Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1299: Not proofread, after ten minutes or refresh

Du Lin also was woken up after less than four hours of rest. The housekeeper told him that many people had hoped to meet with Du Lin and Ophelia and their common son as soon as possible.

It was not a misstatement that the steward had the word "see you" and added Toy to it.

In most people's ideas, there are only three people who can represent a family, the first is the founder.

The founder gained merit through his own efforts or flattery and flattering opportunities, regardless of what people think of him when they were alive. In the future, he can represent the family, regardless of the family Is it powerful or fading.

The second person is a contemporary homeowner, such as the Magus of the Timamont family, and Kubar and the like. They can represent a family not because they have great fame and have terrible merits.

In fact, Magus now includes the achievements of other people. After they die, at most, they leave an evaluation of "great people" in history. Soon people will forget them. After his death, He cannot represent the Timamont family.

It was not his merits and achievements that made him represent the Timamont family, but his identity.

The third one is the first heir.

家族 The first heir of a family can often make a statement on behalf of the family behind him when he is an adult. His statement and his commitment are to the nobles and large families like the expression and commitment of the owner.

Even if this is a wrong statement or a wrong promise, the family behind him will acknowledge this and pay the price.

Because the first successor will not be a scandal similar to the killing of some heirs, it can be said that the first successor is destined to become the next generation of homeowners.

His promise was only a part of his power that was decades later, but only part of it.

These three kinds of people can represent a family. If Du Lin represents a newly emerging family from the southwest, the Kema family, then Toy represents a new combination of an emerging force and an old one. Hegemonic family.

To some extent, in the aristocratic social system, the value and importance of Toixma and the power he can access in the future have surpassed Doolin, although the child was born less than twenty-four hours. .

人们 So people use the more serious words like “see you” very seriously. They are not using the wrong words, this is just a rule.

Du Lin rubbed his eyes and rolled over to sit up on the bed, having to say that sometimes it is a very rare experience to sleep in a different bed.

The hospital bed was not soft, it was very hard, but there was an indescribable sense of security when sleeping on it, so that Du Lin had fallen asleep before he had time to think about something.

He is very energetic now. He patted his cheek and went into the bathroom. After a brief grooming, he quickly walked out, put on his clothes and walked outside while instructing the housekeeper to let him worship those people. Clean up, he will receive the most important guests in the evening.

"Sir, and Orientals ..."

Dulin's footsteps, looked at the housekeeper in surprise, "Oriental?"

The steward stopped slightly behind Du Lin's side, highlighting the dominant position of Du Lin between the two sides. He bowed his head and said, "Oriental, sir. 'Supervisor, he personally came to pay respects, hoping to meet you.'

Du Lin thought carefully. The rising sun should be a rising sun or a rising east. This kind of name is not very suitable in the feudal society in the East. Toulin is in a different world. The cognition of the ancient emperors, these names may be taboo anytime, anywhere.

After thinking about it for a moment, he asked the housekeeper to arrange it. He would see the steward in the afternoon. He was very curious. People from the East would tell him something.

Ophelia was really tired yesterday and is still sleeping. The nurse said that the girl got up to feed her baby once, and the mother and son have been sleeping until now.

Dulin looked through the glass window, and then left. Around Ophelia's production and Toy's birth, he had many things to deal with.

In the afternoon, he met guests from the East in the manor Henry sent him. His manor had been renovated into a fairy tale castle. The prominent colors and exaggerated artistic style were not suitable as a place to receive people.

It happened that Henry sent a manor over, and Du Lin received it immediately without declining. He thought it might be a deliberate arrangement by Mr. Nate. Like this industry tycoon who has been alive and has not died, he can still call the wind. It's human.

It was about two o'clock in the afternoon. The shopkeeper of Dongsheng Commercial Bank appeared in Du Lin's new manor. Only two people accompanied him, one male and one female, were young.

They wear clothing with oriental characteristics, which is very easy to identify. As the communication between the east and the west is getting closer, the curiosity of the society in the east has also entered an outbreak period. It can be seen that some products with oriental characteristics are selling well. Some ladies with good stature are also willing to go out wearing oriental-style clothes. In the past two years, it seems that anything related to the East has become a trend.

林 Du Lin didn't know when the shopkeeper later introduced himself. The shopkeeper's last name was Du Peng. Du Lin didn't know whether this was his real name or a translated name.

He did not reveal his ability to understand and speak Oriental languages. Fortunately, Dupont's shopkeeper can speak fluent linguistics. When he speaks, he always laughs, the temperature is mild, and every word is spoken very accurately. The speed of speech is not fast, which can easily make a good initial impression of him.

"Mr. Du Lin, the first thing I need to do is to congratulate you. I heard that you and your wife's children have been born safely. This is great. For this I have brought some gifts to you, your wife. And your child. ", He has some distinctive expressions in the expression, although this cannot be said that he was wrong, but always makes people feel a little funny, or novel.

He took a red-lacquered gift card from the boy around him, clinging to the scroll of the gift card with one hand, holding his back with one hand, and dragging the hand holding the gift scroll, and the gift card stretched between his hands. See ... "

The above is not a box character, it has been replaced by a common word in the west. I have to say that this is a very expensive gift list. There are ninety-nine nuts made of various pounds of gold alone. This is not another. Some precious things.

