Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1252: Nuye neude

The time at home is always short. This has nothing to do with being happy or not. Before leaving, Du Lin and Mr. Xiaoxima talked once. As a father, no matter what other people think he is incompetent or he thinks he is enough, some words are Must say.

He may be a bit too cruel, but for the children, the good environment and sensitive relationships are more suitable for them earlier than their peers to understand how **** the society is.

Standing under the giant statue of Mr. Kesma at the entrance of the town, Mr. Kesma looked at the distant luxury convoy for a long time, and in his ear, he lingered the last sentence of Du Lin.

"You may think that everything is unfair, but in my opinion, my choice is the most suitable and the only right choice for me."

"If you want to tell, I chose the wrong one. It's not difficult. Show it to me!"

"When you grow up to the point where I need to take the initiative to pay attention to you, and even I need to look up to you, I will understand this, I chose the wrong one."

"But before that, your hatred, your complaints, all your dissatisfaction will be worthless to you, to me, to your mother."

"They can only disturb your emotions, destroy your reason, and make you an irritable fool. You must open your eyes, calmly observe the world, and then find those so-called Success factors. Put them together and copy them. "

"I look forward to the day when I will greet you with equal eyes and attitude, not because you are just my child, or your last name is the same as me!"

Du Lin's words did not have any great truth, and they were easy to understand. To put it simply, he told Mr. Xiaoxima a truth.

If he thinks that it is wrong for Du Lin to "abandon" their mother and son, then good, let Du Lin regret it by his own efforts, which is enough to prove that everything is more effective than any language and noisy.

Mr. Xiaoxima didn't say anything. In fact, his persevering eyes had explained everything. He would make Du Lin regret the choice he made now. He swears by his last name.

This trip back to hometown did not make much gain except to make Mr. Kesma happy for a while, but speaking it was a huge gain. Mr. Kesma showed people to take a look A luxury car parked on the other side of the village.

And under the pretext of telling a story to his grandson, he advertises how amazing the children are at home, and the reason for all this is that they have a good father.

In the process, Mr. Kesma also had a fight with others, because he smiled strangely when he said these words, and then the two old men fought, and the other residents in the town were like Chinese New Year.

After returning to Ambiloo, Doolin devoted his major energy to the development of Ambiloo. The increasingly perfect tourism system has become the most solid and reliable gold swallowing monster in the entire state.

Although the state of Ambiloo does not have an outdoor temperature of more than 20 degrees and bright sunlight this winter, as in the southern cities, under the influence of ocean currents, the winter of Ambiloo may not be too cold. Count the lowest point.

After a small change in temperature over a month, it will start to rise.

It is such a relatively cold west. In December, the number of domestic and foreign tourists who visited Ambiluo has exceeded one million!

With one million tourists, many people may think how can such a small number of tourists support the economic development of Ambilo?

In fact, this is a calculation method that can be seen at a glance. It is like buying a lot of two pieces in the supermarket. As a result, there are more than one hundred. I always feel that the cashier has hit more. Same money.

Some things are impenetrable for the first time. Each one million tourists must contribute at least between one hundred and two hundred.

The accommodation occupies between 20 and 50 yuan, and there are about 60 yuan for drinks and food, and the rest are all kinds of miscellaneous consumption.

These people brought more than one hundred million empire stars of tourism revenue to the eight major tourist cities and the cities and towns below in Ambiloo in December. They do not need to sell cheap labor, do not need to pollute the environment, and do not have heavy work. With just a few ordinary things you can do, the money is there.

The output value of the state of Ambilo in December exceeded 200 million yuan, including some projects that are still under development and projects that are already ready for profit.

This number is not as good as those cities in the south, or even as far as the chickens of God, but it is nearly doubled than the previous statistical results of Abiluo.

Health is not exchanged for profit through exploitation of labor, and destructive excavation of mining resources is not considered for sale. Only some attractions have been created, and some service industries have been added. Such brilliant achievements have been achieved. The entire state of Ambilo has boiled.

The other two states in the west are also boiling. Although the boiling of the top people and the bottom people are boiling, the boiling is different.

One person is considering whether it is feasible to learn from Du Lin's successful model and experience to develop and grow his own industry, while the other person is wondering why Du Lin went to Abiluo.

On the day of January 1st of the new year, Du Lin delivered a public speech on the theme "Future in the palm of his hand". In his speech, Du Lin used a simple but shocking language to bring a new Abilu to life. Ouzhou describes it vividly.

Every sentence he spoke, even every punctuation mark, made it impossible to find any problems.

Just like what Du Lin said, he spent three years solving three major issues.

First, he achieved the free education he promised during the campaign. Now all public education resources in the entire state of Abilúo have entered the free stage. As long as the children reach the appropriate age, they can enter school free of charge.

A "deposit" totaling no more than fifteen dollars may be required to ensure that they do not destroy books, tables, and chairs belonging to the State Department of Education in Ambiloo.

As long as they don't damage these things, the money will be returned to them after they graduate.

A free education that costs millions of dollars each year saves tens of thousands of children, allows them to go to school, learns knowledge and culture, and allows them and the families behind them to see the future in their palms.

