Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1239: night

"When are you planning to have a wedding?" Du Lin took a sip of wine and glanced at Amir who was talking intimately with Ophelia.

This little girl is very clever. She is almost ten years younger than Mason. Mason is thirty-two years old, and Amir is only twenty-three.

After graduating from high school, she entered the society because of her higher education-in the past, the high school students in Tener City were like college students over the Imperial City.

This is not to say that this group is very scarce, but that the mainstream of society has a higher demand for high school students than college students.

Tener is just a small border town. People who run business here are unlikely to hire college students to work for themselves. There are few who can afford it, and it reflects the previous years in Tener City. How backward the industrial structure.

With his excellent but not excessive diploma, Amir successfully entered the regional police station as a civilian under the influence of parents' money and money for more than ten years.

At that time, there was still a little chaos in the society. There was nothing more deterrent to the criminals than working at the police station and a police officer. Under these circumstances, Emil and Mason met. Mason happened to be the director of the Eastern Division.

From the day the two met, they seemed to be a very “matching” pair. In the past few years, they have also been regarded as positive results. The hardest one among them is actually the little girl Amir.

She can give everything to a man who is a few years younger than her father. Is this love?

Maybe it is, but it is more clever and smart. There is always no shortage of similar roles in the world. They play roughly the same role at different levels and places, speculators.

Of course, it doesn't make sense to say this now, because they are about to get married soon, and Mason doesn't think there is anything wrong with him, his ten-year-old wife ...

Suddenly, Du Lin found that he didn't seem to be qualified to say anyone else. He took another sip of wine and looked away from Amir.

Mason thought about it, "What do you think of December 21?"

December 21st is not a day of any significance, purely because that day is Saturday, and just four days later, Doulin agreed with a little thought.

He'll wait for Mason to get married here, and then take Ophelia back to Alfalfa Town, just happening with Mason and their newlyweds.

Lying on the bed at night, Ophelia kept tossing and couldn't sleep.

"I'm insomnia ..." she stroked Du Lin's face softly.

Du Lin is no different from the past. He fell asleep shortly after he fell asleep. For him, whether it is on the haystacks in the stables, on the roof, in the truck compartment, or at a price that can scare him. The beds of the dead were the same.

Sleep does not need to be divided into places and environments. People cannot fully feel the changes in the surrounding environment after falling asleep. In addition to the price differences, are there more differences between velvet quilts and alfalfa quilts?

Such an environment is already very good for most people, but Ophelia is still a little accustomed to. The environment in which she has lived since childhood has allowed her to enjoy everything.

No matter what aspect of clothing, food, shelter or transportation, it is the best.

Du Lin held a hand that touched his face, opened his eyes and looked at Ophelia. The two lay face to face but did not lie on a bed because there was a terrible person and a terrible organization. They are not allowed to do this.

"I really can't sleep ..." She showed some funny grievances. "The pillows are too hard and too high. I'm not used to them."

Du Lin glanced at the clock illuminated by the faint light on the wall and thought, "Why don't we go out and play for a while?" The more he said, the more it made sense to do so, "Maybe if you are tired, you can Fell asleep."

Ophelia was slightly moved. She turned up, sat up, walked up to the window, and looked at the distant city. Most of the whole city was covered by darkness, but in the center of the city, it was brightly colored. Illuminated by neon lights.

Night life was very attractive for Ophelia. When she was at home, she was required to return to the room on time and turn off the lights every day as required.

During the Royal College, the management is closed from Monday to Friday. Students cannot freely enter and leave the campus. After Saturday, the housekeeper will pick her up at the school in person. No matter if she needs to go out or whatever, there will be someone to pick up and drop off.

Conscious and regular life makes Ophelia rarely approach those nightlife, even if some people in the school want to invite Ophelia to go out to play together, given that Du Lin is not such a small thing, everyone will Extinguished these thoughts.

This also makes her few friends in school, and she cherishes every friend very much.

Suddenly said at this time that she wanted to experience night life, Ophelia's eyes became brighter and sparkling, she raised a small fist and waved, "It's so decided, let's go out for a circle and come back to sleep . "

She said she was going to change clothes, but she suddenly paused. "It is dangerous to go out at night. Those people are all asleep. Would it be too bad to call them now, they have been busy all day." She refers to those bodyguards who, although coming by train, need a high degree of vigilance as well.

Physical work can be very tiring, but the rest is slowed down. Instead, mental fatigue is the most tiring.

Du Lin waved his hand and sat up with him, turning his hair. "It doesn't matter, Tener's night is very safe!"

Ophelia glanced at Du Lin with some suspicion, forcing the urge to her heart, UU read the book www.uukanshu. com finally sat obediently beside the bed, "I think it's fine, if we are not accompanied, we are likely to be in danger."

"Even in the imperial capital, going out after dark at night is very dangerous, not to mention here ..."

The city at night is indeed very dangerous. When the night falls, the city will reveal its true appearance. Those evils hidden in the dark will creep out quietly, exuding a rotten atmosphere.

As Ophelia puts it, even the imperial capital is just as dangerous as it is a little further away, except in high-end neighborhoods and some areas very close to the palace.

If someone is robbed, or even killed, of passing a dangerous place at night, it is not a strange thing, even the media may not report it, because this is so common, it is usually of no value.


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