Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1258: Knowledge rogue

Du Lin originally planned to visit Magus. After all, he and Magus are still a family, and they have deeper interests.

What just didn't make him think about it was that Magus actually went on a tour, and the destination was Cyrillic.

The World Financial Trade Organization's headquarters is established in Celleville, a small neutral country. As the organizer and the only core country, the Yaoxing Empire will definitely assume a series of responsibilities such as construction, operation, and maintenance.

If there is not enough heavyweight people to go to Celleville for even a short stay of condolences, there is a little bit of excuse in international foreign affairs, which means that they do not attach importance to this matter.

Since we didn't pay much attention to it, why did we intimidate and lure everyone into the water?

Therefore, we must send someone to show that the empire and the cabinet attach great importance to the international financial and trade organization, and at the same time cannot overdo the specifications and deviate from the theme.

In other words, Kubar cannot go in person, because this is not a formal state visit, nor is it a major diplomatic act. It is just the construction and operation of an "international organization". Create conflicting opportunities for some people.

The gold rush in the eagle's mouth area has intensified. Not only is the empire interfering in the problem of the eagle's mouth area, but also several countries are interfering in the peace and security of this area, including the Colt Empire.

Coincidentally, Xelivella was next to the Colt Empire. Its geographical location did have some sensitivity. Once someone created an empire to peek at the interests of Celyvel and even the Colt Empire, and even the land, it is likely that this would be considered fair. A reliable ally creates a gap.

After discussions in the cabinet, they decided to send Magus, who had retired from home, to inspect the work.

Although he has taken off his job, he is now an "ordinary person" ... hehe, but he has been the prime minister of the empire for 30 years and is one of the longest-held powers in charge of the empire.

Within the empire and internationally, he has a terrible reputation and status. Sending such a retired prime minister not only shows the importance the empire attaches to international financial and trade organizations, but also does not touch the sensitive nerves of some people.

Even if someone wants to make a fuss about it, how can they write?

"A retired cadre conspirator attempts to subvert the Cyrillic / Colt Empire? !! 》

Whoever dares to write such an article is tantamount to telling the whole world that the writer is mentally retarded.

Important but not sensitive, only two people in the entire empire can meet this condition. The first person is Magus, and the second is the three princes who have just ascended the throne, or should be the emperor.

So why is it that the emperor is not going to do these things? It is entirely because everyone does not allow the emperor to live in the palace all day long. Only the emperor who is at ease and has children is a good emperor. Time is still up, and people who are upset are upset.

Magus's departure abroad did not cause any waves in the country, and even the newspapers did not accurately report what Magus was going to travel, but it was very vaguely mentioned that there would be a commissioner in the empire going to Celleville to the newly established International Finance and Trade Organization visits and visits.

This is also what the cabinet hopes. It may not be good to deal with this matter in a low-key manner, but it will not do any harm, but it is good enough.

No harm, the biggest benefit!

In January, the Emperor did not have much fun. The cold air and thick snow were the only characteristics in this period. Du Lin stayed in the Emperor for less than a week and set foot on the train to return to the west.

Compared to the coldness here, the atmosphere in Ambiluo is even higher. Although it is also very cold, it is not as harsh as it is here.

From the moment the train entered the central part of the west, the change in temperature outside the car was clearly felt. After the capital of the state of Ambiloo, the problem has increased significantly.

The coldest month has passed, the temperature is slowly rising, and the outdoor temperature has reached seven or eight degrees.

Du Lin had thought that the arrival of this winter and snow season would stop tourists from longing for the state of Ambiloo, but he was wrong on this point.

Snowfall can't stop tourists' footsteps. A heavy snow fell in the mountain forest near the northeast in the state of Abilúo. The Yagur Mountains were also covered by snow and ice. In addition to the already perfect tourist track map, many came from the south and the tropics. Tourists from the region's countries came to Ambilo this winter.

For this group of people who have probably not seen heavy snow for several years or since their birth, spending winter holidays here is as enjoyable as northerners going to the south to enjoy the sun, and it may be the only place in the entire empire and the entire world. A place to watch and play in the winter.

Yes, you can go sightseeing or come to visit. The snow field originally planned to open next year was opened ahead of time due to the inexplicable passenger wave in winter. Several relatively gentle slopes of Mount Yagul have become the most attractive place this winter.

The tourists across the mountains rolled down the hillside, then laughed and were hooked by the robotic arm, and continued to roll down from the top. This made the maintenance staff of the snow park think that these people were either skiing or getting off the ground.

Almost everyone who travels here tries to learn to ski and ride snowboards. In the past, only northern barbarians were used as a "sport" in daily life. After some transformation, it has become a very attractive project. Some channels of cable TV and The show has come more than once and interviewed many people.

Most people are full of praise for skiing, and occasionally a few less friendly ones have been cut off by the editor's hands. In short, this project was very successful, even if it was hurriedly launched.

As soon as I returned to the villa, the little secretary who had been in the office during this time called Du Lin a phone call and told him that the shareholders of the McCaws Military Group had waited for four days and just called To make an appointment to meet with Du Lin, she wants to ask Du Lin's consent to arrange this meeting.

Since the beginning of the new era, many things have undergone tremendous changes. Many military companies have closed down because of the huge gap between the Imperial War Machine and the Federal War Machine in the Civil War, which made the Cabinet and the Ministry of Defense angry. A large number of military orders were cut, and they refused to cooperate with certain military enterprises.

This knife directly cuts the lifeblood of military industrial enterprises. With the collapse or transformation of a large number of military industrial enterprises, those who can survive can already be regarded as the best.

