Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1243: Enemy of one life

What is the role of status?

The reason is that some people's deep-rooted beliefs can be changed and the Amir family can agree not to use the traditional Ogdin wedding ceremony to complete the wedding.

According to the requirements of the current imperial law, whether it is marriage or divorce, you need to register with the Imperial Social Service.

The Social Services Bureau will definitely not issue any notebooks to newly-married couples who come to register. It seems a bit stupid. They will only silently add this to the archives, and then aggregate them into the archives of the Royal Social Service Department.

The purpose of this is not to prove that marriage is legal. In the empire, in more countries, the law may do a lot of things, but they can not do a little.

That is proof of love.

The purpose of this is to a greater extent to provide an accurate timetable for judges and lawyers in both divorce cases and to add standards for the reasonable division of property.

Love cannot be proved by law, but religion and belief can, so when people start discussing the matter of a young man and woman becoming a husband and wife, it means that they have made a guarantee in front of religion and belief.

The influence of religion on marriage and love may not be so obvious and intuitive, but it is more than people think.

Many men and women of different religions are also easy to break up together. After the passion fades, they will find contradictions in life.

Maybe men do n’t eat beef, but women do n’t eat chicken. Men may need to burn incense to pray on their doorsteps at regular fixed days a week, while women need to go to church often.

Too many differences will eventually become contradictions and then evolve into conflicts.

So religion is very important to marriage and family.

This kind of thing will certainly not work for ordinary people. I have never heard of such a wedding without the blessing of the gods. Such a wedding will never grow ...

It is such an important thing that Amir's family can not care at all, not because of how enlightened they are, nor because Amir's father thinks Mason will be a good friend or a good brother.

Just because of money, there is still power.

Du Linduan sat in the second position on the left side of the spectator seat. The first position was given to Ophelia, and Kinsale sat next to him, which was the third position.

Mason isn't much different today and any day in the past. He smiled like a good old man standing on the steps without a master.

This is the result of their discussion. There is no priest, neither the church nor the rituals of the gods. It is so ordinary.

"Very beautiful wedding dress ...", Kinsale looked at Amir's pure white wedding dress with some enthusiasm.

Women, especially those who are the right age to marry, are actually very strange. They can find at least five places that are different from each other in several wedding dresses that are almost the same, and then they can distinguish between each different type. When does the trend start and when does it end.

At this stage, most women have an impulse to put on a wedding dress desperately, as if there is some terrible magic hidden in the white wedding dress, which makes people unknowingly sink into it and cannot extricate themselves.

Kinsale's eyes were a little blurred, but it soon became clear. She glanced at Du Lin, who was sitting with no expression, and pulled the corner of her mouth. "I know you want to laugh!"

Du Lin glanced back at her, and somehow asked, "Why do you have this idea, first of all I don't laugh, this is impolite, secondly I think you may want to marry, you can think about this Things, you are not too young! "

Yes, Kinsale is not too young. She and Merlin are twins. They are already thirty years old this year, and it may be thirty-one. Du Lin doesn't remember very well, anyway, it is thirty or thirty-one.

There are very few people who can't get married at this age, but it's not a strange thing to be in the film and television industry.

In another world, there is a saying called "women's courage is ruthless, drama is meaningless". Most of the time this sentence describes negative people or affairs, but in fact this sentence may not be derogatory.

The first half of this sentence means that skilled women will never tell you their true happiness and emotions, because they are all very dedicated workers, selling or happy cheap or expensive.

You give them money, they give you happiness, and you don't need any extra stuff in this red fruit trade. The emotional fluctuations people see and feel are actually the serious and dedicated work of these dedicated workers. Be responsible for.

They not only make you experience the joy that is easy to obtain, but also make you mistakenly think that there is a kind of feeling flowing, in fact, it is just their efforts to perfect their work and work hard to create a comfortable environment and atmosphere.

What is really wrong is often those who spend money to buy happiness. They always tell others when they are spending money, don't fall in love with me, but these people are often lost in the roles they should not play.

