Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1297: gave birth

Jonathan is not clear. At this moment, more than 100 million people in the entire world are watching his performance in various ways. If he knows, he may be scared.

There is no applause and cheers on this special field. It is not like those sports games. People will applaud and scream for every outstanding athlete and the level of performance he shows.

Nothing here, no applause, no cheers, only quiet, dull waiting.

Maybe a few minutes, a few hours, maybe a day or two, but everyone is quickly familiar with these and enjoy them.

This is a real fight and fight, and it is true for everyone.

After stalemate for more than three hours, when people's attention has been bet on others, Doolin is still watching the picture on Jonathan's side.

There are more cameras in the finals area, and the captured images are more comprehensive. If it wasn't for someone to find out before, no one would see a little muddy low-level hidden person, or even tell those who do n’t know. Show them, and they may not be able to find them.

Du Lin was very impressed with this man named Jonathan. Among the many contestants looking for himself who just spoke two words and became familiar, he was not the most talkative and silent, but he still gave Du Lin the Very impressed.

This impression comes from his desire to change his life, his desire for "miracles", so that he can drag his family to a strange place, and that desire or desire is most manifested in him. Simple, most straightforward, without any cover.

He did not make excuses for his own participation. This was not a responsibility or curiosity, nor was it a flattering touty, just for money and for ranking.

Moreover, he has come to this step, and he has succeeded whether he can get the first place or not.

Not only a newly formed team requested Jonathan's personal information from the organizing committee. Some agents have begun to move around his wife and children. Of course, these people left after being beaten by security guards, but they left Will not give up.

A large number of agencies from the back of Cheryl Street and Irian spread all over the west. They really don't know how to use this battle royale game as a film and television circle and operate as a fashion model circle. But this does not prevent them from finding vampires To the prey began to **** blood.

Of course, this is not purely derogatory. The survival of brokerage companies is based on their performance.

A big-name brokerage company can bring more opportunities and income to his signing artists, then they will also earn more, and have a better reputation and better opportunities, and vice versa.

So some of the not-so-specially eliminated participants found the teams willing to accept them through these agents, which is also the main reason for the current Western agents to crawl all over the place. To put it bluntly, it is profit.

Jonathan is such a person who can reach the top one hundred among more than three thousand people, and may even reach the top fifty or higher. As long as he comes out of it, his annual salary will not be less than 20,000 yuan. This is already the lowest annual salary people currently give to finalists.

Maybe he was able to earn more, much more than the prize money he received from the game.

Desire changes one person, the fate of one family and their offspring.

More than three hours later, the middle-aged man who had previously tempted here returned. The three-hour confrontation made him think that the other party might have left the area. He carefully avoided a distance, but Did not leave.

These remaining traces are very valuable. Their value is that he can find that person. Perhaps the mysterious man has set a trap in front, but it is also possible that he never even thought that a hunter was behind him.

Walking slowly, without exposing too much sound, he stepped into the mud with one foot, watching the footprints go around the mud and go further, his attention was completely focused on the surrounding environment, until a The barrel protruded from the mud.

There was a squeak, and the middle-aged man looked down at a red gray block on his chest, then his limbs were tightened uncontrollably on both sides of the body, and the sound of the helmet opened a crown. The air curtain of the structure was then tilted to the ground, and he couldn't move.

The red smoke rose from his chest, through the thick lush canopy, and in the distance a Tracer-type quickly flew towards this side.

Yes, Tracer is a type. Before the cabinet had some "cooperation" with the Ministry of National Defense and Bondika Military Group, there was a suggestion, such as an order for Tracer to make up for what they couldn't sell. Loss.

The original plan was almost succumbed to the end, but the wilderness battle on Du Lin's side began, and then he talked with Kubar for a while and placed an order for Twenty on Bondika, helping the cabinet share some pressure.

The Army took away 150 aircraft and the Navy took 75 aircraft. Tulin had 20 aircraft here, and 5 were used to prevent emergencies in the Imperial Capital, which was exactly 250 aircraft.

This number is very satisfactory to the Bondika Military Industry Group. In fact, the Ministry of Defense also believes that it is necessary for soldiers to first contact the concept of "three-dimensional mobile warfare" proposed by Bondika think tank.

The General Staff of the Imperial Army believes that the three-dimensional warfare proposed by Bondika is not a illogical **** theory for the purpose of selling things. It is very accurate and forward-looking, and the MI has already obtained some information from abroad. The state has begun secret research and development work on the aircraft.

In order to ensure that Bondika will not cancel the follow-up research and development of flying war weapons due to the slow sales of Tracer One, and to let the Imperial soldiers understand more clearly how to fight a three-dimensional war, so there is such an order .

All Tracer Ones belong to the Coach and Trial Machines, and are not considered conventional war machines.

As for why it almost fell through, it was only official business.

Only Du Lin's side is directly used for "combat", but it has to be said that the airdrop of this short-range aircraft is too convenient, and the variable terrain of Ambiloo is no longer a difficult and dangerous path under the coverage of the aircraft. Cliffs and cliffs, or deep forests and old forests, can quickly put manpower or materials to the right place.

About a few minutes later, the middle-aged person lying on the ground with all the materials on his body stared at the tree crown, and a group of official persons descended from the tree crown, his face awkwardly disappeared.

He was lifted from the restrictions, and he was taken away from the ground with his head down. He thought it was the end of his wonderful trip. However, after returning to the camp, a large group of people surrounded him ...

