Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1250: Almost exposed

With a bang, a long gun with a clear Guart dynasty artistic style was taken out by Ophelia and photographed on the table. At this moment, everyone in the entire restaurant was pressed the freeze button, and the time was completely still. Come down.

She can see from this very special spear that the art style of the mid-Gualt dynasty must also be attributed to her art class teacher. In the art history of the Yaoxing Empire, the Gualt dynasty is a very important and cannot be bypassed. Open stage.

During this period, a large number of outstanding artists emerged. At the same time, the creative styles of these artists also reflected the change of the Guart dynasty to become strong and to the end.

In the early period of the dynasty, most of the artworks were minimalist styles, and most of the beauty of art was expressed in the lines. The whole society, under the leadership of the ancestors and gods, fought the Quartet and laid a large territory.

At that time, kings and subjects were harmonious, and the ruling class was wise and modest, so the minimalist style represented the dynasty's weather at this time, and some people called this minimalist style as a utilitarian representative art style.

By the middle of the dynasty, the Quartet was settled, the ruling class began to indulge in enjoyment, class contradictions began to emerge, and the artistic style gradually evolved from minimalism to aesthetics with strong visual impact.

The dynasty is rich and strong, although there are some small flaws, but the flaws are not covered. The strong Guart dynasty has entered the heyday. Everything is trying to describe the beauty of that era as much as possible. In the history of art, scholars call this stage Become the most "Lamans period".

Lamans was the most famous sculptor, philosopher, painter, and opera artist during the heyday of the Guart dynasty. Excluding the operas that he often wrote without clothes or wearing very few clothes and performed in person, he was recognized in other aspects. For the first time in the world.

In painting, he first proposed the "multiple-color stacking method", which made the paintings full of amazing visual impact, while the colors were extremely bright, giving people a sense of being in the color heaven. Situational sense.

At the end of the Guart dynasty, the artistic style of the entire dynasty began to be complex and beautiful. It seems that art began to explode at the end of this dynasty, showing its final style.

Among them, the most obvious is that the tableware used by the nobles at the end of the dynasty was not just simple silver.

The outer circle of each dish has a very beautiful and meaningful carving art. A silver dish is also divided into at least three layers.

The hollowed out places of each layer are inlaid with various colored stones polished into a piece of paper. When the edge of the dinner plate is gently turned, the various carved shapes on the edge of the dinner plate will change, as if the ancient poems described were silent. Read a certain history.

The colored gemstones and multi-layered carved inscriptions form the effect of a projection. Most of the time, this high-end dishes are turned, and they show the noble family glory and history.

Among them, the sixteen-story silver plate of the Guarth royal family is the most. When the multi-layered plate from the inside to the outside rotates, it is combined with the light reflection of the text and colored gems. legend.

People call this period of time as the explosion of art, and countless artists like Lamans are constantly emerging, proving themselves with their unique style on the stage of history, and proving that art has no end.

This was the final glory of the Guart dynasty, and everything stopped abruptly at the moment when the king was breached.

It was a longing and regrettable time. Ophelia had learned these things. From the style and lines of this firearm, she could find the mid-guatt dysfunction from minimalism to luxury. sense.

Even if this makes people feel a little bit indescribable, it will always be art. Every pattern and every nick is telling a time that was once thought-provoking and a story that no one knows.

The next moment, time seemed to flow again, and Du Lin took the apparently very different spear without changing his face, and threw it to Mr. Kesma, who then shot back under the table.

"Then ... is it a gun?" Ophelia drank some wine, a little confused, and Doulin nodded her head. She was a little excited. "Antique gun, I know, it must be very expensive."

Du Lin frowned, and when the girl wasn't paying attention, she unbuttoned the holster in her arms and patted an ordinary gun on the table. "No, it's an ordinary gun. Maybe you just watched it. Wrong, you really should drink less ... "

He talked about holding up Ophelia. The girl looked at the metal white pistol on the table with some uncertainty. She frowned as if thinking, which was completely different from the one she had just seen.

She can still remember very clearly that there is a cat-eye gem with a thick thumb on the back of the gun, and those beautiful lines that make people goosebumps. How could this be wrong?

She wanted to refute anything. Du Lin raised her hand and gently squeezed it on her carotid aorta. The temporary adhesion of blood vessels reduced the blood flow in the brain for a moment, and she suddenly collapsed in Du Lin's arms. .

The atmosphere in the restaurant was a little more serious. Mason looked left and right, and helped Emil to leave the house, saying that he was going out to eat, and Kinsale also smiled bitterly and started to help Mrs. Kesma pack things.

After arranging the girl, Du Lin walked downstairs. He beckoned to Dufo, threw the pistol on the table to him, and stuffed Mr. Xima's weapon into his arms. Here, "Go to the blacksmith and fix my gun according to the pattern of this gun ..."

Then he touched a few pockets, took out the lighter, and put it in Dufo's pocket. "Pull off the sapphire above ... stare!"

Dufo nodded cautiously and turned to leave the room.

Mr. Kesma glanced at Du Lin, took out his pipe, and stunned on the table, "I hate nobles, and I don't like you aristocratic girl, now do you understand why?"

Lin's irritable scalp tickled, he scratched his head, and sat back, "Why don't you put things away?"

Mr. Kesma stuffed some tobacco leaves into the pipe, lit it, and said, spitting smoke, "Who would have guessed that little girl would touch the gun?"

Du Lin got angry and couldn't make it out. He tore a beef rib again, sulking and sulking.

For each piece of art, UU reads www.uukanshu. com, especially the very recognizable works of art, are very famous among the nobles, such as the bimonthly in the hands of Mr. Kesma.

These two guns are very famous throughout the history of art. It is not only famous for carrying this special period from the strong to the decline of the Guart dynasty, but also for the prestige of its master, the executioner, Archduke Audnulis.

The Archduke of Guarth was finally cut off by the Ogdin to make a human face, and his weapon was also collected by a nobleman of the Empire.

However, the noble was subsequently murdered by Scarlet Dawn, and his treasures have since disappeared. Some people think that these two weapons may have been completely destroyed. After all, there is no culture in their eyes.

However, if anyone revealed that Mr. Kesma was holding these two guns, no matter how he explained it, it would not make sense.


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