Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1254: Have a dream

Power is like a terrible, dependent, chronic poison, and once ingested, it can no longer be separated from it.

No matter what kind of poisoning happens during the period, it can't change people's desire and fear for it.

Everyone knows that power is not and should not be the whole of people's lives, and there are many more valuable things waiting for them around them.

They can even list many examples to prove the correctness of their opinions, such as family, friends, life ...

But in the end, these enumerations are meaningless and worthless, because the toxicity of power is too fierce and too difficult to remove. Even if there is a moment of soberness, it will still be silent in the vortex of power.

Those who have not tasted this poison will never know the joy brought by the poison, and that feeling transcends the most beautiful and fascinating side of all things in the world. It directly affects the deepest part of the soul. , Booming shattered the soul.

Every word Ms. Dory could listen to was calm, but when the words formed a sentence, she couldn't keep calm enough.

Is she eager for power and has strong ambitions?

Actually not, this is just power. It can be said that there is no life, no soul, and even no entity. It is just a power brought by the words that exist in people's perception of all things in the world!

From Nommie and Kevin pulling each other's clothes to each other, to Alice's relentless moth fluttering fire, is it moral loss or distortion of human nature?

No, power is at work. This is the terrible part of power. It is poisoned by power. There will be no self in the future. No one can resist the erosion of this poison, not even Du Lin!

As the No. 4 figure of the New Party Committee, Ms. Dory can be said to have stood at the top of the empire's tower. When it comes to the power at hand, the entire empire can exceed her less than 50 people!

Moreover, there are not many gaps between her and those in front of her. They all belong to the trivial gap that she can catch up with a little effort and lag behind.

Now, an opportunity was placed in front of her. Her breathing had begun to be a little rapid, and the focus of her eyes was constantly changing, reflecting her inner struggle.

Climbing higher and mastering his own destiny is the greatest wish of almost all intelligent creatures, as is Ms. Dory.

She also wants to sit and watch the tens of thousands of days and nights before she retires, before she retires, whether she can't touch or sit up, is it really as comfortable as she imagined, Or stingy.

She also has some thoughts in her heart that may seem naive to stupid, and hesitates to share them with others.

She knows that her biggest shortcoming is her gender. In politics, women are always deputies, and there may still be a chance to rule the party at the bottom, but the higher they go, the less likely women are to participate in politics.

But now, one may be in front of her.

She was thinking seriously, and the slightly slack eyelids made her eyes look bigger. She took a teacup and took a sip, stood up, took the bag and Du Lin to leave, "Today's scented tea is fine. I will tell you if there is a decision! "

Du Lin stood up and sent her to her without a buck. Ms. Dory raised her hand to stop Du Lin, said a few words, turned around, put on sunglasses and pushed the door away.

Out of the library, she glanced back at the smiling Du Lin inside the glass door, and suddenly felt that the young man was really annoying.

No matter what his purpose and thoughts are, at least his current plan is successful, and Dori starts to think a little wildly.

She got into the car with the help of the driver, and ordered to go home. She raised the dark glass plate between the cab and the passenger compartment, and pressed her temples with both hands. The young man gave her a problem.

Many times things are so interesting. When she doesn't know what Du Lin is going to do and how to do it, she won't have the thoughts that she is suffering now.

But when she knew it, she would worry even if the later things had nothing to do with her.

When she returned home, the whole villa was empty. She put her glasses and some small accessories on a special red velvet mat next to the entrance. The maid at home would put them where they should be.

She changed her shoes, returned to the room, and changed her clothes. After exercising in the activity room for about 45 minutes, she took a bath and appeared in the living room.

He took a bite of fruit with some drops of water on it and took a bite. He sat cross-legged on the sofa and turned on the TV, which was rebroadcasting the gold-level show the night before.

She asked casually, "What about sir?"

The maid, who was busy cleaning up, answered quickly, "Mr. said he won't be back tonight, ma'am ..."

There was no disappointment on Dolly's face, which almost became a normal performance on four days a week.

Her husband is between a businessman and a broker, and he is more inclined to the role of a businessman. The main job is to get some approvals or tight supplies in some special ways, and then transfer to others.

In this way, he can run his own business without investing any capital, and at the same time, earn enough profits without any risk.

Every year, those who once jumped off the building are telling everyone with the fact that they are dead, not doing business is not really like people say, it is definitely not a loss, it is also a great risk, but people often see Yes, those are the bright and successful people in the spotlight. No one will pay attention to the tramp or beggar on the roadside, whether they were once a rich man.

Such a change of hands gave Dolly's husband a certain reputation in the business circles of the Imperial City and even in the central and southern parts of the country. It was called "a very good Mr. No problem." As long as the money was in place, he could basically change Possible things become possible.

Of course, this is not relying more on his own ability, but on the status of Dolly, the current vice chairman of the New Party Committee. Even in the past, she is not as high-profile as she is now, but she has the same "Magus" Important confidant "label, and that makes it better.

Because there is nothing wrong with Mr.'s work, this has made many people deliberately maintain a relationship with him. From the morning, the entertainment will continue until he is lying in bed and ready to rest.

Sometimes even when lying in bed, the entertainment was not over, and it took him a sweat to be able to barely spend the day.

It has become customary not to go home or go home late, and Dory often often goes home late, or sometimes she doesn't go home-she has a rest room in the office and can rest in the office at night.

There are exceptions, starting at noon every Friday, the two will choose to return home on time before five o'clock in the evening and wait for their children to return for the weekend together.

Many people call them "model couples". They never quarrel or fight, and often go out to play or set foot on the weekend with their whole family. There is no family more harmonious and more like a model family.

But only they know that all of this is just an illusion.

In this family, Dolly is proud. Since she entered the society, all she has come into contact with is the top elite in this society. Everyone has not only a strong personal ability, but also this one who looks forward to. Identity background.

Dolly who grew up in such an environment doesn't look down on her husband. It's just an ordinary husband who doesn't have anything to make her proud, and their union is just to fulfill her own social responsibility.

Compared to Dory's arrogance, Mr. No problem treats his family indifferently. Perhaps he has been passionate and thought about trying to change certain things through hard work, but he couldn't do it, and Dory did not give him such a chance .

Gradually he understood his position and value in this family and society, he found new goals and directions in life, and the family was just a precondition for maintaining his status in society.

As for their children, that may be the beginning of a tragedy, and whether it will end in a tragedy is another matter.

A lot of chandeliers in the lobby make it impossible to find any shadow on the ground. The sound from the television echoes in this empty room. Dolly sits on the sofa holding her legs. She looks at the TV with concentration, from time to time. Laugh a few times, then the smile disappears quickly, and the laughter stops.

It's a bit cold. This is her idea. She watched the TV and thought of some simple words that Du Lin and her said, and she was a little bit lost in thought, and even time was ignored by her.

When she got rid of this thought, the sky outside was already dark.

Sitting alone in a large restaurant alone, after eating a small bowl of low-calorie dinner alone, lying on the bed after grooming.

Turning off the light, looking at the decoration on the ceiling, her lips moved before entering her dream.

Chairman ...?

She seems to have forgotten ~ ~ In her plan, she should have talked to Magster, and then told Durin's behavior to Magus.

She actually believes that Magus can hold everything more than Dooling. The entire empire revolves around that man for thirty years.

But inexplicably, Dolly seemed to have forgotten her previous thoughts, and the moment she closed her eyes, she did not remember the call she needed to make.

She closed her eyes and fell into a dreamland. In the dream, people humbled around her, including her husband, including her children. They all called her ...

"Chair Dory!"


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