Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1281: Is there any king law?

When Mr. Pete woke up for the third time ... as to why it was the third time to wake up, it was a very unpleasant memory.

He patted his head, pressed his palms against his temples, and his brain hurt as if he had been knocked out three times, and the pain would split from the inside.

The breath that got into his nose from the surroundings made him take a deep breath, and the smell of the soil had some smell of cow dung and horse dung, and the grassy smell from various vegetation made him slightly Closed his eyes.

In the west, even if he didn't need to look at the scenery outside the window, he didn't need to ask, as long as he smelled the air that he was so familiar with, he knew that he had returned to the west.

He is not from the West. At first, he chose the West as the basis for his own business because of the backwardness and closedness here, and it is difficult to exchange information with the outside world.

The gap in information makes people in the West more foolish and stubborn. As long as they can convince them to eat hot horse feces to treat diseases, even if someone reaches them with a gun and tells them that this is a lie, they will treat it as someone else ’s. Hope they recover.

The people here are very deceived, and they are very loyal after they cheated. When I thought that when I first came, my body was less than fifty yuan, after so many years, let alone fifty yuan, fifty kilograms of gold. He's all seen it and belongs to him.

It's a pity ... all this is gone, except for those wealth.

The bumps of the car made him recover quickly. Before the car stopped, he started to look around. The lively capital of the state of Abilúo has not changed much since he last came, and there are many pedestrians, but some landmark buildings are still Keep it, so he guessed where this is.

From the east of the empire, across the entire empire to the west of the empire, needless to say he knew what he was about to face, the young man whom someone called him a devil.

After driving for a while, the car parked behind an unremarkable villa. He was handcuffed and escorted into the villa from the rear garage.

After walking around for a while, I finally came to a large living room. A young man sat on his back with his back to the sofa and watched the TV. The federal news was being broadcast on the TV. An anti-government militant attacked Saint-Lotus. , Not only robbed the Federal Bank again, but also set fire to the rebuilt Federal First Exchange.

This incident is very troublesome. Four leaders of the organization in the federal government claimed to be responsible for the matter, but no one knows who actually did it.

The representative of the founding nation, the current speaker of the Federal Assembly, said in an interview that they will investigate the true messenger of this matter as soon as possible, and also call on the entire federal society not to imitate such extreme organizations as worship.

This is not romantic, nor is it interesting. They are just a group of wicked gangsters. There is no flash of light worthy of people to learn.

In fact, a problem was also reflected behind this incident. As the relationship between the joint parliament and the federal government completely broke down and the speaker was temporarily replaced by the president of the federal government to exercise power, many people sent questions to the current federal rulers. Dislikes and aversions from the heart.

These represent the inherent old-fashioned forces while destroying the new-generation consortium, using these people's flesh and blood to build society, on the other hand, they have also become concerned about the rise of emerging forces, and it is strictly forbidden that anyone or things will exceed their control. .

In the final analysis, the two years of the catastrophe of the Commonwealth are the unavoidable conflict between the old order and the emerging forces. Even if there is no Doering plan to block the federal financial economy, it will take five or ten years to wait for those emerging When the forces become more powerful, war will break out.

It is impossible for the two sides to coexist peacefully, and the completely opposing positions are destined to survive on only one side.

If Du Lin does not intervene, it is likely that emerging forces will replace the nation-building tribe and become the real ruling class of the Federation.

However, Du Lin intervened, and opened some covers earlier to intensify the contradictions. The emerging forces did not have the opportunity to continue to grow and grow. It can be said that when the old forces that established the nation were threatened, they were annihilated. In the toilet.

For this reason, the founding nation also paid a heavy price, so they are more vigilant about the rapid rise of emerging forces again, which has led to the dissatisfaction of those forces within the federation and the relatively widespread social dissatisfaction.

Explaining this issue in a simple and easy way is actually not complicated. In order to avoid repeating the past, the founding nations built a barrier to prevent the rise of new forces. This behavior that violates the natural development of society will inevitably be opposed by people. .

People may not dare to do anything under the threat of high pressure and secret police, but it is not so difficult to support the anti-government forces.

There are some young people who are very interested in joining the anti-government forces. It is said that these anti-government forces are in addition to the aid of the empire, and some new capitalists in the Federation are also strongly supporting their movement.

Therefore, Sisi said on television that it is not a game for everyone to recognize the reality and the true face of the anti-government armed groups, and justice will win.

Du Lin didn't turn off the TV until the news was completely released. In fact, he heard footsteps just now, but this news is very important.

He stood up, walked to the bar, and looked at Pete as he walked, "Wine? Coffee? I don't have tea here."

"Give me some wine, I need this ..." Pete replied, and then casually walked to the sofa to sit down. No one stopped him. He looked around. The decoration was very simple and very in line with his heart. The image of Doolin.

In fact, when everyone talked about bringing Du Lin in, he hesitated about it. A young man who can stand high at a young age and have a certain positive influence in the society is definitely not very attractive.

Unlike those men in their forties, fifties, and fifty or sixty years, men in this period have struggled for half their lives. They have suffered and suffered injuries before finally walking around to where they are today.

Many of them no longer have the desire and energy to continue their struggle, they just want to keep the power or wealth in their current hands, and then spend the rest of their lives happily and reassuringly.

