Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1247: Flap

In the end, there was no fighting in any form between Ophelia and Alyssa, and Doolin just made a joke and eased the atmosphere between each other.

Fighting, it seems that is really the case, in fact, how could a fight, actually because Du Lin's words seem extremely jerk, so that the two girls found some tacit understanding that should not exist.

As soon as the atmosphere eases, the next thing becomes simple.

Do not persuade people when their emotions are intense. Persuasion is useless. The more persuasion, the easier it is to go to extremes.

Just like the situation just now, can Du Lin persuade me, persuade me, something will happen if I persuade you!

Persuade Ophelia, Ophelia will feel that Du Lin is still concerned about Alyssa, and would rather be aggrieved by his wife, Mingming, and he would not let Alysa suffer.

If Ophelia is not a kind of angry person, she will not have an attack on the spot, but this event may be remembered for a lifetime, or even become a lifeblood at some point.

It is obviously not appropriate to persuade Alyssa. This girl has two children for Du Lin, she is nameless. At this time, she would be too bullying to persuade her. Maybe even Ophelia would look down on her. I'm even more disdainful to do it.

So at this time, I can't persuade him. He persuaded to add fuel to the fire. Instead, he suggested that they fight a good fight to resolve the tacit situation between the two girls. He is a cunning man.

With Du Lin's mouth, Ophelia also calmed down, and she found that Alyssa did not show an aggressive attitude, which made her somewhat ashamed, ashamed of her reckless behavior just now.

In any case, the past of Alyssa and Durin is an established fact and an irreversible history. No matter how they paint the past, they still exist.

Alyssa, and the two children, they won't change anything just because of her or someone else's words, so no one thinks that this is something smart people do except to make themselves look stupid.

Really smart people will accept all this and treat it calmly.

Besides, it doesn't matter if Alyssa, or two children, they are more like Du Lin's "ex-wife" and "ex-wife's child".

If you think about it, some irritating things disappear instantly, yes, the ex-wife and the ex-wife ’s children, it ’s only the past, not the present, and even less likely to be the future. So what do you need to worry about, and what do you need to worry about? ?

Do you punish yourself by embarrassing yourself and making yourself angry?

She is not so stupid.

She smiled slightly and stood up. "Maybe Mrs. Kesma needs help. I have some experience in cooking, maybe there is something I can do to help ..." She nodded slightly and said, "I'll be out of the way first. "Dear ..." she said, looking at Alyssa, "Alyssa!"

She did n’t wait for Alyssa to answer. She left soon. In fact, she knew that she did n’t need a cook like sugar and honey in the kitchen, but it was definitely more comfortable than here. She also needed to clean up and clean herself up. Mentality.

In the living room, there were only two people, Du Lin and Alyssa. Alyssa was lazily leaning against a cotton-woven rattan sofa.

This sentence has a bit of a mouthful. The mouthful is a description of the sofa. In fact, this is not a sofa, but weaving ivy on the mold when it is fresh. After brushing and drying, it is similar to a sofa frame. "bench".

It has a wide backrest and a wider sitting surface, and is covered with cloth and a part of cotton, which makes this huge rattan chair into a fabric sofa.

Sitting on it doesn't feel as soft as a traditional sofa. When Du Lin was young, they preferred to call this a "drying rack." It would not have been covered with cloth and stuffed with cotton. Mrs. Kesma Sometimes clothes are spread on top to dry.

At first, this thing feels a bit embarrassing, because the joints of the rattan and the knitting will leave the drums very hard, one by one, soaked in oil and dry, they are as hard as stones.

The knife cuts sparks, and it certainly hurts to smash people.

But after getting used to it, I will feel more embarrassing. Just after knowing where the embarrassing people are, I can avoid or adjust the posture of the body to match the trend of the rattan on the sofa, which is more comfortable.

Alyssa leaned back against the back, the whole person was in a lazy state, like a cat in the room winter, always appearing in the sun at the appropriate time, stretching the body, just like summer So lazy.

"Timamont, the famous lady of the empire, you have a good vision ...", Alyssa sighed, and after Ophelia left, she acknowledged this. She was indeed inferior to such a woman.

