Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1229: new method

A riot was interrupted unexpectedly by a scream of a waitress. This scream also calmed down the a little bit of fanatic capitalists.

Some methods and methods work because there are suitable soils for them. Obviously, in the development of the Workers' Club and the Labour Party, the set of gadgets in the south cannot find a place suitable for survival in the west.

The Yankees' brains are not suitable for the western environment. They need a western pass to assist them in solving these things.

The workers' clubs in the eight cities of Luín Bilúo went out of business for five days and then started again, but this time it was a little different than before.

"They are stupid, but stupid is limited." This is what Du Lin said about these people. He has always been worried that these people in the Labor Party will conflict with the locals, and his worry is not blind.

A few days ago, there was almost a conflict. Fortunately, a girl saved the scene in a timely manner. In case those people from the south were injured or killed, it was not good news for the tourism industry in Abilúo.

Fortunately, the situation was stopped at the same time as it happened. It is said that the cowboy and the hostess have developed into lovers. This is a good thing, even newspapers are saying this.

At the same time, these things are enough to prove that things that can be done in the South, such as using free to attract the working class and get the support of workers, are not feasible in the West.

The group of farmers and cowboys will not have any "consciousness" and "style". As long as you dare to say that what is given to them is free of money, they dare to rob you of everything.

Of course, this is not a problem in the quality, upbringing, and education of the western people, but the result of the problems of the society as a whole.

Xu said briefly that the gap between the rich and the poor is too large, which leads to different social patterns.

When people have more money in their pockets, they are no longer just content to fill their stomachs every day, but also emphasize the preciousness of some ingredients. They are no longer just content to wear warmth and also require fur as the material. At that time, they Began to pursue higher-level things, and at the same time set a stricter standard for his image in society.

They need to make themselves look more than just rich in the eyes of others, but also be given more practical meaning, such as generosity, kindness, friendliness, enthusiasm ... Anyway, as long as they are positive words, they can.

This pursuit originates from a human instinct. There is such a word in the Guartt's cautionary words that rich people are willing to show their generosity, and poor people care about every gain and loss (silver cattle hair, melon A currency of the early Celtic dynasty).

Throughout the history, the majority of those who build bridges and pave the road and donate charity are wealthy people. This is not demeaning to anyone who is not rich or wealthy (-). It is just a fact, and it also shows a humanity The irrefutable truth of cultural history.

Wealth is an indispensable important factor for the formation of noble and noble personality.

We do not rule out that some people seem to seem to be just not rich, but have noble and noble personalities, because we are not them and we do not know what happened in those years.

发达 The developed economy and higher per capita income in the South make most ordinary people in the society more willing to perform more noble, because they are rich, they have started to have a sense of social collective responsibility and a sense of performance that they want to highlight.

These things really don't exist in the west. It is less than a year since the west was under the rule of Doolin. Everyone has just been able to fill their stomachs. At this time, tell them noble, noble, and personality?

I may not have the free fried chicken and fruit wine more reliable, at least these things can fill the stomach, false noble and noble fill the stomach, compared to the mouth of southerners, obviously the stomach is more honest.

经过 After this storm, the Labor Party's preparatory group united some local capitalists and activists to re-analyze the business route and methods of Abilúo. They soon made a comeback.

This time they have become a bit smarter. Combining the experience of some local capitalists and the previous lessons, they told the farmers and cowboys in great detail what they can get by joining the Labour Party.

"Everyone can get a fried chicken and a glass of fruit wine from the foreman if they commute to work on time every day ...", the new manager is explaining these new rules for the farmers and cowboys. The enlarged blue voucher was shown to the farmers and cowboys carefully.

It ’s free, but it emphasizes the interaction with local capitalists, and they also found some money back from those factory owners, which can be said to be sponsorship.

These factory owners will bear part of the financial pressure for the free activities held by the workers' club. This may seem like a loss, but it is not.

Capitalists never do stupid things, including these western capitalists, by obtaining the right to issue vouchers to stimulate the work of every worker, they may lose hundreds of dollars or a little more in a short time.

But at the end of the month, they will earn more than this part of their expenses, especially after adding the competition mechanism.

After each ordinary person is transformed into a capitalist, he will naturally light up the two professional talents of "exploitation" and "squeezing", and he will naturally become full in an instant.

Outside of the crowded club, more farmers and cowboys have gathered outside the office, and some of them even carry guns, which makes the new manager's legs and stomach begin to shake again.

He swallowed a spit ~ ~ and continued to shout, "In addition to the place where you work, you will be issued exchange coupons, we will regularly hold some activities, as long as you participate in the whole process, we will Issue one or more vouchers based on the length of the event and your performance ... "

说法 This statement eased the eyes of some farmers and cowboys, especially after the manager added another sentence ...

"We have contacted all the officially registered factory owners in the local area. When we need someone to hold the event, the factory will not count you as absent from work or deduct your salary ..."

This is really good news, you can get paid without work, and after the end, there are vouchers. Suddenly everyone thinks this manager seems to be a good person.

They even forgot that just a while ago, those fried chicken and fruit wine were available in unlimited quantities!

Of course, where there is light, there must be darkness. These wealthy guys from the south will soon understand that the simplicity of the west is more than just a little performance.

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