Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1293: Tenpo

The word “people, mountains, and sea” may not exist in the common language, but after today, when Du Lin used the short sentence “as the sky is full of mountains and the sky and the endless crowd of people” to describe the victory at this time, the phrase “people and mountains” is bound to become Phrases that people often mention.

Idols are such unreasonable and have all kinds of incredible magic. Even if they fart, some people will praise the greatness of this fart from many aspects-the sound of fart, the speed of fart spray when fart, fart Through the cloth's pass rate, and that smell of odor.

Du Lin is also an idol. He is more remarkable than those simple actors, because his stage is not in the cinema, in front of the camera, his stage is at his feet, in this empire, in this world on!

When the time pointed to the last five minutes, Du Lin walked onto the podium. This was not a speech, at most it was just a short narrative, talking or the like.

He was not so serious standing behind the podium, facing the podium sideways, pressing his right arm against the podium, his body was slightly tilted, he also raised his outer feet, crossed his inner toes with his toes, and hit the ground.

This is a very classic movie style. It comes from a cabaret. The hero is standing like this while waiting for the heroine in the storm at midnight. In order to cover up the embarrassment of being cast into a chicken, he leans on Under the light.

Sometimes these classic things can easily cause people to think briefly, and it's easy to please some people.

Although according to Du Lin's current status and status, he does not need to please any person against his will, but he still lives in this society, and he needs to wear a mask, just like the masked people he faces.

A simple gesture suddenly made people smile a lot, and some people whistled, and the atmosphere was immediately lit.

Ambiluo is destined not to be a traditional industrial state or commercial state, nor is it a traditional agricultural state. This is a unique place, and everything has to do with entertainment.

People haven't realized very clearly that the change of the times is not just about the fact that they can get more money every month. They ignore that they start spending money to buy happiness, which was considered as silly and rich in the past. People do stupid things, but now they have begun to spread quietly.

A state that depends on tourism and entertainment must not have too serious a political look, easy, witty, and pleasant. This is what Doolin defined for Ambilo.

He even intends to launch a campaign to design a mascot for the state of Abilúo after the end of the competition. People from all walks of life are welcome to submit contributions. Once they are finally approved, they will inevitably gain both fame and fortune.

He wanted everyone to be everywhere, and the moment he heard the name of the state of Abilúo, he immediately had a very vivid impression, not a rigid, general, ambiguous memory.

Just as the male lead in the cabaret waved at the female lead, Du Lin waved at the guests in the audience, again triggering a hearty smile.

As long as they stand here, regardless of whether they knew Doolin before or if they liked him, they would not have any bad feelings at this time.

After waving his hand, Du Lin returned to a very formal standing position. People would not say that he was a rigid and serious expression because he changed back. The enthusiastic smile on his face can make people read through newspapers and photos. Understand why he was laughing, "I ... It's Du Lin!", He put his tie up, "A governor!"

Sometimes no one knows where the people are laughing, but it ’s just that there was a series of light laughter from the podium, as if this sentence was interrupted, and how a funny opening remark was added. humor.

"Thank you very much for being able to come to Abiluo when the best season of the year is about to pass. I guarantee that this trip will be worth your ticket money ...", he pressed his hands on the podium. On both sides, he stood upright and slightly raised his head. He was full of confidence between speeches and flamboyant. Everyone present was attracted by Du Lin's confidence and temperament.

He looked at each of them with a smile. "Actually, I didn't plan to stand here and say something to everyone a minute ago. When we weren't in the play yet, they said I must say something. What, and the purpose of what I say now is to delay time, and by the way think about what I should say to fit my identity ... "He shrugged, helpless," You know, a governor. "

The laughter was even louder, and Du Lin pushed his lecture table slightly with his arms. It was enough for people to see the setting on the lecture table. There was nothing except the three fixed microphones. "You see my Is the manuscript? It should be here just now! "

Even if some people are keeping the attitude of the table, they can't help but smile at this time. This is not so funny jokes and humor, but Du Lin's unique personality charm gives it the connotation it needs to show now.

Some people say that when an actor becomes a master of interpretation, every expression and every action of him is telling a story.

In fact, Du Lin is similar. He wants to convey relaxed emotions to everyone, and then he succeeds, some talking skills, some small movements.

After he waited for a while, he raised his hand and pressed the button, and the crowd quieted down. Then he began to talk. Contributors point my nose to their readers, and I only tell jokes. "

The short laughter subsided quickly and naturally, and Du Lin continued, "When I was governing the state of Ambilúo, there was nothing here, poverty, and very backward. They actually told me that I should have a cold and eat hot Horse shit! "

"We solved the problem of education, solved the problem of social basic security, and solved the new economic model. People started to have some money in their pockets. Next, we have to solve more problems and meet more challenges."

"Today, the state of Ambiloo has become the focus of the empire and the world. A new miracle will be born here. This is not my credit. It is the joint efforts of all people."

He said that he raised his wrist and looked at the watch, and then sighed with regret, "I actually want to say a little more, but time is up ...", he said that the expression on his face was changing. In the end, regret turned into a smile again, "Ladies and gentlemen, the game ... has begun!"

