Cosma Empire

: Chapter 1220 Dog Belt

This is my empire!

Mr. Anger Mora still murmured in his sleep, if not unexpectedly, the money made in the past six months was the top one to two year profit.

Among them, the authorization fee is a big one. In addition to the authorization fee, the channel fee is also a huge overhead.

Du Lin's guy is not a thing, but he used one of his patents. In addition to paying tens of millions of patent fees, he also needs to transport and sell his goods through his channels.

I was very nice when I said, "While using my patent, I will charge you a license fee, but we also provide low-cost transportation services and underwriting services, which avoids your extra expenses in transportation, storage, and sales."

Yes, it sounds like Du Lin is a good person. At the beginning, everyone really believed that, but it was not the same thing.

The cost of transportation, the cost of storage in the warehouse, the sales commission, each step is just a less noticeable share, but bringing these things together is a bit of a headache.

Last year's turnover was more than 30 million, including 3.2 million patent license fees, and then accounted for about 25% of the total turnover of various sharing agreements, that is, 1,000 Thousands or so.

Du Lin took away nearly 10 million out of 30 million, which is almost equal to 10 million net profit swallowed by Du Lin!

Then he has to pay taxes himself. This has to settle costs and settle various expenses. The net income for a year is less than 8 million.

But look at the income in the past six months. There are no patent licensing fees and no fees for various sharing agreements. It is estimated that sales in the second half of the year will be more than 25 million.

The income in this half year alone is more than last year's income, and more, with a net profit of at least 10 million.

I will be able to maintain this development momentum in the coming year. The net profit for a year will be at least 20 million or even 25 million or more.

这 In the past this was almost unimaginable income, but now everything is possible, as long as Du Lin can't escape this danger, everything becomes full of light.

His subconsciously reached out and wanted to embrace the girl around him. Although Mr. Angomera was in his fifties and had some gray hair and baldness, he thought it was a characteristic of a mature man full of charm.

The girl around has just starred in two movies and played the supporting actress in the play. Although she has not yet made a name for herself, she has won the support of some **** fans with her pure looks.

Luang Anmora likes this girl very much, and feels the pulse of youth from her vibrant body. The youthful atmosphere is often the most fascinating.

Only after losing his youth can he understand the value of youth.

But his hand felt empty, he opened his eyes slightly, the light in the room was a little dark, and there were no people on the surrounding beds. He got up and walked to the window and opened the curtains. The new day outside the window was slowly Rising, like his ambition!

Golden light shone into the room, making it look like a sacred palace, just like his palace.

He stretched a lazy waist, and the smile on his face hardened as soon as he turned. He was motionless like a wax figure in a wax museum, a drop of sweat oozed from the pores on his forehead, and hung on the tip of his nose along the wrinkles After a while, it rolled off.

When the muscles didn't listen to the call, a ugly smile was squeezed from his face, "This ... may be a misunderstanding!"

In the room, there were three men with domed felt hats and long black trench coats. They were wearing black gloves and carrying long boning knives.

This deboning knife is different from ordinary home kitchen utensils. It has a certain arc and is very thin and sharp.

If you deal with bones, this knife only needs one close contact to break into two pieces, but if you only deal with some pieces of meat or fascia, it will not be sharp.

No skin muscles or fascia can stop it, even if it just pauses for a moment, it will make a nice paper cutting sound with its blade.

The three guys who couldn't see his face didn't answer his words, which made Mr. Angomera's fear spread more deeply in his heart. He took a spit and stepped back slightly, "What do you want "Money? Woman? Or something else?"

"Three million, I do n’t ask who you are and who asks you to come, I use three million to buy my own life. I do n’t ask for three million and I will let you never shoot, as long as you let me go once!"

三个 The three men were always standing as if they could not speak, and the long, narrow blades on the sides reflected the luster of metal from time to time, which made Mr. Angola's heart more panic.

"Ten ten million, okay, I admit that I give less, ten million buys me a life, this business is not a loss, friends. Have you seen what ten million looks like when stacked together, maybe you Your employer gave you only a small amount of money, but I have 10 million here. "

"The conditions are the same, I do n’t ask anything and do n’t need you to tell me anything, I give money, and then you take the money and leave, this is fair!"