Not only does she have a clean face like an angel, but her eyes are crystal-clear, even her identity and surname are shining.

As long as he is a normal man, he will choose such a woman as his partner.

However, everyone understands the truth, and may not be reasonable when doing things.

She didn't want to fight for anything. Name, power, status, money. She didn't care anymore. When Ophelia appeared in front of herself and looked like a hostess, she Somewhat angry.

Du Lin was able to hear her discomfort from Alyssa's words, and he slightly nodded at the corner of his mouth, "That's true, my vision has always been good."

Alyssa narrowed her eyes, and she lowered her voice and asked a question that she cared about. "I heard that she is pregnant. Can you make sure you treat each child fairly?"

Du Lin looked at Alyssa in surprise. He didn't expect this woman to ask this question, but then he was relieved and understood.

The child is everything to her. She lives for two children. It is normal to have such a question. Not one person can be calm when facing the Timamont family as a backer.

Du Lin thought about it and told a story, a story about the eagle.

"When the eagles hatch their children, they will throw these chicks off cliffs hundreds of kilometers high before the next winter."

"If these chicks can learn to fly before falling to the ground, it means that there is another king in this sky."

"But if the young eagles haven't been able to soar in the sky until they fell to the ground, they can only end up being food for other animals to fill their stomachs."

"I can't give every child a pair of wings that can fly, but I can guarantee that I will throw them out of the air with my own hands!"

Alyssa's look at Du Lin's eyes now was like looking at another lunatic. She almost couldn't help asking Du Lin, Crane Basket, Three Qs, ah, Youkai? !!

Du Lin laughed a few times, "Yes, I promise you, I will throw them all out of the air ..." He raised his hand, forefinger against his thumb to make a pinched jewelry, and then removed from the body He pulled the left side to the right, nodding his head slightly, and a smile appeared on his half of his face. "I will give each of them a chance to soar. This is the only thing I can do."

Alyssa glared at Turin a little, she didn't turn around, and sometimes she was very weird. When living in Mr. Kisma's side, she was often able to hear about Mrs. Khorma. Stupid story as a kid.

He is not a clever boy. He has not gone to school. He is somewhat introverted, but fortunately he is very healthy.

But looking at him now, even what he said was not so easy to understand, but there were some truths that made him feel very powerful. What changed this man?

Is it faith?

Is it responsibility?

Is it love?

No, it's poor!

Dissatisfaction with ideological poverty, dissatisfaction with ideal poverty, dissatisfaction with position poverty, dissatisfaction with wealth poverty, dissatisfaction with political power poverty, dissatisfaction with real poverty!

So, change must be made!

Alyssa will never know this. Although she is curious and wants to know, she will never know in her life.

In this world, no one except Du Lin himself can understand him, understand his behavior, and understand the way he does things.

But for Du Lin, he didn't even need to use his brain to waste his brain's computing power to have a mature solution.

The Empire has two major power families, the Diplessi family and the Timamont family. As long as they carefully observe the rise of these two families, they can find a very significant and identical feature.

Both of them chose to give in when they were in the limelight. The Diplesi family directly reduced to zero, and the former surname was directly abolished and changed to the current Diplesi.

At his heyday, Magus announced his retirement and surrendered 30 years of imperial power.

They actually have good children to inherit the great cause and power of the family, but they didn't do that. Why?

That is because in the situation where they think that none of their children can compare with themselves, or even surpass themselves, resisting the temptation from power, UU reading returned to the valley from the top of the mountain.

Wrestling on the top of the mountain is completely different from wrestling in the valley. All dynasties are from the heyday to extinction. If they cannot support a dynasty, then don't try to force it.

Du Lin's consideration is the same. No matter how many children he has in the future, he will only give these children one chance. If he misses it, there will never be any more.

If in the end he succeeds nobody like Magus, he will return this power ... to the people or the royal family ...

What a joke, even if brought into the grave, it will not be given to others!

Does anyone else want to touch my things?

Oh, come to me in hell!


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