The second thing is to solve the problem of social security. The basic social security that Du Lin has won for the state of Abilúo has begun to be gradually implemented. Many people have begun to benefit, and the response from the society has been very intense.

You don't need to worry about a major accident, you can't pay for it, you can only wait for death silently, you don't need to worry that you can only survive on the streets after you lose your ability to work.

If it is said that free education solves their worries about children, then the social basic security system solves their worries about themselves.

In fact, people are selfish, and they are definitely selfish. The first one touches those children and parents who are willing to go to school for children. Then the second one touches all adults.

There are even some residents who are not local to Abiluo, secretly rushing to buy a house, claiming that they are indigenous to Abiluo, in order to obtain social insurance.

The future has blossomed in their palms.

The third thing is the success of the green tourism experience. There is a saying that the promise of more benefits will never be more touching than the cash that actually falls into the bag.

The reduction of working hours and the drastic reduction of the danger of work, and the monthly income has been increased, which is the core of the Aubilo people's firm support of Dulin.

Social development, economic construction, and two-phrase phrases seem to make it clear, but it's really hard to understand.

How the society develops is outstanding and effective development, which is a benign progress. How should the economy be built in line with the local traditional culture and local humanistic thinking, and how to plan it without violating the potential image and consciousness of the entire region.

These are very special things. Few brushes really can't play, but Du Lin succeeded.

The future in people's palms is beginning to bloom, blooming in splendor.

This is destined to be remembered by history, because the youngest governor in the history of the empire has once again taken the most firm and solid step on the road to his political stage. It is a small step for great men and a big step for human beings. Although there is always something wrong.

Of course, some people do not agree with Du Lin's statement, because in the feudal era, the teenage governor had had it, the governor who was almost thirty ... This is too hard!

No matter what the evaluation of Du Lin outside, Du Lin's growth and the achievements of his one-year administration in the state of Ambiloo cannot be easily erased.

On Monday, January 17, the temperature of the capital was still terrible, but it couldn't stop the hot heart of the city. The traffic on the street did decrease significantly, but the place where the capital flow was the least was in Bimlu. There are many more places in Ozhou with the most traffic, and this is Emperor Capital.

In a library with barriers to entry—this kind of library has a lot in the Emperor, and it can be regarded as part of the special cultural atmosphere of the Emperor.

It's not just a simple library, it's more like a cafe with an alternative environment. It can provide communication and protect the privacy of guests. At the same time, it is forbidden for low-level people to enter.

Du Lin is looking at a book. The content of the book is basically nonsense, but it can't bear the good sales of others. Even the dark horse that was once popular can still be seen in the bookstore.

He waited for more than ten minutes, and it was almost one o'clock when Ms. Dolly was late.

She put the bag in her hand on the table, and sat opposite Du Lin holding the skirt, apologizing, "I'm very sorry, I'm late." She apologized without any reason.

In fact, this can't blame her, because today is the first high-level meeting of the New Party Committee in the new year to discuss the work arrangements and personnel transfers in the next year. There are indeed many things to discuss, and there is still a need Voting proposal.

Anything that has something to do with voting can always be delayed for a few more minutes, after all, it is related to the interests of a large group of people.

Du Lin nodded his head and didn't say much. He picked up the teapot that was cooking on the stove over a low fire and poured a cup of scented tea for Madam Dory.

The moment when the faint fragrance fell from the water column into the cup and the vapor of water vapor began to spread to the surroundings, 39 pieces of ninety-one pots of scented tea did have its reason for being expensive, although it was a bit too expensive.

This private library without any name mainly contains some very old and almost invisible books such as the solitary books, in addition to the top ten books sold every year.

It was the first to discover that the private library was profitable. It was already unclear who said that they were the sole proponents of this, but this line did guess some people, such as Ms. Dory.

The entry threshold of 3,000 yuan and additional consumption require at least 7,000 yuan in expenditure in this area for one year. Ms. Dory thinks this is reasonable and worthwhile.

Soak a cup of top-level scented tea in a quiet environment. After reading stained glass in the sun, reading books hundreds of thousands of years ago, the whole person seems to be constantly traveling in space and time, enjoying one after another in the magical story. .

She took the tea cup and sniffed the scent of fragrance, then took a sip, a sigh of relief and a sigh of relief, and the whole person was quiet.

She watched Du Lin, thinking about some other things in her mind. She was surprised when Du Lin called her, and some did not understand why Du Lin would call her instead of communicating through Magus. Way to contact her.

Everyone knows that Vice President Dolly is Magus's person and one of the most determined Ma`y's iconic characters ~ ~ If Magus speaks, she will definitely follow, But Du Lin is not yet qualified.

At first, she did n’t want to meet Du Lin too much. When they were at the level, they would rarely discuss something in person, because once a little more positive tone, it meant that there was no room for turning things around.

There is such a saying in the old saying "the meeting between the king and the king brings only destruction". The meaning of this sentence is not completely superficial, and the meaning is similar. do.

So at this level, the relationship is not particularly good. Generally, everyone will not meet alone, and it is easy to get into trouble.

But she finally came, because Doolin was the political continuation of the Timamont family, and was the successor of Magus. Magus's grace to Dory made her remember her life and looked at Magus's face. So she came and wanted to hear what Du Lin was going to say.


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