Mr. Angomera was wet with sweat all over, and it was sticky and uncomfortable, and even more uncomfortable was that he was very nervous and frightened, wanted to shit, and had some nausea. Even the breathing becomes difficult.

Seeing the three still still, he had realized something, and his heart sank into boundless hell.

At this moment, the phone in the bedroom suddenly rang. He was startled by the sudden call, and looked at the phone in horror and the three men in the room.

At this moment, one of the guys said in a husky voice, "Mr. Angola, maybe you should answer this call first!"

He hesitated for a moment, then knelt by the bedside table as if he had found a life-saving straw, and urgently picked up the phone and put it in his ear, "I am Angola, who is your master?"

He recalled the honorifics he used when he was young, and he knew very well that the result of this call represented whether he could continue to live and enjoy all the beauty and free breathing in this world.

此时 He piously bowed his head like a true believer, listening to the voice from heaven.

"I'm troubled these two days ...", the moment the voice appeared, Mr. Angola immediately remembered the master of the voice, his body began to tremble, what he wanted to say, but did not dare to interrupt the other person , "It seems that everything has become strange."

"Someone here dared to fangs me today, and that man extended his paw tomorrow."

"An innocent guy told me that fear can't rule the world, but he doesn't know that fear can end stupidity."

"Given your performance during this time, I am very, very disappointed. I thought we would be good friends, but obviously you don't think so ..."

The sound coming from the earpiece made Mr. Angola more and more panic. At this moment, he could not take care of the others and interrupted the other party directly, "Mr. Du Lin, Mr. Du Lin! Please listen to me and explain ... "

解释 "Explain? No, I don't need that thing, if you want, go to **** and wait for me!"

"Beep ... beep ... beep ..."

A gurgling sound was like the sound made by inspectors in the grain depot when they pierced a sack full of wheat kernels with a steel pipe. Mr. Angola lowered his head, raised his hand, and touched his chest suddenly. Knife tip.

He raised his wrist, looked at the bright red liquid on his fingers, and twisted, some slippery and some sticky.

Successive snoring sounded, and the blade of the knife danced up and down his chest. The strength was slipping away from his body. He opened his eyes with wide eyes and gasped, breathing every time. Will bring a whistle when the bellows is pulled.

As his vision became dim, a hand pressed his head against the bedside table, and then the world turned round and darker.

About ten hours later, Mr. Angomera's body was searched for his company's vice president, who found that the police had arrived at the scene and notified the police.

According to the regulations of the Empire, the police station is only responsible for detecting ordinary cases. Once the case rises to have social influence or a major criminal case, the investigation bureau will accept to continue to be responsible for the detection.

More than a dozen agents came from the Investigation Bureau, including two senior agents. They carried the most advanced instruments and various equipment in the room for a long time and found nothing.

In the report to their superiors, they believed that this was a murder committed by a professional killer, which had been carefully planned and arranged without leaving any clues. They suggested that the Bureau of Investigation report the case to the General Administration and look for similar ones nationwide. Case reference ~ ~ Whether the case can be handled concurrently.

Simply put, the Bureau of Investigation does not want to care about this.

When the murdered person was a well-known local entrepreneur, this case may not be of any benefit if the case is well done, but if it is not done, it will certainly not run away with a reprimand or even be relegated. Why do you want to take it in your own hands? in?

The murder of Mr. Angomera spread quickly within a small area. Some people turned pale when they heard the news. From the investigation report, they learned that Mr. Angomera was ninety-nine knives in his body. No An internal organ is intact.

Finally, a knife was inserted into his back, accompanied by some terrible photo records, which made some big people unable to help but vomit.

It's a mystery who killed Mr. Angomera, but some people have realized something.

When Merlin was watching TV with Su Rui and their children that night, the phone rang suddenly.

"Mr. Merlin, after discussion, we think that the pricing of the license fee is not reasonable ..." Merlin's brows frowned deeply, but then he showed a staring expression. The price level four years ago is completely incomparable with the current one, so we agree that it should be reasonable to increase by 10%. If you have time, we hope to sign a new agreement as soon as possible ...


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