Going forward, struggling, just like the **** pulled yesterday, has rushed into the sewer and merged with all the abandoned, and can no longer be recycled.

Therefore, the talents at this stage are the main goal of the indigenous gods. If they are at ease, then they will be given the most comfortable enjoyment.

They like the opposite sex. As long as they believe in the Taoism, and on the basis of respecting religious practices, the followers of the Taoism can marry four wives or four husbands.

Those who like exciting life, whether it is watching other people fighting and killing, or going up to kill some things themselves, there is everything here.

Even more frightening is that they also support "custom" services, as long as the desire is not too much, the native gods will help them complete.

But Du Lin is different. He is still young. At this age, there are only two possibilities for high weight. One is with an amazing identity background. The background of the big noble is that his parents are independent representatives of the big noble. Hundreds of years in one, they have surpassed 99.5% of the people in the world from the moment they were born.

Du Lin is not. He doesn't meet the first rule. Everyone knows that he is ... the farmer's son.

Then there is only the second one, huge ambition, unprecedented execution, terrible guts and the belief to carry out everything.

This kind of person is the hardest to attract. Why, because they know what they want, such talents are the most terrible. They can understand themselves and know the purpose of all their actions. There is no confusion. Everything is orderly and accurate.

They don't think about what to drink when they pick up the cup, because they have decided what they want to drink before picking up the cup.

If you want to win Du Lin, you must show him that there is a ladder here, which will allow him to reach the place he wants to go faster, otherwise it is not realistic at all.

No matter how great Tujiao boasted, it was impossible to make Doulin the governor and make him prime minister, and those were exactly his goals.

But when Charles proposed that he could try, Pete hesitated, but agreed to Charles' request and let him try it.

If they succeed, they will get an unprecedented resource, and if they fail, it will not matter, and they will not offend Dulin.

But Pete just missed a point. The Tushenism is valuable in Du Lin's eyes-it is everyone's responsibility to report the cult, and this magnificent thing has been found not to be rushed to do it, is it secretly hiding 掖With?

In fact, until now, Pete didn't know that the end of the earth gods was because they had provoked Durin ... This sentence is wrong, it should be said that they want to win him.

Du Lin got some wine for him, took two glasses back to the sofa, and pushed one of them.

Pete looked at the handcuffs between his hands. He meant it very clearly. He was already here anyway. Why not open the handcuffs and there were so many people around?

Most of the time, this trick will be very effective, especially when he is at a young age and always has absolute dominance over the surrounding things, he will have a kind of pride, thinking that nothing will escape him. Control, even if opening a handcuff.

But Du Lin looked at him as if he hadn't seen it, and raised his glass. "What should I call you? Mr. Pete, or Lord His Excellency?"

Pete lifted the cup with both hands, and touched Doolin. "Pete, call me Pete. This is actually my real name."

Du Lin took a sip of wine and put the cup back on the coffee table with a smile. "I'm curious, Mr. Pete. You obviously have a lot of opportunities to leave and hide forever, hiding somewhere in this world, me and others People may never find you in a lifetime. "

"With the wealth you have gained in the past, I believe that anywhere is enough to make you very comfortable and respected."

Pei nodded. "It's like this, but you may not know. As long as we live in this society and live around other people, we can't get rid of others' interference on us."

Du Lin felt that, and nodded, saying, "I recently learned a new word, which comes from the East and is called‘ the body ca n’t help myself ’. That ’s what it means.”

"Can't control myself?" Pete froze, then missed this little knowledge with a smirk. "Many people are looking for me. They are more secure on the empire side than they are wanton in remote small countries."

"At least they didn't dare to fire on the house I lived in with rifles in groups, or wrap me in a car and kidnap them during the day."

Du Lin smiled, Pete was complaining about his abduction. He was about to ask something, and Pete followed, blocking what he wanted to say.

"Mr. Du Lin, I believe that with your status, you have understood the sadness and horror of 'involuntary self.' Many times what we are doing is not necessarily what we want to do, and we do it against our will. Things are just for better living. UU 看书 "

"In the past, we had some small differences and contradictions, but those were not important. Let me go and I will give you ten million!"

"Send me abroad, I will give you 30 million!"

This is not a small amount, even if the Imperial Star has become less valuable in the quiet inflation than before, it can be 10 million or 30 million, which is still a very considerable wealth. .

Du Lin pursed and smiled, "I'm not interested in money. For people like me, money is more like a decorative ornament, say something that interests me, such as who is manipulating behind your back With all this? "

Pete's expression was a bit stiff, he thought for a while, and said, "50 million plus the three local states, the bad things of about 170 officials, and some evidence of illegality. With these things, the entire western part is left to you. People have the final say. "

Du Lin didn't answer him immediately, but smiled at Pete obliquely. The man's expression in the corner of his eyes was ugly as if he had just smelled the yellow feet after being pulled from his sweaty feet for three months without washing. sock.

He shook his head. "You haven't understood yet, Mr. Pete, the ant's lair with the bed bug in his eyes may extend in all directions, but he cannot hold a lion's teeth."

"These things are valued by you and the people behind you, but they are not in my eyes at all."

"Maybe you and the people behind you need these things to be able to manipulate them to cooperate with you or be threatened by you, but for me, when I need them to do anything, just call them."

"Then tell them that the person who called them is me, durin!"

"In the west, what I said in Turin was law, law, and truth!"


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