These skilled women are actually not ruthless, it's just that the people who get happy are too deep into the play, but the ending is alone.

As for the actor in the next sentence is meaningless, in fact, it can't be completely wrong.

Each actor plays a role in a story, and if this is a mature actor, then he will certainly make himself loyal to his role.

In the short story of the script, they staged scenes of love and hatred. The more faithful they are to their roles, the more authentic the role reduction in the script will be.

An actor, who can be the actor's uncle today, may become a husband and wife in another play tomorrow, and be pressed to the ceiling in the lower play.

Today is his elder brother, and tomorrow may be the person who beat him behind.

The more the audience saw hatred and anger and gritted teeth, the more it demonstrated the actor's skills and abilities.

The presence of good actors is a blessing to the audience, but for good actors, this is not necessarily a treat.

Just like Kinsale, he always circulates in one character after another, with one another after another, or love or hatred. When the play is too deep, he cannot distinguish between true and false, and outsiders may not necessarily distinguish between true and false.

People in the circle are not the most suitable marriage objects, everyone knows this, because every movie with love or other special elements means that his lover will have a relationship with another actor for a period of time.

This relationship is not true in real life, but in the world of movies, it is true.

They will walk together hand in hand, they will sit together in the sunset and watch the clouds in the sky, they will rise early and watch the sun rise.

They will kiss deeply, hug tightly together, and even show their charming bodies in front of each other.

This is a terrible thing for their other half.

Think about it, he / she / it woke up from your side in the morning, stroking your cheeks, eyes full of sweet love, and speaking with a slightly greasy tone fermented all night to tell you that he / she / it is deep Love you.

Then you watch him / her / it take a bath, change clothes, and leave you reluctantly, sit in the car and go to the set, show what was good to you to another person, and tell that Person, he / she / it loves him / her / it, and a silly beep called director sometimes makes him / her / it repeat many times.

How terrible is this?

This is why the actors and actresses in the film and television industry rarely get married prematurely. Even if some people think that they have found the other half of their lives, their love will soon be consumed in this horror, and then Quickly broke up and divorced.

Because love is selfish and specialized, but the more famous the actor, the less able to do this, so the more successful the actor, the older the marriage.

Of course, there are types of special hobbies that are not in this situation. After all, society is open-minded, and we respect everyone's customary beliefs and everything they do.

Kinsale is difficult to have a physical relationship in a short time, unless she does not continue to make any movies with love elements, but such movies are almost non-existent.

As long as she does not leave the front line of actors a day, she will not be able to get married smoothly.

She had also thought about finding an outsider to get married before, but this idea did n’t end for too long. She is a smart woman. She knows that a man who can see her eyes can never be in front of his relatives and friends. Face, pointing at a woman who is lingering with another man on the big screen, saying, "Marevac, this is my wife on a horse!"

Then his friends whistleed, "Marevac, your wife is a good horse!"

This also prevented Kinsale from wearing a wedding dress to the sacred temple in a short time. At this time, she could only bless or be jealous.

"I'm ... young!" This is her counterattack. It's true to say that, but it always makes people feel lack of confidence.

The wedding went very smoothly. All the invited guests didn't talk about any reasons for the delay of the wedding. They rarely disturbed Doolin at the cold dinner later, but these participants were honored.

Being invited by a mayor and standing on a lawn with the most famous and youngest governor of the empire is simply a great glory to their simple life!

Amir's family and Du Lin briefly talked, UU reading discussed the recent weather and changes brought about by the establishment of the World Financial Trade Organization

People like this topic very much, because the society is indeed undergoing huge changes. People who have started to become rich hope that they can participate more actively in this grand event. Discussion is the easiest way to achieve it.

After the wedding in the afternoon, the two people, together with Kinsale, drove a total of nine cars to the town of Alfalfa. Mr. Kesma also learned the news at noon.

The scenery outside the window that belongs to the city is becoming less and less, and the scenery that belongs to the countryside is becoming more and more. Ophelia suddenly became nervous.

She knew that in the town of alfalfa, she had an opponent!


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