Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1261: Wait 1 more

"What's going on with Magus?" Coubar asked his housekeeper while he was getting dressed.

The phone was connected directly from the Cyrillic ambassador to Kubar's house. He knew it was more than ten o'clock in the evening.

After Magus was attacked by a gunman, the local government of Selivir blocked the disclosure of the news, temporarily limiting the activities and freedom of the people around Magus in the name of "searching for the killer", so the empire was still in the afternoon. Anning, no one would have thought that just across the sea, Magus was attacked.

It wasn't until the vital signs stabilized after Magus's surgery at night that Cyrel officials officially announced the lifting of the restrictions on the freedom of the Empire's entourage, and the news came back.

Sylivier's approach cannot be distinguished by ordinary right or wrong. From the standpoint and perspective of a country, their approach has no problems.

The return of Magus and the failure to return will be two completely different countermeasures. They are not facing small countries similar to them, but superpowers, and their role in this matter is not their own. Never mind.

Fortunately, Magus finally managed to rescue him. He actually got a shot. The other bullets were blocked by the security personnel he was protecting. The security personnel also died on the spot.

The whole thing took less than three seconds from the outbreak to the end. So far, Xyleville has not come up with any confirmed details and inside information. They don't even know where the two gunmen are hiding, more Needless to say who hired them and why they shot him.

For this small neutral country that has always been very calm, this is really exciting and difficult!

The only good thing is that Magus is not a big deal. Doctors think that there are two possible reasons why Magus has not been awake. The first may be that the effect of the anesthetic has not yet ended, and the second may be Maggs' emergency self-protection when he was in danger shut down the body's connection to the outside world, but soon his system would restart, in short, just wait.

It can be said that the shooting of Magus shocked the whole world. Kubar immediately convened an emergency cabinet meeting to discuss the next countermeasures. At the same time, the Ministry of Defense disclosed a message to the world that the empire of the star was entering the first stage of combat readiness. Status, ready to wage war.

The international situation became tense in an instant, and the politicians of many countries who had fallen asleep had to get up from the bed or get up from the bed or get up from the bed, dragging them down because of poor sleep or because of physical exhaustion or because of fatigue. Exhausted. The exhausted body is back to work.

The empire's so much fanfare is not to take this opportunity to escalate the incident and find a reason to provoke an international war. It is simply that Magus's identity is too special. Even if it is just doing something, the empire must take a serious attitude. Treat this matter.

In the eyes of some people, Magus, who overthrew the decaying feudal rule, is equal to the "founding emperor" of the Yaoxing Empire. His great feats can be said to have dragged a country that was contradictory and about to split back to the right path and let the This country is getting stronger and stronger than the previous system, and it is not excessive to say that he is the founding emperor.

Many people think that Magus will eventually become the emperor. He has too much power in his hands and has been in power for too long. Many people think that once he quits his post, some people have been oppressed by him. The forces have had a chance to breathe. As long as they have a little strength, they must deal with Magus, and it is also inevitable to avenge the pain of being hurt by Magus for so many years.

If you want to avoid revenge that may affect your family, the only thing you can do is call the emperor, as long as you and the Timamont family are safe.

But in this case, Magus still resolutely decided to retire and resign on the grounds that his grade was too big. People respected the old man and paid more respects to him, just like the giants of the era. Admiration.

Something so important happened, the empire didn't act, and it wasn't anyone else who was ashamed, it was Kubar, it was the cabinet, it was all the ministers!

Some military intelligence departments have also started, and for a while the world's attention has been focused on Celleville.

At the same time, Du Lin was also awakened by the call. He stroked the same awakened Ophelia, put on a piece of clothing, closed the bedroom door, walked into the study and asked the housekeeper to send a pot of tea. Then locked the door.

The expression on his face changed slightly the moment the call was connected, "Mr. Jack, I hope your message is worth me getting up from the bed!"

Mr. Jack from the poker organization was called. Du Lin and the organization have always been very close. Although he said in recent years that he has no need for poker to help him clean up the black money in his hands, but the cooperation between the two parties has not stopped Stop.

Poker has a lot of high-quality resources. Behind these large international money launderers, or on the surface, there is a legal skin, and this skin is often very famous.

Most of them are active in the international capital market in the name of investment companies or real estate companies. They are angels in the eyes of many entrepreneurs, constantly wielding valuable wealth that others seem to buy a large number of industries and investing in a large number of emerging companies.

This is destined that they will definitely not give up their relationship with Du Lin, and the cooperation between the two sides has been deepening.

With the increasing value and status of Doolin, he can now directly communicate with the king or queen, and the connection with Mr. Jack is limited to holiday greetings and some private affairs.

This seems to be a very ... unauthentic approach, because as one raises his status and increases his power, he will not contact his old friends. In fact, this is the most real aspect of society.

When you take yourself seriously, others don't take you seriously. Those who succeed always say that they want to be one with their subordinates and treat them kindly with strangers. There are always fools who believe them.

In fact, most of the people who say these words keep a proper distance from their subordinates. They are friendly to the strangers but also sort out. They must let others recognize the gap between each other. They are superior and other. People are different.

He didn't express much to Mr. Jack who was unhappy on Doolin's phone, and it was not a shame. It was more of a joke. He coughed, "Two things, the first thing is that Magus was in the afternoon in Xyleville was shot and has a stable injury. She can wake up at the latest tomorrow. "

The muscle under Du Lin's eyebrows jumped uncontrollably, and he nodded, "What else?"

