Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1287: Chia Purple

In the face of life-threatening moments, the first idea is often how to continue to survive. This has nothing to do with awareness, morals, standpoints, and so on. It is only a primitive instinct.

No amount of training can erase this instinct. Even fanatic terrorists will undergo long prayers before they choose to attack others by suicide.

When we saw that they were still alive, they were actually dead, and the knowledge they saw was a soulless body. When they were chosen to attack the terrible weapon that destroyed the building or even killed, they had already faced this level.

Life and death, the ever-changing difficult choices, are even more speechless. Basically, when people start to choose this issue, the initiative is not in their own hands.

On the foreheads of the two Knights of the Rose Knights, there were rolling sweat beads on their cheeks, and their throats kept shrinking and sliding, and they now faced this choice.

In the quiet room, the cat on the second-story window sill across the street could hear the sound of courtship, but it was just outside the wall, and there was no sound at this moment.

Both sides seem to be in a special state, facing each other across this wall, and also maintaining silence.

After a few minutes of stalemate, the people on both sides of the wall seemed to have realized very clearly that the other party behind the wall already knew each other's existence, and a series of insurance sounds suddenly sounded in the corridor.

They use a submachine pistol, which is a new pistol series launched only this month. The latest product of McCos Military Group is even more amazing. This submachine pistol and its gun family have Du Lin's patents and benefits. Among them.

According to the requirements and descriptions proposed by Du Lin, the designers of Kaomes Group designed the paintball gun in Du Lin's mind. This kind of gun, which is different from the existing design ideas, suddenly opened up the designer's source of inspiration. They While designing a new gun family, I went to register a patent. What I did not expect was that the patents had been registered by Dulin.

As a last resort, in order to ensure that the two parties will not spend considerable time and money because of these patent lawsuits, and to abandon this absolutely profitable project, McCaws Military Industry Group and Du Lin conducted friendly consultations, and after many rounds of discussions and negotiations, A consensus was reached on patent opinions.

Du Lin authorized the McCaws Military Industry Group. The weapons produced by them were sold to Du Lin about 3%. As for Du Lin's non-payment of taxes, it was Du Lin's business.

This new type of pistol named by the McCos Military Industry Group as the "Micos C1 Assault Pistol" absorbs the design concept of a paintball gun, increases the capacity of the magazine and slightly increases the caliber of the bullet, and lengthens the rail and the The barrel, and the use of a dual power cabin design.

It can pour out all 150 bullets in 12 seconds and use the highest rate of fire to cause the most terrible destructive power.

In order to ensure that the accuracy and control will not change greatly during the shooting process, a foldable horizontal grip is added to the lengthened barrel, and for the first time, the magazine, the feeder and the grip are completely Separate, detachable magazines and feeders provide this submachine gun with very reliable endurance.

The purpose of this assault pistol design is to solve the close-range armed conflict in a small range, a more effective and reliable design, stronger kinetic energy, more spring distribution, and more terrible fire rate.

Soon after the weapons conference, many police stations placed orders with the McCaws Industrial Group, and the army also placed a lot of orders. However, according to internal sources, the submachine gun used by the army was part of the original redesign. The reinforced firearm of the structure is not the same as the outside.

Because of the cooperative relationship with Du Lin, Du Lin's men also got some submachine guns.

Everyone is curious about this assault pistol, and they are also shocked by its terrible firepower. It looks like a reduced version of the rifle, but in fact there is a big difference between the two.

The effective killing range of the McCoss C1 submachine gun is only awkward forty-five meters. This is the theoretical effective killing range. In actual circumstances, the bullet's lethality will drop sharply after about thirty-eight meters. When attacking a vital part, it is like punching someone. Although it is uncomfortable, it will not be injured.

However, this submachine gun also has an advantage that rifles do not have, that is, it is quieter, easier to carry, and more secret.

Of course, in the past, a pistol fire may have been shot by someone. If an assault pistol is fired, it may be unlucky and become a sieve in three seconds, so this assault pistol has a very strict insurance mechanism.

There is a noticeable metal bump when double insurance is turned on.

There was no communication between the two sides. As the captain waved his hand, the eight men raised their submachine guns and pulled the trigger directly against the wall.

The walls of this house are mostly wooden structures, just to ensure that more rooms can be rented out to residents. Except for the walls around the building and the square pillars in the room, which are made of building materials and cement, basically everything It is made of wood and includes flooring.

The sound of the submachine gun after tightening the trigger is very nice. The sound of each shot is connected in a line, like ... piupiupiupiupiupiupiupiupiupiupiu!

When the bullet broke through the wall in the first lesson and brought a hint of light to the dark room, the two young knights of the Rose Knights began to do their best to avoid the bullets, holding the head of the head as far as possible and lying on the wall. on the ground.

Bullets fluttered around them. Occasionally, bullets hit bricks or concrete, or some other metal parts. In a room with a gleam of light, they awakened the instant spark, charming and deadly.

But there are too many of these bullets, so much that jumping bullets have formed a bullet storm. The bullets that are injected into the body from various angles make these two professionally trained knights invincible.

The bullets are flying, and there are small holes of pencil thickness appearing on the wall, and the sound of bullets hitting different materials is constantly heard in the room. The front wall quickly becomes big holes and small eyes, becomes fragmented, and finally breaks down. Scattered all over the place.