Doolin watched Jonathan continue to jump and jump in the woods, and he could not find the kind of timidity that had just been liberated from the office a month ago, with a hint of dogma, and he became more confident and calm. stand up.

"His Excellency, I have your phone, from Saint-Nuline Fantils ...", the waiter stooped beside Du Lin and whispered a notice in his ear, and Du Lin came back, He nodded, then pleaded guilty to friends around him, put on his clothes, and got up to go to a lounge.

There was no one in the lounge. When he entered, the waiter closed the door very intimately. He sat on the sofa, lifted the phone, pressed the connection, and after the radio wave sound in the receiver said it was connected, he said One sentence, "It's me, Dulin."

At the other end of the phone is a young girl, her voice is still a bit immature, "Hello Mr. Du Lin, your wife Ophelia has entered the delivery room. I am here to inform you that your wife is going to have a baby, and you It would be better to come ... "

Du Lin took a moment, then thanked him quickly, and then arranged for the ticket. He couldn't stay here to continue watching the game. After ordering Henry, if he couldn't come back, he would let Henry host the award ceremony on his behalf. Leaving Ambiluo with someone.

On the way, he figured it out. From Ophelia's pregnancy, to now giving birth, it has been eight or nine months, and it may be premature birth.

Along the way, he had a lot of thoughts and didn't say anything. When he rushed to the imperial capital, the news that Ophelia was about to produce had spread throughout the empire and aristocratic circles, as the most successful and most noticeable in the society The marriage, Du Lin and Ophelia's children affect not only some people's hearts, emotions, but also countless entangled interests!

This must be a "son of heaven". From the moment he / she came to this world, he / she stepped on the head of 99.5% of people in this world, as long as he / She is not a fool, he / she can live better than anyone in this life.

There were a lot of people lingering outside the hospital for a while, and some nobles were enthusiastically moving, and even members of the Timamont family began to be sought after and valued to a certain degree.

Because these people will have a junior, a junior they need to look up to.

When Du Lin arrived at the imperial capital, it was already late at night. He got out of the station and waited for a long time, and hurried to the hospital.

At this time, Ophelia has not yet produced, but has entered the delivery room. Having a child is not a simple task. Many people who have not experienced it always feel that it is easy to have a child. It is as simple as three steps.

The first step is about to be born.

The second step was born.

The third step is to go home.

But this is not the case. It takes a long wait from the sign to the actual production, sometimes three or five hours, and sometimes more than ten hours.

As soon as he entered the hospital, a special doctor accompanied Du Lin to the seventh floor of the hospital, where the surgery hall was not the delivery room.

Considering the particularity of Ophelia and the child in her stomach, the hospital is not afraid to take care of it, and take out their best operating room as a delivery room. Even some surgical experts are prepared to have accidents at any time. Preparation for emergency surgery.

As the group walked upstairs, the doctor who received Du Lin introduced the current situation to Du Lin. "Ms. Ophelia is very healthy, but this is her first birth. She has not experienced these. It is inevitable that things will not go well. "

"Actually, this is not a dangerous situation during the production process we have been in contact with. We have already given oxytocin. If Mrs. Ophelia cannot give birth naturally before 3:30, we will consider going through surgery. Way for children to come to life. "

The doctor was a little ... Anyway, it was hard to smile, "Mr. Du Lin, do you and your wife believe in the doctrine of refusing surgical delivery?"

The church had been arguing over whether the surgical delivery was in line with the teachings. It also burned several doctors who advocated for surgical delivery and crucified these people with flames.

Although surgical delivery has not been banned in the modern church, some people still retain the old tradition and believe that surgical delivery is the biggest blasphemy against God.

The birth and death of a person should be decided by God. Surgical delivery is equivalent to skipping this link. If God does not allow the child to come to this world, then the child will not only be blessed by God, but even be blessed by God. curse.

Most of the people who still retain this idea are in the north. Some noble families are still engaged in this set of superstition and backwardness. Ophelia is a noble girl. Du Lin's identity is not simple now, and he is still Guar Special people, the first king and the gods believe, so the doctor asked this question ~ ~ In case of some accidents, these accidents must be resolved through surgery, which can be regarded as the first to pass.

Du Lin said that it didn't matter, he stopped talking, and the whole group stepped up and walked forward. Many people took the initiative to let go. Especially after the seventh floor, there seemed to be no one else on the entire floor.

Standing at the door of the operating room, Du Lin changed clothes and walked in. There was no prohibition for family members to enter. As soon as he entered, he saw Ophelia lying pale on the delivery chair. He went to the girl and helped her. I sorted out the hair that was wet on the forehead by sweat, and then bowed my head and kissed, "It's hard for you."

The girl smiled reluctantly, but it still laughed, and she smiled from the bottom of her heart. She endured the unbearable severe pain, and even became weak and weak. "I'm actually very happy, I want to be a mother, and this is me Children born for you ... "

Du Lin held her hand and accompanied her around her. Fortunately, God finally woke up, realizing that there was a son who was going to be born, and the child gave birth naturally at more than one night.

After the child was born, Ophelia was about to collapse. Everyone's eyes were focused on the child. It was amazing what happened.

The doctor patted the child's buttocks, hoping to make him cry to promote the spontaneous breathing of the lungs. When the cardiopulmonary function was activated, the child did not cry, but laughed, giggled, his voice was crisp and pure. People are stupid.

Never heard that children laugh when they are born, but this time they saw it.

The doctor took care of the umbilical cord and other things after two seconds of choking, and then wrapped the child and sent it to Ophelia, breathing a sigh of relief, "Congratulations, you are a boy!"

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