"And ..." Mr. Jack laughed. "A friend without hair asked me to tell you that this was done by God."

"Okay, that's all I have to say, I hope you can sleep well."

Du Lin shouted and pouted, "Well ..., can't sleep!"

After hanging up the phone, he grabbed both hands deeply into the hair and grasped it fiercely. The stimulation of the scalp caused by the fingertips made his spirit recover quickly from sleep. He lit a cigarette, sat in a chair, and looked The night scene outside the window and the patrols that occasionally pass outside the villa are a little bit dreamy for a while.

He was thinking about the second message that Mr. Jack said. If nothing else, the friend without hair was the assassin he saw in the gardener's house, and it was called the ultimate silent assassin, the Buddhist scripture.

When they met last time, Du Lin slightly pitted the unlucky child, making him mistakenly think that he had been betrayed by his employer, so that in the following period, this person seemed to have evaporated and there was no news.

Now he actually asked Mr. Jack to convey the message to himself, which meant that he might be in Xyleville, and his goal of "revenge" was God.

So ... does he want to use his own power to kill the ambassador, or does he have no way to complete the assassination operation independently?

God, if the name is not unexpected, it should be those remnants of the Tushenism. Their previous assassination of themselves can be said to be revenge, after all, because Du Lin ’s report of Tussarianism ’s foundation has been destroyed for more than a decade.

But what do they mean by killing Magus now?

Du Lin, who was in thought, patted his brain, and there was a buzzing acceleration, and the fast-rotating brains were sprayed from the ears. After about a few minutes, he blinked his eyes and put the slightly hot hands. The **** was annihilated in the ashtray and a falling ashtray was cleared.

In his dreams, the big guy always said that no matter how fancy a person's behavior is, behind all this, his behavior will have a clear purpose, as long as he finds what he wants, he will not count No matter how perfect it is, it won't escape being caught.

So in this case, who is the best for Magus if he dies?



Grand Prince?

Or the Pharaoh of the Colt Empire?

President of the Xyleville Republic?

Or those brazen capitalists in the empire? !!

Suddenly, Du Lin looked into the sky in the south, and stared hard. His eyes seemed to cover a distance of tens of millions of miles, directly covering the sky above the Federation.

Yes, Magus' death is most valuable to the Federation.

Regardless of whether it is Cooper, the royal family, or the domestic capitalists, for those people, Magus, who has stepped down, no longer has large-scale lethality. As long as they need it, they can ignore or ignore Magus. People and his opinions, act according to their wishes.

And the assassination of such a former empire leader is too risky and the profit is small, and even said that it will lose money. In the event that Magus really dies, if they are found, they must escape the death of the family, even if they are not. It was found that the changes brought about by this incident will also greatly impair the empire's rising financial markets.

That's right, Doolin associates the financial tsunami of the former Federation from the financial market. If Magus is assassinated in Xyleville, the Federation will produce some plausible evidence to prove Xyleville, the Colt Empire and even some other countries Participating in the planned and premeditated assassination of Magus, the World Financial Trade Organization will fall apart immediately.

At the same time, these suspect countries will have antagonism with the empire, gradually changing their positions, and even the empire will launch a wrong war to fight a wrong misunderstanding for a wrong fight, and this is only for political correctness.

But after this, the empire will lose the affirmation and support of the international community, economic development will be hit hard, and financial and foreign trade will be greatly reduced. This will not be of any benefit to everyone, except for the Federation.

As long as the empire is not good, it is a good thing for them, and it is imperative to slow down the development of the empire.

There are already some anti-government forces in the federal territory. These people think that the nation-building tribe is not the savior of the federation, but rather the real culprit of the federation. These people have united to continue to challenge the nation-building tribe in an armed manner. Status and authority require them to return to the people the power that belongs to the people.

At the same time, in terms of foreign trade and internal economic construction, the speed of the federation obviously cannot keep up with the speed of the development of the empire. The new-generation consortium has broken its back, dismantled its bones, and scratched its skin.

However, the old consortiums that established the nation are lacking of vitality and it is difficult to inject into the decaying society of the Federation as a new vitality and stimulate the rapid development of the federal society.

In international trade ... there is no more international trade. Now the federal policy is to stimulate domestic demand to revitalize and rebuild the financial and economic order within the Federation. Cutting off a large number of external orders has also caused many small countries that rely on federal orders to complain. Almost all are about to ban the state of diplomatic relations.

Internally troubled, there is also a rapidly developing empire nearby. Once the gap between the two sides is getting wider and wider, the empire will be able to invade the Federation at all levels by using unarmed conflict.

Culture ~ ~ A series of financial, economic and other aspects make the next generation of the federation lose its loyalty to the country. Eventually the country will become a mass of sand and then be annexed by the empire.

This process may take decades or even hundreds of years, but it will definitely come. So now, as long as it can damage the interests of the empire, it is what the federal rulers are willing to do, including the assassination of Magus. .

Through these thinking and analysis, that is to say, the people of the indigenous gods and the federation are mixed together. Then, are these people of the native gods originally from the federation, or did they come together later?

It should be checked ..., thinking that Du Lin patted some humble soot on his body and stood up, he drank the bitter cold tea in the cup and walked towards the door.

As for the shooting of Magus, although it is not a good thing, it is not a bad thing for him!

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