Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1275: Shortlisted




These three things that have existed since ancient times have ruled this society, and more fields have spawned around these three core factors, but no matter how the society and the times change, this society, this world, and even the entire universe are all Always focus on these three points, no one has been exceptional.

Coubar et al. Referred to this small, dark room as an overhead council, and they used "above the roof" to describe the special identity of each participant here.

Everyone, in their industry and field, is a well-deserved first person, and a person at the top of the social tower.

Yes, not a handful of them, each of them is the most outstanding and standing tallest one in their own field. None of them represent plural adjectives to vaguely summarize their status, and the only thing is unique.

Someone once called the office of the Empire Cabinet as the center of the empire. Actually, it is not there, it is it!

When Du Lin shouted the name Kandy, the chattering voice suddenly quieted for a while. About ten seconds later, he shouted Du Lin's name accurately, and felt the empty chair beside Du Lin and sat down. .

He flipped the chandelier, which caused the chandelier to start shaking, and the light in the room brightened a lot.

"I knew it was you. When I heard your voice, there was another in my heart. I said to myself," Hey, you guys must know this guy, he is your good friend! " The son guessed that it was you. I didn't expect that we could meet here. This is really the arrangement of the evil goddess of fate ... "He held out his hand," I'm glad to see you again, Mr. Du Lin. "

Du Lin also shook hands with him behind him. There was a sense of mystery and a sense of sacredness that existed here completely with the appearance of Kandy. He can make anything that is surprising, as long as Where is he.

Then Kandy introduced Du Lin to a thin shadow behind him. The outline of that shadow looked very thin. It was about one meter five and very thin. "This is our boss, the closest believer to God. You can call him Abel, but I usually call his old man ... "

Coubar closed his eyes behind, and the little old man called Abel was breathless. It was hard to imagine that the thin body could have such a terrible power. He breathed as if a broken bellow was working, purring. Snoring.

In fact, this old man ... is in the presence of the Pope of the Orthodox Church. As people often say, power is always accompanied by money, but there is another extraordinary thing besides the two, which is faith.

As the largest religious organization in the empire and its surrounding areas, the Catholic Church of the Emperor Tianzheng has been restricted and suppressed by the imperial royal family and cabinet for a long time. But this really means that the Catholic Church of the Emperor Tianzheng is vulnerable and cannot resist anymore. ?

No, by no means, these are all illusions, and those who create such illusions to confuse people will soon sit in this dark room.

A religious organization with more than 100 million believers will naturally be suppressed by the regime, but it is absolutely impossible for the regime to suppress this religion. It is all artificial and has scripts and scripts.

As for why everyone is doing this, including the Pope's crown, it is actually very simple.

Everything in the world cannot escape the word interest. From the moment the newborn was born, no one has taught him / her / it or anything, he / she / it knows how to express a relationship with crying He has a critical stake in the issue he / she / it is hungry.

Even New Life knows how to assert their rights and interests to gain benefits, not to mention a more mature social organization, or a playful organization such as religion.

On the bright side, the Church of the Lord of the Heavens was suppressed and could not stand up, and could only rely on fundraising hardships, but the huge new figure base predestined that their hardships were not real hardships, coupled with ongoing charity evenings and All kinds of charitable activities and religious activities, they are not worse than the past, or even better than the past, because they are weak, people are willing to sympathize with the poor, so those who beg are always a miserable look, If someone wears thousands of pieces of clothing and tens of thousands of pieces of jewelry and kneels at the station to beg, he is either a lunatic or a liar.

Religious concessions are not really an inability to resist political pressure, but a natural reaction after a group of people have negotiated in this room.

If one word is used to describe this room, the ceiling is not so correct, Doolin thinks the control will be better.

Everything that is decided in this room controls every aspect of the country, from the working lives of ordinary people, to their mating income and children's education, and even their beliefs are determined here.

For a while, Du Lin's pulse was a little bit faster. He seemed to be very focused talking with Kandy, but was thinking why this guy appeared here.

No need to test, Kandy said it himself, "This time Abel brought me here to recommend me to take his place. Honestly, I was very nervous and anxious before coming here."

"The old man described it as the conspiracy's lair and the source of evil. He always scared me. He described the people here as cannibal demons ..." He paused and said, "Sorry, I I'm not saying you ... "Then he tilted his body and looked at the shadow behind Du Lin." I'm sorry, I'm not talking about you, sir. "

He shrugged, "I hope you can forgive me for the mistakes in terms of words. After all, I live in Sunset City. You know that the school over there teaches more things like theology. They would rather teach us to remember. The runes used for hunting monsters that only exist in knights do not let us learn some normal knowledge, which makes me sometimes show that what I say cannot fully express the meaning I want to express. This is ridiculous. Happening."

After he murmured for a short while, he remembered to ask, "Yes, why are you here?" What Du Lin was about to say, Kandy stopped him in advance as if he could see him talking. "No, don't tell me, please, let me guess ..."

