Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1241: status

"Mr. Durin ...", the current operator of the Tener Grand Theatre, Mr. Zach from South Youtong Noodles soon appeared in the booth of Durin.

He had a lot of wax applied to his hair, and it looked as if it had just been removed from the water.

A pair of glasses were placed on his cleanly finished face, which made his face, which was as long as a horse's face, look a lot better and less prominent.

The plaid dress with light brown lines on a gray background is popular in the south, but wearing it in Tener is somewhat worthless, because people here don't appreciate the style that only the poor people would buy and wear in previous years.

He was originally playing an adventure game with a few girls. When the soldiers with countless rates were about to go deep into the dangerous crypt to kill the evil devil, a phone call made him stunned. The girl was dropped and replaced directly. I bought the clothes and drove to the Tener Theatre in person.

Without imagination, Du Lin's prestige is not only in Tener, but also in the entire south and east coast.

Someone once described Du Lin and his career like this: "As long as the residents of this city still have two money in their pockets, they need to drink wine to anesthetize themselves to deal with this terrible world. They would send the wine to their hands and take away their little money. "

Du Lin's private wine sales network at the time covered two-thirds of the major cities and towns of the Empire. Numerous private wines came out of the cellars through these terrible channels in a very short time, and then entered the mouths of the alcoholics.

Even Du Lin himself didn't know how famous he was outside.

Zach knew Dulin also because he had previously run an undocumented bar in the north, which was the first bucket of gold he earned, and he quickly became wealthy.

Sometimes reality is really interesting, because everything that makes money is something you can't do in other populations.

After earning money by selling private liquor, Zack began to try to transform. He studied the track of Doolin, not just him. Many people in the entire empire are studying how Doolin has come from nothing.

They are reluctant to admit that Dulin is remarkable, but they have been studying everything that Dulin has experienced, trying to find some reproducible successes from it, and then apply these to themselves.

Some people can't see the highlights, but others have found something they can do, such as Zach.

The word whitewash originally originated from the money laundering industry. Black money laundering is the biggest dream of almost all illegal fund holders. Sometimes it is not that money can be spent, or that there is a lot of risk in spending money.

Especially now, the Imperial Taxation Administration has reformed many times, and the old party has strongly supported the taxation system after it came to power. A very terrible system and implementation standards have been established, and the money laundering industry has become more prosperous.

Zack used the money he earned through illegal means to exchange a liquor license, and then began his happy life. As to whether other things happened during the transaction, it was not important, and no one cared.

With money, Zack realized that it was difficult for him to get ahead in the South. Capitalists in the South were more aggressive and aggressive than capitalists in other regions. They were the earliest to connect with the world, and the earliest capital sprouts.

The capitalists here are like the sharks described in the textbooks. As long as they smell a little blood, they will swarm, and they are bold and not afraid of risks.

From the fact that some of them invested in the mining company of Abilúo this time, as long as the return is large enough, even if it is a scam, they dare to try to jump in and step on it.

In this environment, a person who is not very clean like Zack is very difficult to survive, because any big capitalist can make him roll over. In order to live a more comfortable life and make money, he sold everything in the south and brought a liquor license. In this small town on the edge of Tenel, he runs this grand theater.

It is said that it is a small town on the border. In fact, the weather has begun. With the increasing foreign trade, the special geographic location of Tener City has begun to stand out.

It has the advantage of transportation resources that other regions do not have. Whether it is material scheduling or capacity scheduling, it is easy to implement here. More and more companies have begun to settle in Tener.

Now they may just set up an office with only three or five employees here, but everyone believes that with the change of time and trade, Tenel will become very prosperous.

With this mentality and idea, Zack invested in advance and came to Tener City.

He thought that this was just a small city, and there wasn't any capitalist who had seen the big world. He was the biggest tiger in the mountain, and it set off a lot of things.

First he bought the Tener Grand Theatre, and then bought several houses around the Grand Theatre. It is said that he also set up a security company.

Just when Mr. Zach thought he would be the biggest tiger in Tener City, he found that a country police chief who had never been seen by him, was actually a surname with the emperor of the underground world.

Then ... he persuaded.

During Mason's coming into office, Mr. Zach gave Mason a lot of help. Southerners have an innate ability to run and campaign.

At this moment, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and was lucky to be careful.

He was like a child facing the harshest, most terrible and most unreasonable director of the school's teaching department. He was a little timid, and he looked forward to the outside of the cubicle, bowed his head, bent over, extremely incomparable. humble.

There is no way to be humble, because sitting in it is Du Lin, one of the most legendary figures in the history of the empire. Even if he is young, everything in the future is still uncertain, he has become one of the most legendary figures in the contemporary era. .

This is not someone's statement, but a recognition, from the children of the farmer to the son-in-law of the first family of the empire to the powerful king of the west. If Du Lin is not a legend, it is insulting everyone's IQ and humiliating. Those who are called legends.

Du Lin glanced at Zach, someone said something in Du Fu's ear, Du Fu turned his head and said some information and information about Zack in Du Lin's ear.

After hearing it, he was a bit surprised. He did not expect that this was his once loyal "consumer", and his face had a little smile. He nodded and regarded it as a courtesy. "I just came out and turned around, but I was shocked. Mr. Ke, it's very rude. Would you like to sit in and have a drink? "

This is a polite euphemism, meaning that if you do n’t have any serious matters, you can get out early, but Turin still ignores the weight and status of these people in the small place of Tener.