The light in the hallway shot into the room, making the dark room brighter. Two knights in plain clothes lay on the ground and twitched continually. Their pistols were dropped on the ground by them. They even had a bullet. Without a shot, he was sieved.

The captain entered the room, he took another pistol out of his arms, turned around after leaving a shot on both of them, and the hotel returned to calm.

Except for the housekeeping cleaners who arrived a short time later and stayed here for a moment, no more people knew what was happening here.

No, the residents on the third floor may know that the blood on the fourth floor dripped down the gap between the floors. If someone asks if he knows what, he is likely to answer without knowing. If this person keeps asking, He would tell that person that he had a nightmare and wetting the bed.

In fact, the team captain originally intended to capture the two men alive, but Du Lin rejected his request. Once such a professionally trained opponent has the mentality of catching them alive to arrest them, it is likely to cause their own large-scale casualties. .

Because those who did not dare to kill them, but these people took Du Lin's people to death without fear, so Du Lin told them at the beginning, don't live, just kill the account.

Eric will soon provide some news that interests him, and they can use the dens of these two people and their identities to go along and find a lot of things.

The intelligence work has always been very meticulous, and it is also testing the way people think. Durin just mentioned a few points, and the people of Tener already know how to do it.

First, who has covered the identities of these people, their identities are false, yes, but it is not easy to make a false identity true, especially after the tax reform. It means that something must be true in their false life. If you follow these things, you can definitely find something.

Second, check their social environment, the boss of their work unit, and at the same time, they always check the delicatessens where they buy meat, maybe they can find some problems.

Maybe before they find out, Du Lin already knows who is organizing these people and what they are doing.

The night of Tener City is always peaceful, just like thousands of bullets to solve two outsiders will not make the city uneasy. What really makes people feel uneasy is their mayor. Mr. Mason is returning. After visiting his father at home, the next day when he went to work, his face looked as if he had just pulled it out of the sewer.

He had to know why someone was always investigating Tener and his father, Mr. Kesma, so he followed Durin's suggestion and asked Mr. Kesma, as if Mr. Kesma was showing off He told him about his past, and then he regretted it.

"I shouldn't listen to you. What should we do now?" Some shameless Mason's neckline was torn open by himself and his tie was thrown aside by him. The hair like a henhouse can make His stylist vomited blood and died. "Shall we hide abroad?"

Du Lin just came back from the morning run. He was talking to Mason while taking a shower. "I met a friend I wanted to know with him a few days ago, when I asked him why not go abroad, at least the size of the world, casually Find a place to hide that I might never find in a lifetime. "

"Do you know how he answered me?" This question made Mason more irritable, but before he calmed down to think about it, Du Lin answered and asked, "He told me that the Empire is more important than anywhere Safety."

"He is very smart. His choice is right. The empire is safer than anywhere. You ask me what to do ..." Du Lin turned off the shower and walked out in a bath towel. Dove immediately came to help He wiped the drops of water on his body, while rubbing, he walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and lifted the landline phone. "It's simple, climb higher. When all the people who want to harm you become your subordinates, when you can dominate it at will When they are in their fate, these problems are not the problem! "

Mason frowned tightly, "I know, I know what you mean, but do you think it is easy? You are only a governor to this day, and the wealth left by Mr. Kesma is almost upon us Touching our ass, how long do you think it will take you to dominate their destiny? Ten years, twenty years, or before we are killed? "

Du Lin smiled back and said, "Seven years later ... Okay, my brother, continue to do what you should do. These are left to me to deal with, look at Tener, look at the alfalfa town, look at Kes. Mr. Ma, this is your job now. "

After hanging up the phone, Du Lin changed a new set of clothes. UU reads Dove will now be here only three days a week, and will run her at the Dove garment factory at other times. Your own small business.

When production technology is not advanced enough, light industry is the hope of each regional government. Such intensive labor factories can bring a lot of good changes to society, more jobs, more social average income, and better Law and order, more stable rule.

In fact, strictly speaking, this is still one of Du Lin's businesses. He invested a lot of money. The reason why Dove did this is also a disguised compensation.

The little girl worked with him for him at the age of seventeen, and she could n’t let it go. Such a person who knew some core secrets of Du Lin once thought of leaving, even if she was the closest Du Lin, Du Lin Nor will secrets be allowed to leak.

I ca n’t marry anymore. I have to find something to do for her. Only in this way will there be some inexplicable madness. For a while, she likes to read books about fashion design and popular magazines, plus western society needs The factory stabilized social and family relationships, and a female CEO appeared.

"It looks good, but I think it should be a little more serious." In the face of himself who changed clothes in the mirror, Du Lin gave his opinion very aptly. The suit he now wears is Dove himself. Designed, it is said that several sets are also sent to participate in the annual fashion design awards or something.

The purple-black background clothing is easy to make people feel an exaggerated feeling. What is even more terrifying is that he thought of the "little German" around Mrs. Vivian, the **** and the pervert who are raised by the bitch. It is said that the guys and Perverts like purple.

Dove saw that Du Lin didn't like this suit. After he cut it off, he took out a set of asphalt-colored clothes. This suit was stable enough, but lacked the trendy atmosphere.

Wonderful book house

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