Among them, Bondika Military Industry Group and McCaws Military Industry Group are the most. In fact, Gubstone Industrial is also a very successful military industry group, but they have reformed and transformed to the civilian field. The agricultural platforms and agricultural products currently produced are The interface has been sold at home and abroad.

This time, the members of the McCaws Military Industrial Group came to talk to Du Lin about another project, the paintball project.

People's understanding and impression of the west often comes from some westerns. They don't really understand the west, so they will be misled by westerns.

From their point of view, the west is the world of cowboys and gold prospectors. Everyone is a romantic desperate person. When needed, they can take a few steps back to back, then suddenly turn around and shoot. Use the bullets to decide who is next. Lucky.

This kind of tension and excitement is adventurous, and at the same time with a hint of rough romantic feelings, it is people's concept of the integrity of the west.

And Du Lin has been restoring this part of the thing as much as possible. He will not force the tourists and outsiders to correct the wrong view of the west. That is not necessary.

To please tourists can bring a long-term and stable mature economic system to Abilúo. In order to meet the tourism theme of this year's "gold digger" and future tourism themes such as cowboys, witches, and barbarians, let tourists have an immersive style Experience and was fascinated by this, Du Lin had an idea.

Since you like danger and romance, then give you weapons and let you experience one.

This is also one of the cooperation projects that he and the McCaws Military Industry Group negotiated. Instead of using real waxes with a wax-encapsulated paint bullet, at the same time changing the structure of the gun so that the bullets it fired do not have the ability to harm others, but it also requires Has a certain range and speed.

Some harsh requirements can be said to be no less than redesigning many new guns that meet Du Lin's requirements. They have nothing to learn from, they are completely innovative, and they even create a brand new gun family.

This is a big business, at least from the present point of view, it is indeed true. The first batch of firearms with at least 50,000 sets of paint bullets and at least four wax-sealed paint bullet lines by Doolin can bring richness to the McCaws Military Group. Profit.

They are very famous in the design of firearms. The firearms currently in service in the empire are basically from the McCaws Military Industrial Group, which is one of the reasons that Du Lin asked them to cooperate.

Attention to Du Lin and the importance of this project-McCaws Military Group has keenly discovered that this is definitely not a one-shot deal, but a continuous and long-term business, and when there will be more and wider sales channels , They increased the emphasis on this project, immediately sent someone to do the preparatory work, and actively registered worldwide patents.

After they found that almost all similar firearm patents were pre-registered and formed a patent barrier, they realized that this business was not necessarily a sole business, so this time on behalf of McCos, they came to discuss cooperation and was a major shareholder. , The kind with certain decision-making power.

There was nothing wrong with Zuo Jin. In the afternoon, Du Lin met with Mr. McCos, the major shareholder of the McCos Military Industrial Group, in the office.

McCos is his last name. His name is Seymour, one of the important members of the McCos family. It looks like he is in his forties.

In fact, most capitalists and experts engaged in capital research will tell everyone not to put your relatives in your business, which will become a bad example and reduce the work efficiency of the business.

They can cite many examples and prove this in various ways. As long as you put your relatives in your business, haha, then you and your business will definitely die.

This has caused many businessmen to encounter some troubles in the early stages of development, from family and loved ones. They brazenly followed the management books or lectures written by big capitalists and experts. There were some successes, some Some failed.

People always listen blindly to the conclusions given by the authority, without questioning whether the authority is sufficiently authoritative, and whether the authoritative conclusion is appropriate in the process of demonstration.

It's like these ordinary businessmen who have followed the guidance of various big capitalists and experts in research capital. They can never see that in the real industry trusts, almost all shareholders have the same last name.

This may be a joke, but it is not a joke. Whether it is the McCos Group, the Bondika Group, or the trust in other areas of the industry, there can be several in the company's decision-making level and among shareholders. outsider?

No, not much!

This society has always been so interesting. Successful people will never share the secrets of success. They will only tell some plausible jokes, but because of their authority, their jokes have become the Bible in the eyes of some people.

Du Lin reached out and shook Seymour. After the two sat down, Seymour directly took out several sketches of gun designs and placed them in front of Du Lin.

These structural drawings are very delicate. Even a layman who has not studied drawing can clearly understand the superficial content on these design drawings.

"We have selected several retired design masters to participate in the design of the entire series according to your requirements. This is the first CAG-1 (Colour & Ammo & Gun) ...", Seymour studied Doolin before coming, So after the greeting, we went directly to the theme, "Considering the design purpose you proposed, we provide a bomb feeder that can store at least two hundred rounds of ammunition ..."

Du Lin listened very carefully. This series of paintball guns will determine the success of the gold digger project. He carefully looked at each weapon design and asked very carefully. In the end, from a dozen designs Seven types were selected to enter the physical verification link.

After these talks ended ~ ~ Seymour said that up to two weeks these paintball guns would be sent to the west, he talked about another issue, patents.

The thing of patent itself is a manifestation of rogue. The purpose of formulating patent standards and protection is actually the blockade of lower civilization by higher civilization. This is a shameful hooligan behavior.

But sometimes, we can also describe it as a necessary guarantee for the progress of civilization. How to express this problem depends on who owns the patent.

When Dulin held these patents, who would dare say he was a hooligan?

"I want to talk to you about the patent problem of paintball guns. The company's senior management paid great attention to this aspect and gave me a large part of the power to handle this ...", Seymour At Du Lin, the most sincere smile appeared.

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