Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1315: slip

On the weekend, bid farewell to the spectacular Western Battle Royale Individual and Team Tournaments in Abilúo. Du Lin arrived in the capital before August.

After August will enter the "Golden March", and various regions will start to discuss the momentum of the mid-term elections.

For a long time in the past, the symbolic significance of the mid-term general elections was far greater than the actual meaning. Even though some government officials were stupid and ridiculous during their reign, the citizens of the empire were very forgiving, and they would give these stupids a chance to change. .

Moreover, everyone is very much obedient to a silent tacit agreement, which is a common rule, that is, try not to start a large-scale and long-lasting election campaign. This is not a general election, and it is not meaningful to launch a positive war.

Of course, that ’s the way to say it, but you still have to do it. After entering September, various places will start to build momentum for the general election. Posters for various candidates will be posted on each side of the street. The place.

In fact, this is also preparing for the general election four years later. The candidates hope to ensure that they will not be forgotten by the public through the campaign of the mid-term election.

Those who have won the election have continued their influence through various publicity methods.

Those candidates will also take various publicity vehicles or even walk, appear on the streets and lanes, initiate passionate and generous speeches, or have cordial conversations with the people.

For the people, September to the end of the year will be a very interesting time, because they can see many "scandals" in politics, and thus get many benefits, such as fried chicken and fruit wine.

Labour Party activities are much more frequent than the other three parties. It is said that some people wrote to the Labor Party headquarters, thinking that the Labour Party ’s logo should be replaced by fried chicken and fruit wine. Each of their activities will distribute a large amount of fried chicken fruit wine for free. To attract workers to join.

Some people think that the Labor Party's move is tantamount to trying to use the favors to buy the working class, but it has to be said that this trick is very useful. Many people just joined the Labour Party in order to obtain these fried chicken and fruit wine for free, and they never participated. For all activities and sports, make sure that you eat a lot of fried chicken every month, leaving no drop of fruit wine.

The capitalists, once hated by the unions and the working class, finally appeared in the eyes of the Labour Party with a positive image. They generously solved the issue of funding for the various movements of the Labour Party without much demand.

These Labour Party members who have taken advantage of themselves will naturally begin to maintain the image of these capitalists. This is a win-win situation.

This year's Golden March will not be much different from the previous Golden March, but there will be some changes in some aspects, because this year there are more Labor and Imperial parties.

Except that the Labour Party has so far declared that they want real workers to be the spokespersons of the working class, they do not have a clear political agenda, more like a toss without a clear purpose, but no one would look down on them.

That's how tossing and tossing. Unexpectedly, the number of registered Labour Party leaders has led the other three parties. In the statistics from the end of June to the beginning of July, the number of registered Labour Party members exceeded five million at one time, far exceeding the New Party and the Old Party The number of registered people, even the world ’s largest party, is not one.

The number of participants went up, and even if they were not aggressive, people would not take them lightly.

The other difference is the Imperial Party.

After more than half a year of integration and construction, the Ba'ath Party has completed all the party building work and established the Ba'ath Party, which is the Emperor Party in the mouth of the people.

The great prince is currently acting as Ba'ath Party leader. A middle-aged person who has little fame in the society has become the chairman of the Ba'ath Party committee. According to Kubar, this guy is the next head of the Rose Knights. .

In addition, all the branches and leaves are complete, and the Ba'ath Party is officially "online". This time, they sloganed actively in the four cities in the north. Judging from the current situation obtained by Du Lin, there is not much resistance.

This may involve more deeper internal transactions. In the last meeting, Kubar told Durin that the grand prince seems to have reached some agreement with some nobles in the north, and the grand prince can get actual control of some cities.

Once Baath Party can take control of a few cities, it means that Baath Party will truly squeeze into the political stage of the empire.

Before they got real relevant rights, they had no seats in the Imperial Parliament, and their power was not recognized, but when some of them became parliamentarians, mayors, and even governors, it signaled that the Baath Party began to set foot in the real Political arena.

They are not as powerful as the Labour Party, but they are ahead of the Labour Party.

The two emerging parties watched, or expressed their desire for empire power directly or secretly, but the two old parties were a little dark and lacking vitality.

After three and a half years in office, Kubar's ability to govern has been basically accepted by the people of the empire. The international financial and trade organization he promoted alone is enough to make him reelection.

In addition, he also accomplished a lot of political goals that can be said to be remarkable, such as reintegrating the Navy into the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense and other things. In opinion polls, his approval rate was slightly lower than the previous election strategy. About sixty-eighth.

Not all the old parties have only good ones, but actually there are also bad ones. For example, the views of the lower levels of society on the old parties have generally declined, and they think that the old party's treatment of ordinary people and the lower levels of society is far less important than the new party .

They put more energy into catering to the middle and upper classes of society, creating an invisible class and a privileged class for these people, and this is the main problem they have been criticized.

As for the New Party ... not to mention.

The problems within the party were better after last year's deterrence by Du Lin ’s threat, but they were only slightly better. Some people did not stop because of Du Lin ’s threat. They just did n’t contact more people. Leave together.

Coupled with the attractiveness of the Labor Party to the civilians and the attractiveness of the Imperial Party to some of the nobles, Magus' "coma" and the inaction of the party's top officials did indeed make many people feel disappointed.

After leaving some people, the situation is a little more stable, but the new party's drive is obviously inadequate compared with the enthusiasm of the Labor Party and the Emperor Party who can't wait to appear every day.

If there is no change in this situation, there will definitely be another group of people leaving before the general election.

