, it doesn't affect the overall situation."

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