Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1233: Shoot!

Griffin's uncle is entertaining in the lobby. Generally, the main guests in the evening party held in their villa or manor will be on the exact occasion, such as the lobby or a room in another building.

Only those accompanying guests, young guests and those who do not participate in the substantive content will be in the yard or elsewhere.

When Griffin came back from the outside, his uncle saw him, and then pleaded guilty to the people around him and greeted him.

"Now you should be with Vinda, you have to keep the girl happy." He took a sip of juice, and he drank all night to make his throat dry, now he can just add water secretly.

Griffin's expression was a little ugly and silent, standing at the corner with his waist leaning. From his attitude and expression, Griffin's uncle realized something.

He took Griffin into the lounge, and no matter what the nephew had in mind, he had to talk to the young man.

Now those outside think that the top six film and television companies should be the top six production companies, not just those outside, but more people will think so, including all kinds of people in the industry, and even the top six producers. Employees in the company think so.

However, this is a fallacy. Now it is not the six major production companies that dominate the film and television industry, not the actors' union, but the **** of Du Lin!

He hides himself behind the scenes, making people not even aware of his influence in this industry, but in fact he is the only top of the film and television industry!

This is also the truth that can only be understood by the talents behind Du Lin in the film and television industry.

Nearly two-thirds of the Empire's current theater resources are in the hands of Nasa, the executive director of the TV Group. Some people think that Nasha is one of Doolin's many mistresses. It is even more amazing that this girl is the only one in the George family Direct descendants.

How to arrange these theater resources, Du Lin generally does not speak, but once he speaks, Nasha will inevitably follow suit.

Coupled with the cable TV group's on-demand services, it can be said that whether a movie can be released on a large scale, whether there are even movie theaters willing to play their movies, and whether they can access cable TV, are all up to Du Lin.

If Du Lin wants to get stuck in a film that makes his investment costless, all he needs to say is that no matter how much the person has invested, how many well-known movie stars have been invited, and how long he has taken, there is no chance to face the audience, whole society.

This is absolutely unbearable for filmmakers and producers.

It ’s like now, Du Lin and the six major producers have reordered the cable TV on-demand and set it to four or six.

The producer of the cable-on-demand fee can only get 40% of the revenue, and the remaining 60% is owned by the Cable TV Group, and all the films are treated equally in some of the release and release periods.

Twenty-six major production companies can tolerate such a harsh share ratio because they know that they can't turn around with Du Lin, but Du Lin can lift their dining table anytime, anywhere.

This is not a contradiction between the producer and the actor's union in the past. If you can't hire a good actor, you can train yourself to find talented people to go up.

If you want to solve the problem of the theater line, the six major production companies must spend at least four to five years, and invest at least 50 million yuan to relieve the pressure on the theater line.

Yes, it's just mitigation. At least hundreds of millions of funds and more time are needed to solve it thoroughly.

They don't have so much money and time wasted on the issue of building a circuit, then they must inevitably compromise and bow their heads.

Therefore, in this industry, the six major production companies are only the second echelon, and there is only one person on the top of the mountain, which is Du Lin.

If Griffin can marry Du Lin's sister, this means that the six major production companies will soon become the seven major production companies, or they will be reduced to three or four.

This will be an important opportunity for Griffin's uncle to change his destiny and his family's destiny. He will not allow anyone to undermine this opportunity.

He stepped into the room and closed the door. Griffin's uncle looked slightly cold. He sat on the sofa and Griffin stood.

Griffin was very afraid of this uncle, because he was the oldest male in the family and the only male, so he was the only heir, including the part that inherited his uncle.

This situation is actually very common and not surprising, so Griffin's uncle has been very strict with him since he was a kid, even more terrible than his father.

告诉 "Tell me what happened just now ...", Griffin's uncle poured a glass of ice water for himself, then looked at Griffin.

For a while, the latter fumbled, and then gritted his teeth and repeated what happened just now, including those that Magellan said.

To be honest, this is indeed a bit excessive. Griffin's uncle nodded his head, and then he said, "If it just makes you unacceptable, I honestly disappoint you. As my nephew, you should be very clear. Is important to us. "

"She is an actor. She will also play various movies in the future. She will be intimate with different men in front of you. If you are so immature every time, I think you may not be suitable to inherit the family business. ! "

Speaking here ~ ~ Griffin's uncle's tone eased again, he patted Griffin's shoulder, "You think about it yourself, and I can tell you explicitly, I don't need you In love with this girl, I just need you to marry her. "

"You can look for your shit-like love and your comfort where she cannot see, but you must marry her, you must make her happy, and then marry you."

"You have grown up, you have to do something for your family."

Griffin's uncle left the door after talking and left Griffin alone in the lounge. His expression was very complicated.

Through the window, he looked at Kinsale and Vinda on the fence in the distance, and was fighting fiercely in his mind.

Some things you know, but if no one speaks out, you will think that it is just your secret.

Out of the window, Kinsale was comforting the crying girl, and it was useless for a while. Kinsale did not know whether he should laugh or make other expressions.

Is that good-natured and lovely girl becoming more and more like a city guy, is this a good thing?

It's definitely a way of complimenting others in rural areas, but it's actually an irony to her.

Because of growth, it takes a price.


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