Du Lin nodded and said thank you. He was not polite. This is not a Western habit. At the same time, he was curious. What do they want to give such a valuable gift?

Oriental people are very strange. This is almost clear to people who are somewhat familiar with Oriental people. They refuse to open their homeland on a large scale, but they are very enthusiastic about cultural exchanges between the two sides.

It is said that they have purchased a lot of patents and authorized them to go back to the East. In view of people's unfamiliarity with the East and the lack of perfect supervision channels to monitor whether the use of these patents in the East is in compliance with legal requirements, the price of each license is very High, but these can not stop the Oriental people from buying and buying.

They wield all kinds of gold products in exchange for everything they need. Except for some high-end technologies that are not sold, most of the civilian and industrial technologies have been bought back by them.

Do they want to initiate the Industrial Revolution?

Du Lin doesn't think so. If a society's shape wants to change, it can't be accomplished by relying on huge changes in a short period of time. This requires a long cumulative process. They cannot immediately allow the society to enter the industrial revolution period. It is impossible to shake the feudal rule, which is what Doulin's most curious about, what they want to do.

After a moment of stinging, he returned to his mind. Du Peng's hand loosened, and the scroll slowly retracted. He put the gift slip back into the box and pushed it to Du Lin's side.

Du Lin gave the gift list to the housekeeper, and the housekeeper and others would arrange someone to hold the gift list to check whether those gifts are consistent with the list on the gift list.

"Very shocking gift sheet, I don't know how much it is worth, but I have seen your sincerity, what can I help you with?", Du Lin was very straightforward, DuPont could not know that he was right How much do Eastern cultures know, so "stupid" Westerners and their "stupid" straightforward can sometimes have very good results.

Du Peng pouted and smiled. This guy is very attractive. He looks more than thirty years old, with a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows, and gives a very reliable feeling. He has a sense of righteousness and righteousness that cannot be said.

He lowered his head slightly, then looked up at Du Lin again, and asked a question, "Mr. Du Lin, we are also human, but just because of some changes in appearance, we have encountered very unfair treatment. You Think it makes sense? "

Du Peng's opening remarks made Du Lin sting a bit, because he smelled a hint of "premeditation" from this, his speaking skills, the way of speaking, and the content of this sentence were obviously carefully designed.

It directly hit the core part of Du Lin. He is not the mainstream Ogdin in the society, but the Guarth.

This will make Du Lin naturally have a good impression on Du Peng's heart. Whether he feels this sentence is right or not, it is difficult to prevent closeness from the same fate.

Minorities will never find real fairness in society, not false fairness, just fairness!

Du Lin looked at Du Peng, Du Peng faced Du Lin's eyes without fear and smiled.

In fact, behind the Dongsheng Commercial Bank is the royal family of the Daqin Empire. As Dupont, who was dispatched to the Western continent as the director, found a problem. These savage people in the West are not as verbal as those recorded in previous documents. .

Their society has a distinctive form, and more importantly, the western science and technology civilization obviously exceeds the technological development of the east. Therefore, the task of the royal family to Dupont is to reproduce as much technology as possible in the east. Cultivate a group of "scientists" belonging to the East.

However, the problem is that ordinary patented technologies are very easy to buy. Once some core patented technologies are involved, these people die biting their teeth and refuse to relax, giving no money to sell.

This made Du Peng very nerve-wracking. This time he heard that Du Lin ’s child was born. He just took this opportunity to visit Du Lin. If he can communicate with those businessmen through Du Lin, it may be more convenient.

Whether it is in the East or the West, the expression of power may be different, but the essence is always the same, it is unique, and it is exclusive.

DuPont chose the upper course very correctly, but he underestimated two things.

The first thing is that high-tech patents mean that a company or a group can make a profit in the next five to twenty years. They can only sell these things cheaply if they are crazy.

The second thing is that the wisdom of people on this land has been circulating for a long time, such as "if our hair color is different, our pupil color is different, and our skin color is different, even if we are all running with red blood, it will not prove that we are the same family. "Beware of outsiders has never stopped.

那些 The things he can buy ~ ~ are actually patents that are about to be phased out.

Du Lin did not give a clear answer to Du Peng. This conflicts with his own interests. Du Peng cannot give him what he wants, but it will block his way forward, unless the other party can come up with something that makes Du Lin heartbeat. Otherwise, this will be their first and last meeting.

After sending DuPont away, Du Lin made a phone call to the Social Service Bureau and asked, they are also in charge of patent registration. There, he soon communicated with Du Lin on this issue to ensure that important technologies would not flow out. .

Everyone can see that the Orientals have great ambitions!

From the time Dupont was sent off, successive visitors from Durin began to appear. They probably all followed the same process. They said something nice to Durin, and then sat down to talk about the recent weather issues. No fish, whose dog has been lost recently.

Then left a lot of gifts and left to leave, not talking about more substantial things, after all, this is also a ritual process.

And more ritualistic things will be placed when Doolin baptizes Toy, that is the most critical thing in the whole thing.

Since coming to the imperial capital, he can't help but go to see Magus. Dooling asked for a car after dinner in the evening. Without notifying Kubar, his stomach went to the institute where Magus was being treated.

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