Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1226: Cool down

On the steps outside the Imperial Supreme Court, two courteous gentlemen stood in the corner and smoked cigarettes. A lot of reporters came down the steps, but not many people planned to march.

"This is not the same as our previous plan ...", one of the older men exhaled a cigarette and looked a bit indifferently at the people who could n’t even gather the signs under the steps shivered in the cold wind .

He looked at those people shivering, inexplicably made him feel so chill, shook his shoulders, and the natural spitting heat when talking could reach the level of seeing.

冷 The cold air from the north to the south hit the imperial capital for the first time, the temperature suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees, and there will be a continuous cooling process.

According to the current weather observations and speculations from the Meteorological Bureau, this winter will be warmer than previous winters. As for why there is such a performance, the staff of the meteorological station said that they are not clear because this conclusion is completely It is blind.

Aside from those unreliable meteorological staff, there is always a trace of anxiety in the eyes of the two gentlemen. In fact, there have been several major changes and interference in their plans.

In the previous plan, today a large number of demonstrators will hold anti-war and humanitarian signs to demonstrate outside the court, in this way to pressure judges and juries.

According to the Empire ’s Ministry of Justice and legal interpretations and regulations, the vast majority of jury members are from the bottom of society and are mostly illiterate.

They will not have a high degree of education, nor will they have any interest in any plaintiff or defendant who may have to decide the result through their opinion. These people come to serve as members of the jury. The enthusiasm and earnestness are mainly for the subsidy of five dollars per case and one week's food and food.

As long as they are randomly selected to be a jury member of a case, especially those who have influence or both parties are relatively well-known people or organizations.

They will enjoy a meal-and-package trip for at least one week, completely isolated from the outside world, and the subsidy will increase.

The main thing is the free food and accommodation for at least one week. This is the most attractive. The rich dishes can be eaten without restrictions. For many people, it is like winning, even winning. No such treatment is better, which is why people are happy to sign up.

The members of the jury did not know the specifics of each case before appearing in court, did not know what the parties were, and then waited.

Twenty-four hours before the trial, defense lawyers from both sides got some information forms for jury members to select.

For example, the age, gender, occupation, religion, occupation of a jury candidate, and some simple but necessary introductions, such as personality.

The above will not mention the names of any members of the jury and any of their contact information. The first job of the lawyers of the two parties before the trial is to select a list of no less than three jury members.

They need to select the candidate members who can make up at least three batches of members on the unnamed list according to those detailed introductions, and then leave it to the court for further processing.

The court will combine the three groups of people or more to redistribute them evenly. This is to avoid the possible problems of fraud.

For example, Du Lin is very famous. If he expresses his "respect" for jury members in some ways, this is likely to change the overall decision of the jury members. At this time, the lawyers of the opposing side have the right to propose Ask for a jury change.

This kind of thing has not happened. There is a very famous lawsuit in the history of the empire. The specific content has been included in the stage of keeping the public secret. However, people know that the cause of this lawsuit is not the lawsuit itself.

It is the trouble caused by the juries of the two sides on the selection of jury members. They have replaced a total of more than a dozen jury members. There is also a saying that more than 20 jury members have been replaced, and the purpose is to Make sure that one party can win the lawsuit as much as possible.

Although this lawsuit ended in a unique way, it can be said that no one has won and no one has failed humorously—only one of a large group of defendants pleaded guilty and served a sentence, and the others were released without charge.

This shows the importance of the jury to the outcome in this very, very important case.

In order to influence these jury members, Harry paid a lot of people to say that he would conduct demonstrations outside the courtroom before the trial begins today. This is to give the upcoming jury members the first impression of the case and the deepest. impression.

However, it seems that their plan has encountered some setbacks, and there are not a large number of people gathered here for demonstrations. These people are actually more concerned about the activities of the Labor Party than cheap fried chicken and bread.

Not only have fried chicken and beer, but it is said that there is also a chance to find a long-term job, which is less attractive than before.

Another slightly shorter gentleman nodded in agreement, "It is true. The Emperor Party and the Labor Party have taken the limelight in the past. People are more concerned about the ongoing activities of the Emperor Party and the Labor Party. No longer so concerned. "

"Dulin's luck is good, but his luck cannot always be so good, today is the end of his luck!"

The two smoked their cigarettes with confidence and then returned to the court. Even in the court, many people were discussing the possible impact of the new imperialist and labor party on the empire. This lawsuit was not considered by some people. It's so important ~ ~ Whether or not Du Lin will fall, his influence on this empire is far less than the impact of the two newly formed political parties on the empire.

林 Du Lin didn't attend the trial and gave the full power to the lawyers. He also had to deal with other things-the Labour Party.

In the development plan of the state of Bilúo, Doolin did not join the idea of ​​industrial development, and also moved some of the more polluting chemical plants and heavy factories away, but this does not mean that there is no working class in Abilo .

Some light industry industries, such as handicraft manufacturers, garment factories, and various light industry-sized factories are still very common in Abilúo.

As human beings are the most complicated intelligent creatures in society, sometimes even humans themselves cannot figure out what other human behaviors really mean.

Some workers, including some labor service resource companies, have begun activities under the liaison of the Labour Party.

This kind of activity is not necessarily something great to do. It is purely that the enthusiasm of the western people who can melt even the sun has found a way to vent.

The main reason Du Lin was staring at this was not to be afraid of these farmers and cowboys opposing their policies, but to be afraid that those of the Labour Party might be in danger.


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