Zac walked into the compartment with a glorious look as if being kicked into the head by the goddess of fortune, and sat on the edge.

However, he was very interesting. He didn't know who to toast to the current affairs and didn't speak. He just sat in the corner and held a wine glass. When he didn't speak, he seemed to be non-existent.

Dooling was gradually attracted by the performance on the stage. Although Zach may not be a good thing, he did a good job.

In the past, the Tener Grand Theater has almost become a high-end service-on-demand venue. However, few people watched the show, and when Zack was in his hands, he immediately came back to life. It can only be said that he was still very capable.

A variety of changes and trends have refreshed people's impressions of some traditional operas and dramas. The program list changed every month has kept people curious and looking forward to the new programs. In addition, the way of operating at night is not hot. That is the strangest thing.

"That female singer sings very well, that is ...", Ophelia glanced durin secretly, with a look of eagerness, "just a little less dressed."

In fact, it is not that female singers wear less. Even in the winter, the theater is a bit cold even if there is a thermal cycle.

The singers on the stage are good, as well as the dancers. It seems that they are very simple to wear with a poor boss. In fact, those places that people mistakenly think are not covered are all flesh-colored warm fabrics.

With the strong contrasting lights and colors constantly flashing, few people have actually discovered this, and only wear them as if they were really worn.

Zac immediately tilted her head and said two words to the standing manager. Within a minute, when the singer finished singing the first part of the song, a staff member suddenly asked her to put on a coat.

Although somewhat inexplicable, considering the boss's reputation and some hearsay rumors, the singer still put on his clothes honestly, and said that it was not bad for her.

Du Lin glanced at Zac, who was almost non-existent, and the latter smiled flatteringly. He remembered it after he smiled back.

Some people in the society are always complaining loudly, why the goddess of destiny is not themselves, why others have the opportunity to hit the face every day, but God does not even look at himself.

In fact, this is not the matter of the goddess of fate and the Lord called the Lord of the Heavens, but it is in himself.

Even the young birds that have just hatched in the nest know that they can thrive by competing for food. Why do some people not even understand this?

Those big aristocrats were born with resources and wealth and power that ordinary families could not obtain for decades, do they still have such advantages and still robbed them fiercely?

The lower the birth, the more ordinary, the more you have to fight and grab, otherwise, sooner or later, a wave of the times will lively die on the beach!

Du Lin just made a way out of it. In the eyes of others, he is the lover of the goddess of fate, the Messiah beloved by the first king and the gods. Destined to fight for the future, maybe now he is just a farmer daydreaming.

Opportunities do not fall from the sky, they are won by themselves.

Mr. Zach, he has such talent.

After the singer finished the song, the audience ordered two more songs. Even if her task tonight is over, these singers have their own work every day. The performance time of half an hour is less than one minute.

That being said, no one cares if it's missing a little.

The singer just left the stage and walked back to the dressing room to remove makeup. After a day of work, the manager pulled her towards the second floor, which made her somewhat inexplicable.

Mr. Zack has completely cut off the "order" service since he started operating the Tener Theater, which is very grateful to all the actors, so the girl didn't think about it, just thought that there might be more important guests.

When she reached the second floor, she and the manager stood outside the cubicle. Zach suddenly smiled and put his wine glass on the table. This action attracted the attention of Du Lin and others.

He smiled slightly and said, "I just noticed that Madam seemed to like the song the singer just sang ..."

Ophelia nodded her head. "Her voice is good and the songs are very good. I have never heard of it before."

The smile on Zack's face is even more cheerful, "In fact, her voice is more distinctive than what you hear through the loudspeaker. I made a decision without permission and let her sing for you, you see ...", He looked at Du Lin, who looked at the girl and nodded.

This action relieved Zack again, he beckoned, and the manager immediately led the female singer to appear in the booth.

The second floor of the Grand Theater was originally an auditorium, but only received noble guests, and was also divided into compartments. Zack took over and changed it slightly to make these compartments more private.

However, it is impossible to prevent others from discovering anything in it. After a while, there were some sounds in the other compartments on the second floor. Although they did n’t come, they were all curious who was here. Invite the female singer.

Regardless of the riots outside, the female singer looked at the manager and the boss with a smirk and a smile. This was the first time she had sang for someone in the compartment. This was never before.

From the expressions on the boss's and manager's faces, she gradually realized that this was definitely not a joke, and she couldn't help taking it seriously.

When she saw the young girl sitting on the sofa, she felt a slight fluctuation in her heart. She quickly stabilized her emotions and began singing with a smile. Even Du Lin thought the sound was particularly good.

It's not like the singers on the bad streets have very good voices. UU reads www.uukanshu. Com sometimes can't even tell which singer some sound comes from through the loudspeaker and speakers.

But when the female singer spoke, she had an intoxicating feeling, like a pot of aged wine exuding a long fragrance, refreshing spleen and lungs, and surrounding it.

The high degree of sound recognition is unforgettable at first sight. This is different from ordinary sounds, and it is not comparable to those glamorous cheap goods outside.

After a period of time, when the last syllable fell, Du Lin sighed, and Ophelia applauded excitedly.

A girl knows how to appreciate art better than Doolin. This is definitely not to degrade Doolin. If Doolin is to describe these sounds and their beauty, he may have "Marevac", "biu de Buddha" and the like sigh.


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