At this time, it was also the time when Du Lin could go further. In the first two years, even if it was one year ago, he would take a step forward, and many people would object.

His age is always his fatal flaw. If he is ten or twenty years old, no one in the New Party can be a stumbling block to him.

But he is too young, and even if he is a young governor, he will be promoted to the top five political figures in the party. Even if he does n’t say it, he wo n’t admit it, all because of Du Lin ’s own ability. .

They would regard Du Lin as a thief who stole the fruits of victory that belonged to someone else, or a clown clown who was fortunate to marry a daughter of the Timamont family. On the issue of power, there are many things that can be compromised, but also Not so much.

So he must endure a governorship and then launch this plan. He must endure in the west until today.

Three years and eight months of governorship made Du Lin nearly infinitely close to 30 years old. He was only a teenager when he left the house, and now 12 years have passed in a blink of an eye.

In fact, from the beginning to the present, he has also spent a lot of time and energy, he is not without any effort, he pays even more than others.

But people can't see this, because he is less than thirty years old.

When he saw Du Lin, Bowers's expression was obviously changed. He did not expect that Du Lin would come to find himself. Du Lin seemed to be more mature than before, but Bowers seemed younger than before.

The human thing is really strange. After losing the psychological baggage, I feel comfortable in making money and fishing all day. Bowers' wrinkles appear to be a little dry and vicissitude. His face has become fuller. Get fatter.

Du Lin strode into Bowers's office. The leader's secretary stood helpless outside the door, and there was still a little anxiety, and she did not fulfill the responsibility of a secret technique.

Bowers waved his hand a little irritably, then looked at Du Lin who walked across from him and was not polite at all, and frowned, "I will participate in an event when we will wait, we can try to be as simple as possible The problem is resolved. "

He didn't like Doolin, he didn't like Doolin as before, and even hated Doolin.

We are all born in poverty, why is our destiny so different?

He fought all his life, whether it was prestige or lost his face, and at the end he mixed up with a New Party leader who did n’t have much practical power, and a hairy kid like Dulin is destined to become the prime minister of the empire?

Decades of struggle are not as good fortune as a young man. This kind of thing is hard to accept for anyone. What is even harder to accept is that he used to be one step away from Du Lin's "good luck".

He even touched those things. As long as the woman promised to marry himself, the future that Du Lin could have in the future was his present.

But he still lost that opportunity and lost it forever, so that he doesn't have much confidence now when facing this young man.

Du Lin nodded, "This is what I want to say, we lack the basis for chatting, so it is good for business affairs ..." This sentence gave Bowworth a sigh of relief, it sounded like Du Lin seemed Not for trouble.

He has only been doing his own thing for more than a year, and has not offended Du Lin at all, so that he intentionally avoids this crazy dog.

Thinking of this, there was a little smile on his face, and he pretended to be generous, "If there is anything I can help, please tell me!"

Du Lin nodded, tilted his legs, and said with a smile, "Well, please recover ..."

Sickness ... This word can be regarded as a new word. It only appeared in the thesaurus last year. The whole process should be a short sentence-unable to continue working because of illness, and retire early.

The reason Du Lin wants to make Bowers sick and not for any other reason is that the illness is simpler than some irresistible factors, not like it is full of conspiracy.

If you are obviously healthy but retired because of some inconvenience, it will inevitably make people wonder if there is something unseen in it.

But you ca n’t get sick, because everyone gets sick, which is an irresistible natural law.

This was just a simple sentence, but it changed Bowers's face several times. He naturally understood what Du Lin said, and his eyes became a bit dangerous. "Do you mean ... let me retire early?" "

Du Lin shrugged. "If you understand it this way, there is no problem. I mean that."

Bowers laughed angrily. "Do you think I would agree with your excessive request?"

Du Lin pouted his lips. "Then we change the requirements slightly. If you are sick now, I can choose not to see what you have done in the past."

Bowerston frowned, and his tone became a little angry. "Are you threatening me?"

"Threat?" Du Lin Haha laughed twice. "No, I just give you a choice. The choice is yours, and I personally suggest you do as I say."

Bowers took a deep breath, pressed his anger and pointed to the door, "Get out, immediately!"

If the conflict between Du Lin and him before can be regarded as Du Lin's provocation against him, then Du Lin's request to him is an insult to him.

Magus played with him for many years, and when his successor, Doolin, came to humiliate him, this made Bowos emotionally ups and downs. He pointed at the door and growled loudly, "Go!"

Du Lin's expression grew colder, he stood up, looked down at Bowers, his tone fluttered softly, "You rejected my goodwill ..." He said that he paused for a moment, then spread a smile, as if Bowers let him get off just a joke, "May God bless you!"

Watching Du Lin leave, UU reads Bowos's undulating chest is gradually getting better, somehow being insulted and making Bowos uneasy, he took a few steps back and forth, Thinking about what the purpose of Doolin was.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't understand why Du Lin suddenly came to humiliate himself, just to be happy?

He looked at his watch. The time for the event was approaching. He packed up and walked out of the office, and quickly walked up the stairs.

As the leader of the New Party, Bowers' office is naturally on the highest floor of the office building. This old building is not equipped with an elevator, but fortunately it is only five floors high.

There is a return staircase that leads directly to the first floor. Walking on this staircase can overlook the situation of the entire office hall. This is also one of the privileges of the leader.

At the moment he lifted his feet, Bowers' face turned wild. He felt that someone was pushing himself heavily behind his back, right in front of his office, in the new party's nest!

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