Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1279: Catch

In the distance, a young man standing by a telephone pole saw what happened across the road. He straightened the peak cap on his head, lowered the brim slightly, and walked slowly on the sidewalk.

He didn't cross the road and followed Mr. Pete, he just followed far across the road.

In the movies, it often appears that the tracked person and the person being tracked face each other and cannot find each other's interesting plots, but in real life, only a little doubt can make a tracking activity completely fail.

People will have a less serious victimization delusion that cannot be clearly explained. This is not a mental illness, but a self-protection instinct. Only when this instinct seriously affects people's thinking will they be called mental illness. That is mental illness.

But before that, protecting one's personal safety was the most basic instinct, need or desire of people. When people find something suspicious around them, even if they are too sensitive, they will think that someone may be Against yourself.

Newly moved neighbors ’daily goodwill smiles will become suspicious in this sense of self-protection. Unfamiliar newly hired security guards will perform sneaky patrols and become sneaky, so tracking is never easy. , Especially when a person needs to be tracked, then he will definitely become more sensitive.

Because he must have done something that would be targeted!

If it was just an ordinary person, no one had sinned, no grudges, and the social relationship was very simple, he would not suspect that someone should plot himself, and he would not be sensitive to the level of all soldiers.

Only those who do something will become more careful, more alert, and more sensitive, to the extent that even small details like the ring will be remembered by him.

Mr. Pete didn't know he was being followed, and he was a kid, and he was walking towards his company.

The company registered on the East Coast is basically either the entertainment industry or the international trade industry. His company is a small import and export company that is officially registered and has a special office.

In order to ensure that his identity is legal and free of loopholes, and can withstand others' investigation, Pete spent a lot of effort to perfect the identity he is currently using.

Since about seven or eight years ago, he has consciously arranged for himself a back road. He knows that behind the scenes those organizations with extraordinary social status and fame will not come to rescue him when he is unlucky, but will think more than the Empire. Let him die early, so he started thinking about a way out for himself.

The more beautiful he is, the more investors he has, and the more loyal followers in the Tushenism, the more careful he is, not only in guarding against investigations from the empire, but also against malicious inwardness.

Everything now proves that his care is no problem, including that he always wears a mask on his face to show people. In this relatively backward technology society, as long as no clear photo flows into the hands of the official It can be said that he is absolutely safe.

As for the first people who knew what he looked like, he had either been in an accident or disappeared somehow in the early years.

Today, he is a legitimate outstanding citizen of the Empire. His company not only solves more than 30 stable jobs for the local city hall, but also pays a full amount of taxes every year.

The money adds up—the wages paid to the workers and the taxes paid together. In a year, he must contribute at least 200,000 figures to the local economic construction. This money is enough for the mayor and the police chief. Let those people know who should be protected and praised.

After walking for more than twenty minutes, he rushed to his office before work at noon, an office not far from the dock, with the sign "Shuguang Yuanhang Import and Export Trading Company" on the door.

Pushing in the door, the little girl at the front desk habitually stood up after hearing the door bell, then happily greeted from behind the counter.

Everyone knows that Mr. Pete is very kind and amiable. He doesn't have any shelf, and he wo n’t be like the bosses of some companies next door. Just because they pay dozens of dollars to their employees every month, they think they are those employees Father.

Not only are they bad and arrogant, but sometimes they use dirty language to attack those people when they are lazy.

By contrast, Mr. Pete is simply an angel!

He smiled, took off his coat and gave it to the little girl, and kept walking towards it. "Do you need any job information I know today?"

This company is not just an empty shell like a purse company, in fact it is really working and operating.

There are a total of 33 people in the company. In addition to the front desk of the company ’s chairman and little girl, there is also a warehouse administrator. In addition, everyone else is an information collector and incidentally a salesperson jobs.

Before the imperial economy improved in recent years, the company apparently did some import and export trade, placed orders within the empire and then sold the goods abroad.

However, in fact, those buyers are actually companies registered by Pete abroad. They sold their left and right hands to support the company's turnover and profits. At least he guaranteed that the books and statements were very good-looking.

Those goods from abroad will be half sold and half delivered at a very low price, so they are not worried about selling them, and they can slightly subsidize some of the losses.

Now there are some differences. The rise of international trade, and the absence of the words "multinational" in various businesses seem to be out of step with the times. Naturally, there is no problem in starting a multinational business in a large-scale trade.

The customs at various ports will not only actively help these merchants arrange the timing of freighters and entering and leaving the port, but also help them apply for preferential policies such as tax rebate subsidies. Basically, it can be said that their rights and interests will not fall into their hands. .

However, there are still some small-scale import and export trades that are more troublesome. For example, a factory has received foreign orders and it is embarrassing. A hundred blankets.

Is this sale good or not?

Large enterprises will never make such scattered orders, so these orders will eventually flow into small factories and even workshops. For these small and micro enterprises, as long as they have a profit, they are willing to do so.

When they have prepared these things for delivery to the buyer, they will find a problem, it is difficult for them to send the goods out for delivery.

For now, basically most of the capacity is covered by the major group companies and large transactions. Even if there is some surplus in these capacity, they would rather be empty or not take the hundred blankets incidentally, or Hundred kettles, or a hundred tea cups.

This involves more formalities, more inspection processes and approval processes, and wasting the same time to go through the process for a profit that is not even a fraction of that?