"You ...", he touched his chubby chin, his small eyes were not very bright in the dark. The paint on the surface of this table was very special. After special treatment, it was not just as simple as ordinary matte, it could Absorb most of the light to ensure "safety" in the shadows in the room.

"You're here to join this ..." He turned to look at the little old pope, "What's up?"

"Top Council!"

Kantipap slaps, "Yes, the top council, you also came to this top council, right?"

Du Lin had to nod his head, saying that this made Kandy very happy, and he smiled and smiled suddenly, "Where did we just say? Ah, yes, I am anxious and uneasy. But now I am much better "Because my friend Du Lin is also here, this great link has caused me emotional problems, and it can be seen that we are actually in the same time, otherwise we won't come across such a coincidence."

"You said just now what are you doing here?" He scratched his head. "Sorry, did you just say that, sometimes I suddenly find that my recent memory is not particularly good, I just did it in the last second. I immediately forgot about it in the next second, and even more frightening is that when I want to remember, I can't even find a clue at all. "

"Another time I was thirsty and wanted to drink water, but I found a cup in the room for more than half an hour until I finally searched the room and couldn't find it. Then I accidentally found the obstruction in my hand. Something is my cup! "

"I must have been cursed by some evil power, or brainwashed by doctrine. You don't know, every time we take a theology class, it's like hypnotizing me. I always fall asleep unknowingly ..."

For more than twenty minutes, Kandy kept diverging his thoughts for a moment, talking about his athlete's athlete's foot from his emotions, and then talking about the dog he had recently got dermatitis ...

He didn't need to think about anything to say, because what he wanted to say could never be said!

With the sound of footsteps gradually appearing in the surrounding doorway, under the papal crown's friendly fist, Kandy finally got a blow and closed his mouth.

He stood behind Abel's chair with a little grievance, but even then, Doolin was able to notice that this guy was constantly communicating with him through his body posture in the dark, and even more frightening was that he could see Understand what Kandy's vague movements mean.


When the surrounding seats were full, Coubar took the lead and said, "Mugs has agreed to let Doolin be one of us. In accordance with regulations, we will vote. If more than half agree with Magus's proposal, So from this meeting, even if we are full members, Du Lin can vote. "

The room was very dark. Black could only see a limited number of places. Du Lin looked at the dark space around him and some fuzzy shadows. I was curious how these people voted until they put their hands on the table. The range of light.

There were initially nine seats around the table. After so many years of continuous waves, there are only seven left, so there is no need to worry about whether there will be a "draw". There is bound to be a clear winner.

The voting process was not so simple. Although everyone did not communicate, Du Lin saw that there were still many articles. Kubal alone represented two votes. He represented one vote for himself and one for Magus. ticket.

In other words, only two people need to support his and Magus's proposal, and Doolin has entered the door.

In fact, this is a lot more risky than what Magus had planned before. If it were not for the attack and his current situation, it would be impossible to fail to pass the voting request under his normal state.

But now, these people have been slow to say anything.

But Du Lin didn't panic, and Kubar didn't panic, because before that they already had a third vote, which was the support under the Pope's crown.

He does not vote now, it is a tactic. Once he shows his intentions prematurely, he is likely to scare away some of the wall-climbing squads.

To know that any project that requires voting and real democracy, then there must be some people who do not want to offend and do not want to lose their benefits.

These people tend to maintain the situation on a relatively balanced surface, only in this way their interests will not be damaged, and stability will always have more stable benefits than turbulence.

Therefore, they will vote according to the performance of the vote. For example, when Kubar is stronger, they will vote against it. When the number of opposition is large, they will fall to the favor.

They do not represent who they are, they only represent themselves and their interests. What needs to be done at this time is to convince them with benefits.

For a minute longer than a year ~ ~ Dulin suddenly sweated a little, and when he felt that he should do something, suddenly a hand was placed on the table.

That hand didn't look so old, just through the shadowy silhouette Du Lin couldn't confirm who it was, but he had to thank the guy.

Subsequently, the Pope also voted in favor, and the situation soon became clear. Whether others voted or not was of little significance.

"Then it's settled, Dulin, you can sit down ..." Kubar pointed to the chair beside him, and Du Lin standing behind the chair spared the chair and sat at the table.

After stopping for a few minutes, the Pope also said, "I am getting older and older. Some things in Sunset City have long since been abandoned and I cannot handle them myself. When I reach the age of retirement, I should also take a rest, so This time I propose to Archbishop Kandy to take over my seat, please vote. "

This vote was much faster than before. No one was too strongly opposed to the four-member vote, but Kandy could not sit down this time because there is no place for him yet.

Fortunately, most of the time the summit will not be held for a long time, so Kandy does not need to worry that he will stand longer. Maybe he cares more about when he can speak?

The next thing is the real parliamentary content. The atmosphere of the meeting is very free, even a bit loose. There is no clear person to chair the meeting. Basically, what do you say, and when you think of it, you say it whenever you want. A little messy.

This is not good. The lack of a core soul figure is also a waste of everyone's time.

Du Lin, who sat in this room for the first time to participate in the meeting as a full member, thought of what it would be like to host the meeting by himself.

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