As he said, he walked towards a ... drum or other musical instrument or something. He picked up a mallet and hit it. A loud noise from peng passed very far under the effect of the loudspeaker. .

At the same time, the red silk satin on the wall covered by red silk suddenly fell behind Du Lin, exposing a huge TV wall.

Hundreds of TVs were put together to form a wall, and each screen was a picture of a player. The game of survival and battle finally kicked off.

The entire state of Ambiloo, the entire empire, and the entire world began to cheer, and people began to find suitable places to watch the tracking video materials to determine whether the players who bet themselves could survive to the end.

People began to pay attention to this aspect, so that in the whole empire there was a moment that was not noticed. The society seemed to stop for a moment, and then it needed to work.

Those who are forced to turn off the TV or re-enter the work are unable to focus on what they should have done. In one second, some trivial disasters happened and some good things happened.

Jonathan panted heavily in the wilderness, considering that most of the contestants were not professional players, so they were given a great discount on the ratio of materials.

For example, shoes suitable for climbing and running in the mountains, a section of rope that should not be in their bags, a lot of small things like this, reducing the difficulty of the early survival in the wild.

But this will only happen this time. Starting from the second session, each player has only the simplest and simplest equipment matching, and other things need them to get from the wild.

Jonathan constantly distinguished the surrounding environment during the running. In fact, the pursuit of the first Wilderness Battleground was very low. Instead, it pursued more ornamental value, so it was very easy to obtain some things.

He soon saw a circle painted with white powder on a tree, which meant that there would be some supplies hidden under the tree. His luck was good, and the supply point was very close to the drop point.

In fact, the so-called drop point ... is a lock with a time limit. Many people do n’t know about this kind of lock. It ’s very magical. In fact, there is nothing special in the end. It is a lock with a reaction chamber. When the layer leaks from the inner layer to the outer layer, the reaction disappears, and the steam will gradually leak out from the pressure relief port. The lock cylinder that has been pushed by the steam will fall down, and the lock will open naturally.

These players were then stuffed into cages individually, followed by the release roadmap, and unlocked at the same time-if someone had to swing the timing lock up and down to cause the catalytic liquid to re-inject into the inner reaction chamber, it can only be said that it should be You are too cheap, you have commented before the game.

Jonathan ran to his subordinates in a flash of time, and found a package from the weed seed. He frowned slightly, not a paintball gun, only a box of paintballs and a syringe, which contained traces of adrenaline. These were in It was said in the training class.

He packed his things and went on the road again, and encountered some small dangers and troubles along the way, but fortunately, he finally got a weapon and was about to welcome the first night.

Outside the TV screen, Henry looked at Jonathan in the picture from time to time, and asked curiously, "Do you think this person can win? He doesn't look any different from ordinary people."

Du Lin glanced at Henry and then nodded. If he didn't reply to Henry's question, he might ask for a long time.

But he nodded and Henry gave a grin. He shook his mouth and shook his head, saying that he was not laughing at Du Lin's choice. At the same time, he might have accidentally encountered the box used to control the signal of the TV station. Switch out a very strong man.

Henry watched contentedly in the picture. The man with muscles like a beast was drinking blood, and whenever he opened his mouth, he could reveal the teeth with blood, plus the Abyssian hare that he had swallowed and tore alive. Of a barbarian.

"This is the man, do you see it?" Henry smiled hesitantly, "I cast 20,000 yuan on him, as long as he can reach the top six in the final ...", he could not help but hold his arms in his arms. The little girl took a sip on the face of this little girl who could be his daughter.

The young girl seemed to be tickling and seemed to be struggling to push him, which made Henry laugh. "At least there are odds of millions, wait for this money to come down ~ ~ I will give you two Movie, you are the heroine! "

The little girl excitedly gave a kiss, and Henry smiled proudly again.

Du Lin shook his head angrily, and now Henry's life is very nourishing. Since he jumped out of the mining company, he gave this mess to the rest of the family to take care of him and started his business with all his heart. "Entertainment" career, he made money many times faster than in the past.

Cooperating with the international film festival he is engaged in, he is also a contestant, referee and judge. Last year, he made seven films. Except for one literary film, which was reluctant to return to the original, the others have won a good box office. Millions.

This also allowed some hot money to quickly flow into the empire and the entertainment industry around the world. In this era where people are beginning to pursue entertainment and enjoyment, even if they **** and label it entertainment, they can still sell money.

With such gains and recognition, Henry will have more investment projects this year than in the past. About 12 to 15 films will be filmed and then released in the second half to the first half of next year.

Henry's success represents a change in the limelight of the era of a profiteering industry. More and more capital flows here will also make the industry more prosperous.

When the night fell, Du Lin got the statistical results of all bets. This result was not only known to him. The Empire State Administration of Taxation was also very clear. He believed that many people would not be able to sleep today.

Yes, everyone who knows the results cannot rest in peace.

The total statistics of all bets from inside and outside the empire have exceeded 60 million, and are still being added. According to the current growth momentum, it is likely that the 100 million star mark will be exceeded the next day. This is An unprecedented and frightening force.


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