Take a break, this is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, these scattered small-volume export commodities must wait until the scattered parts have accumulated to a certain degree, and when a freighter can be assembled and filled, the customs side will arrange the export schedule on the schedule.

There are some problems here, commercial fraud, or routine fraud.

Many international orders are time-sensitive. For example, from the moment the order is received, it must be fully delivered within a few days. There will be standards for how to deliver.

Now that the Empire ’s capacity is tight, it is difficult for many small and micro enterprises to deliver scattered products in a timely manner. As long as the final deadline of the order is slightly exceeded, those foreign companies will initiate international trade claim lawsuits to the World Financial Trade Organization. Companies are unable to complete orders in accordance with the content of the contract on the grounds that they are required to pay them a large amount of cash compensation.

This kind of thing has happened more than once, it seems to have become a new way for some foreign businessmen to make money, and it is gradually spreading.

Pete saw the opportunity here. He used his good relationship with the customs and those kings before, and he set up three freighters to start international shipping, and he specialized in scattered cargo.

All his salespersons are scattered all over the East Coast. These people look for small and micro businesses who need help outside the customs every day, and then sign transportation contracts with them at a relatively reasonable price. What he can do is mainly his. The boat will walk around all the ports on the East Coast. Each place will pull something on the boat. When the entire East Coast is walked, it will be almost full.

Pete thought this was a not-so-profitable business. He didn't do it to make money, but to more and better social network resources. He has now got rid of the status of ambassador and made it back. Got myself.

Until there are no further plans, he intends to maintain this status. To withstand the investigations of others, complex social relationships are the most critical link.

What people don't expect is that this business has not only lost money but has been making money. For those small and micro enterprises, as long as they can pass on the risk, it is not a problem to spend more money at all. After signing the contract of carriage, the carrier becomes the first defendant in the event of an extension claim lawsuit.

This allowed Pete to make some money and maintain very good relations with these small and micro enterprises, including customs and domestic transportation companies, which he also did not expect.

The two went into the office while they were talking. The girl at the front desk often played the role of Secretary Pete. She took a few documents and put them on the desk in front of Pete. "There are customs approval documents here, Naris. The Queen will leave Hong Kong the day after tomorrow, and will require your signature ... "

Pete smiled and took out a pen from his arms. The platinum body was engraved with many complicated but beautiful and mysterious problems. The top of the cap was inlaid with a blue square gem the size of a pinky fingernail, indicating that wisdom.

The cost of this pen has already surpassed a thousand yuan. Considering its craftsmanship and design, as well as the added value of the master who made this pen, this pen can top one of some second-tier cities. A house, one hundred square.

At the same time, in a telephone booth across the road, the teenager took out the coins and stuffed it into the telephone booth. While looking at the door of the store across the street, he quickly reported the address here, and then left the telephone booth. Find a quiet belt in a corner that is not easy to notice.

About seventeen or eighteen minutes later, three cars stopped at the corner, and a few young men with dome felt hats and black turtleneck trench coats approached here.

After discussing for a while, they dispersed and disappeared completely on this lively street.

As early as more than two months ago, Mr. Doolin's people in the west caught Mr. Charles, who was the one who wanted to pull Doolin into the Tujiao, and sent a girl to him A priest can also be said to be an elder.

He was very lucky to escape from the destruction of the native gods, then returned to his hometown and continued to be his own farmer.

It was just that he did not think that Du Lin ’s influence in the west was so terrible. His neighbor, who had been in the middle of the night for more than 30 years, went to the public security office to report him.

After catching this high-level officer, some information in the Taoism was leaked out soon. The Military Intelligence Department and the Security Committee took over the overall arrest. Among Charles's many confessions, the most valuable one was The characteristics of "God".

Because Peter had been wearing a robe and a mask, no one had ever seen what he looked like, so Charles didn't know, but his desire to survive saved him.

He told the interrogator at the time that the forefinger's left and middle fingers had two very special rings on them, one very wide, with some of the so-called scriptures of the indigenous gods ~ ~ The ring is relatively normal, but there is a large gem holder, which bears the head of an earth goddess Odella plasticized with various gems.

In addition, he also mentioned a pocket watch found by accident.

This information is very important. Once Du Lin knows it, people will spread the characteristics internally. Anyone who finds these three characteristics will immediately report it, even if it is wrong, it does not matter.

You can misreport a thousand times, but you must not miss it once.

Before Pete was noticed, in fact, more than 80 people had been illegally abducted for a period of time and then released. Although many people were wrongly arrested and there was no substantial progress, the various gods and guarts everywhere The group is useless and therefore relaxes, and it is as important as it was at the beginning.

It was just two obvious ring marks on the fingers that exposed Pete to these people's eyes.

Time, quickly pointing to lunchtime at noon, Pete rejected the invitation of the girls at the front desk to eat together, signed a few documents and left first.

He knows the girl's mind, but this situation is not very suitable for romance and love. He has too many secrets. He is really afraid that he will say something terrible when he dreams. He has to kill himself by force. Bed companion.

He put on his coat and walked out of the door silently. The girl looked at Peter's back with a bit of distress, but the next second, she widened her eyes, watching Pete pushed into a car by several young people, and then quickly go away.

This is ... abduction!

She picked up the phone angrily and excitedly to fulfill her duties as an imperial citizen and called the police station, but at the moment the phone was about to be dialed, she pressed her hand with the last number she dialed .

"Shh ..."

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